Enabling User Data Services

User Data Services (UDS) is installed with IBM Cloud Pak foundational services. However, after you install foundational services, you need to perform additional steps.

You can use the IBM UDS operator to create and manage Analytics Proxy or Analytics Proxy with Submodule custom resource (CR).

To create an instance of the Analytics Proxy or Analytics Proxy With Submodule CR, complete the following actions.

Online scenario:

  1. Installing Analytics Proxy CR OR Installing Analytics Proxy With Submodule CR

  2. Generating API key

Offline scenario:

Offline installation (airgap)

Note: Before you create an instance of the Analytics Proxy CR, you must have User Data Services installed with IBM Cloud Pak foundational services.


IBM UDS operator requires certified-operators catalog source in READY state (for both online and offline installation) as it installs RedHat Certified Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes as a dependency.

Optional steps

  1. Log in to the OpenShift cluster and switch to the ibm-common-services project. Run the following commands:

    oc login --token=<token> --server=<server-url>
    oc project ibm-common-services
  2. Create a secret named mtls-proxy-secret, which has the client key and certificate to connect to IBM Proxy service.

    oc create secret tls mtls-proxy-secret --key client-key.pem --cert client.pem
  3. Create a secret named uds-cert-secret to store custom domain certificate for UDS. This secret needs to be created only if tls.uds_host value is set with your custom domain.

    oc create secret tls uds-cert-secret --key domain.key --cert domain.crt
  4. Create a secret named submodule-cert-secret to store custom domain certificate for Submodule. This secret needs to be created only if tls.submodule_host value is set with your custom domain.

    oc create secret tls submodule-cert-secret --key domain.key --cert domain.crt
  5. Create a secret named airgap-cert-secret to store custom domain certificate for airgap. This secret needs to be created only if tls.airgap_host value is set with your custom domain and airgappeddeployment.enabled value is set to true.

    oc create secret tls airgap-cert-secret --key domain.key --cert domain.crt
  6. Create a secret named external-db-config to store EnterpriseDB credentials. You need to create this secret only if you set db_type to postgres/edb.

    oc create secret generic external-db-config  \
    --from-literal=db_host=<host> \
    --from-literal=db_name=<dbname> \
    --from-literal=db_port=<db-port> \
    --from-literal=password=<db-password> \
    --from-literal=submodule_db_name=<submodule-db-name>  \
  7. Create a secret named external-db-certs to store certificate for EnterpriseDB. You need to create this secret only if you set db_type to postgres/edb.

    oc create secret tls external-db-certs --key dbtls.key --cert dbtls.crt

Installing Analytics Proxy custom resource

Learn how to install Analytics Proxy.

Note: Analytics Proxy is supported on Linux® x86_64 and Linux® on Power® (ppc64le).

By using the console

  1. From the navigation pane, click Operators > Installed Operators.
  2. Set the project to All Projects.
  3. Find and select IBM User Data Services.
  4. Click Create instance on the Analytics Proxy Deployment tile.
  5. Select YAML View and update the YAML definition. To view a list of the parameters that you can configure in the spec section, see List of configurable parameters.

Following is an example of the YAML snapshot.

The image shows the AnalyticsProxy YAML.

  1. Click Create.

The deployment takes around 25 minutes. After that time, the deployment status changes to Ready.

The image shows the the deployment status set to Ready.

By using the CLI

  1. Log in to the cluster by using the oc login command.

  2. Create a YAML file named analyticsproxy.yaml with the following definition:

  apiVersion: uds.ibm.com/v1
  kind: AnalyticsProxy
    name: analyticsproxy
    namespace: ibm-common-services
      accept: true
        storage_size: 10G
      storage_size: 5G
      zookeeper_storage_size: 5G
      zookeeper_tmpdirsizelimit: 10Mi
        topic_max_ram_percentage: 10
        user_max_ram_percentage: 10
      enabled: false
    env_type: lite
    event_scheduler_frequency: '@hourly'
    storage_class: ibmc-block-bronze
      http_proxy: ''
      https_proxy: ''
      no_proxy: ''
    ibmproxyurl: 'https://iaps.ibm.com'
    allowed_domains: '*'
      backup_frequency: '@daily'
      backup_type: incremental
      storage_size: 10G
      airgap_host: ''
      uds_host: ''
    db_type: internal
  1. Create the analyticsproxy instance.
oc apply -f analyticsproxy.yaml
  1. Verify that the analyticsproxy instance is created.

```c d oc get AnalyticsProxy.uds.ibm.com analyticsproxy

The deployment takes around 25 minutes. After that time, the deployment status changes to **Ready**.

5. To get the route for the User Data Services endpoint URL, go to **Networking** > **Routes**. Search for **uds-endpoint** to get the User Data Services endpoint URL.

## Installing Analytics Proxy with Submodule custom resource

Learn how to install Analytics Proxy with Submodule.

Note: You need to create the entitled registry secret before creating an instance of AnalyticsProxyWithSubmodule custom resource. For more information, see [Creating the entitled registry secret](../../installer/3.x.x/install_operator.html#er).

**Note:** Analytics Proxy with Submodule is not supported on Linux on Power (ppc64le).

### By using the console

1. From the navigation pane, click **Operators** > **Installed Operators**.
2. Set the project to **All Projects**.
3. Find and select **IBM User Data Services**.
4. Click **Create instance** on the **Analytics Proxy With Submodule Deployment** tile.
5. Select **YAML View** and update the YAML definition. To view a list of the parameters that you can configure in the `spec` section, see [List of configurable parameters](#ap_spec).

Following is an example of the YAML snapshot.

![The image shows the AnalyticsProxyWithSubmodule YAML.](../../images/Portal-analytics-submodule-yaml.png)

6. Click **Create**.

The deployment takes around 25 minutes. After that time, the deployment status changes to **Ready**.

![The image shows the the deployment status set to Ready.](../../images/Portal-analytics-submodule-instance-status1.png)

### By using the CLI

1. Log in to the cluster by using the oc login command.

2. Create a YAML file named `analyticsproxywithsubmodule.yaml` with the following definition:

  apiVersion: uds.ibm.com/v1
  kind: AnalyticsProxyWithSubmodule
    name: analyticsproxywithsubmodule
    namespace: ibm-common-services
      accept: true
        storage_size: 10G
    submodule_scheduler_frequency: '@hourly'
    image_pull_secret: ibm-entitlement-key
      storage_size: 5G
      zookeeper_storage_size: 5G
      zookeeper_tmpdirsizelimit: 10Mi
        topic_max_ram_percentage: 10
        user_max_ram_percentage: 10
      enabled: false
    env_type: lite
    event_scheduler_frequency: '@hourly'
    storage_class: ibmc-block-bronze
      http_proxy: ''
      https_proxy: ''
      no_proxy: ''
    ibmproxyurl: 'https://iaps.ibm.com'
    allowed_domains: '*'
      backup_frequency: '@daily'
      backup_type: incremental
      storage_size: 10G
      airgap_host: ''
      submodule_host: ''
      uds_host: ''
    db_type: internal
  1. Create the analyticsproxywithsubmodule instance.
oc apply -f analyticsproxywithsubmodule.yaml
  1. Verify that the analyticsproxywithsubmodule instance is created.
oc get AnalyticsProxyWithSubmodule.uds.ibm.com analyticsproxieswithsubmodules

The deployment takes around 25 minutes. After that time, the deployment status changes to Ready.

  1. To get the route for the User Data Services endpoint URL, go to Networking > Routes. Search for uds-endpoint to get the User Data Services endpoint URL.

  2. To get the route for the Submodule endpoint URL, go to Networking > Routes. Search for submodule-endpoint to get the Submodule endpoint URL.

List of configurable parameters

Parameter Description Default Value
license.accept Set this parameter to true to accept the license. You must accept the license agreement to deploy Analytics Proxy. For more information, see License Agreement. false
ibmproxyurl The URL of IBM Proxy Service. https://iaps.ibm.com
storage_class Specify the storage class(block storage only) of ReadWriteOnce type. No default value. Input required.
postgres.size Specify the size of the storage to be attached to the Postgres database in Gigabytes. 10G
postgres.backup_frequency Frequency of job to take incremental database backup. @daily
postgres.backup_type Database backup type [ full/incremental ]. incremental
kafka.storage_size Specify the size of the storage to be attached to Kafka in Gigabytes. 5G
kafka.zookeeper_storage_size Specify the size of the storage to be attached to Zookeeper in Gigabytes. 5G
kafka.zookeeper_tmpdirsizelimit /tmp directory size limit for zookeeper pod 10Mi
kafka.entity_operator.topic_max_ram_percentage MaxRAMPercentage value of topic container of entityOperator pod 10
kafka.entity_operator.user_max_ram_percentage MaxRAMPercentage value of user container of entityOperator pod 10
airgappeddeployment.enabled Set the value to true to enable air-gapped setup. Otherwise, keep the default value. false
event_scheduler_frequency Specify the frequency with which events are forwarded to proxy in Cron format. In case the internet connection is available on the cluster only during a certain time frame, specify time in UTC equivalent Cron format. @hourly
submodule_scheduler_frequency Specify the frequency of the Submodule Scheduler in Cron format. In case the internet connection is available on the cluster only during a certain time frame, specify time in UTC equivalent Cron format. @hourly
image_pull_secret Set the secret to pull container images from registry. ibm-entitlement-key
db_archive.persistent_storage.storage_size Specify the size of the storage to be attached for saving air-gapped files in Gigabytes. 10G
env_type Set the environment type to lite or prod. You can enable HA when you set the value to prod. lite
allowed_domains Specify the domains, separated with comma, that are allowed by UDS. By default, all domains are allowed. '*'
tls.uds_host Specify the custom domain name for uds-endpoint if required. ''
tls.submodule_host Specify the custom domain name for submodule-endpoint if required. ''
tls.airgap_host Specify the custom domain name for airgap-endpoint if required. ''
proxy_settings.https_proxy Https URL of the proxy server. Use only when configuring a proxy is required. ''
proxy_settings.http_proxy Http URL of the proxy server. Use only when configuring a proxy is required. ''
proxy_settings.no_proxy List of hosts that are reached directly, bypassing the proxy. Specify wildcard domain in the following format. Use comma as the delimiter. For example: localhost,.my.host.com, Use only when configuring a proxy is required. ''
db_type Type of database. Can be 'internal' (Crunchy Postgres), 'postgres/edb' (Enterprise DB-external, Postgres-external). 'internal'

Generating API Key

Learn how to generate api key.

Create Generate Key instance by using the console

Generate a Key for authenticating UDS endpoints.

  1. From the navigation pane, click Operators > Installed Operators.

  2. Set the project to All Projects.

  3. Find and select IBM User Data Services.

  4. Click Create instance on the Generate Key tile.

  5. Select YAML View and update the YAML definition. Specify the value of the name parameter, and click Create.

The image shows where to generate a key in OCP console.

  1. Change the metadata.name value in the yaml, and then click Create.

The image shows the Generate Key YAML.

Create GenerateKey instance by using the CLI

  1. Create a YAML file named apikey.yaml with the following definition:
  apiVersion: uds.ibm.com/v1
  kind: GenerateKey
    name: uds-api-key
    namespace: ibm-common-services
    image_pull_secret: ibm-entitlement-key
  1. Create the GenerateKey instance.
oc apply -f apikey.yaml
  1. Verify that the GenerateKey instance is created.
oc get GenerateKey.uds.ibm.com uds-api-key

Offline installation (airgap)

If you are installing UDS in an air-gapped environment, set the airgappeddeployment.enabled parameter value to true.

Note: You can download the data by using the Dockerized CLI which does not come out-of-box in air-gapped deployment.

Enable Http2 support for airgap service

To enable Http2 support for airgap service on OpenShift, execute following command.

oc -n openshift-ingress-operator annotate ingresscontrollers/default ingress.operator.openshift.io/default-enable-http2=true

Using the Dockerized client

To download the air-gapped Docker image on Bastion host, use the following command:

docker pull icr.io/cpopen/ibm-uds/dataexchange-cli:2.0.10

Obtaining the authentication token

Obtain the authentication token from your OpenShift console.

  1. Navigate to User Management > Service Accounts > user-data-services-operator.

  2. Click the user-data-services-operator.

  3. Scroll down to the Secrets section and select the user-data-services-operator-token-XXXXX secret.

  4. Copy the value from token. Place it in a separate file on your machine with the name token.

Creating the config.yaml with the token

Create the config.yaml file with the following contents:

address: hostname_of_service:port_of_service
insecure: false
token-path: /usr/local/app/token

Note: The token-path must have the prefix /usr/local/app/.


Following are the commands provided by the command-line tool.

Listing files

Run the following command to list files.

docker run -v "<drive_name>:<folder_created_on_host_machine>/":/usr/local/app icr.io/cpopen/ibm-uds/dataexchange-cli:2.0.10 list --config usr/local/app/config.yaml

For example:

docker run -v "D:/Airgap/":/usr/local/app icr.io/cpopen/ibm-uds/dataexchange-cli:2.0.10 list --config usr/local/app/config.yaml

Downloading files

Run the following command to download the files.

docker run -v "<drive_name>:<folder_created_on_host_machine>/":/usr/local/app icr.io/cpopen/ibm-uds/dataexchange-cli:2.0.10 download --file-name <filename_with_extension> -o usr/local/app/ --config usr/local/app/config.yaml

Generating backup

Run the following command to generate backup.

docker run -v "<drive_name>:<folder_created_on_host_machine>/":/usr/local/app icr.io/cpopen/ibm-uds/dataexchange-cli:2.0.10 backup --format csv --from-date 2020-01-01 --to-date 2021-01-01 --config usr/local/app/config.yaml --verbose

Using the Upload UI

The Upload UI is set up at the IBM network. Reach out to the Edge team for getting the required access.

Complete these steps to upload the file:

  1. Select the product.

  2. Click Add File to upload the file.

  3. Browse and select the file that you downloaded earlier.

  4. Click Upload to upload the file.

After the file successfully uploads, you see a message about it.