
This section provides all the details to install and validate, uninstall, and upgrade your installation.

If you are using foundational services as part of an IBM Cloud Pak®, see the documentation for that IBM Cloud Pak® to learn more about how to install and use the services. For more information about IBM Cloud Paks, see IBM Cloud Paks that use IBM Cloud Pak foundational services.

What's new for the Installer

The installer version sections are listed based on when the installer was released, from the newest to the oldest release.

Installer version 3.23.x

Installer version 3.22.x

Installer version 3.21.x

Installer version 3.20.x

Installer version 3.19.x

Installer version 3.18.x

Installer version 3.17.x

Installer version 3.16.0

Installer version 3.15.0

Version 3.15 introduces the following updates:

Installer version 3.14.0

In version 3.14.0, the following update has been introduced to the air-gapped installation documentation:

Installer version 3.13.0

No significant changes are introduced in installer version 3.13.0.

Installer version 3.12.0

To learn more, see Supported OpenShift versions and platforms.

Installer version 3.11.0

Installer version 3.11.0 is the September, 2021 release. IBM Cloud Pak solutions use this version to install foundational services in their Cloud Paks. The IBM Cloud Pak foundational services operator is the installer. For more information, see Installer v3.x.x.

For more information about the installer-related changes, see What's new in the foundational services.

Installer version 3.10.0

Installer version 3.10.0 is the August, 2021 release. IBM Cloud Pak solutions use this version to install foundational services in their Cloud Paks. The IBM Cloud Pak foundational services operator is the installer. For more information, see Installer v3.x.x.

For more information about the installer-related changes, see What's new in the foundational services.

Installer version 3.9.0

Installer version 3.9.0 is the July, 2021 release. IBM Cloud Pak solutions use this version to install foundational services in their Cloud Paks. The IBM Cloud Pak foundational services operator is the installer. For more information, see Installer v3.x.x.

For more information about the installer-related changes, see What's new in the foundational services.

Installer version 3.8.0

Installer version 3.8.0 is the June, 2021 release. IBM Cloud Pak solutions use this version to install foundational services in their Cloud Paks. The IBM Cloud Pak foundational services operator is the installer. For more information, see Installer v3.x.x.

For more information about the installer-related changes, see What's new in the foundational services.

Each foundational service has an operator. The IBM Cloud Pak foundational services operator installs the Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager Operator and the IBM NamespaceScope Operator. The Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager installs the foundational services by using the service operators.

For the documentation of a foundational service that you install, see the documents that are in the operator version of the service. For example, if you install the Identity and Access Management (IAM) service, which is installed by using the ibm-iam-operator version 3.10.x, you must follow the documents that are in IAM (operator) section.

The foundational service operator versions are listed in IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Operators and versions.

You can upgrade from installer version 1.1.0 to installer version 3.6.x, then upgrade from 3.6.x to 3.7.x. You can upgrade from installer version 3.4.x, 3.5.x, 3.6.x, or 3.7.x to version 3.8.0. For more information, see Upgrading foundational services from an operator release.

Installer version 3.7.x

Installer version 3.7.x is the February, 2021 release. IBM Cloud Paks use this version to install foundational services in their Cloud Paks. The IBM Cloud Pak foundational services operator is the installer. For more information, see Installer v3.x.x.

For more information about the installer-related changes, see What's new in the foundational services.

Each foundational service has an operator. The IBM Cloud Pak foundational services operator installs the Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager Operator and the IBM NamespaceScope Operator. The Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager installs the foundational services by using the service operators.

For the documentation of a foundational service that you install, see the documents that are in the operator version of the service. For example, if you install the Identity and Access Management (IAM) service, which is installed by using the ibm-iam-operator version 3.9.x, you must follow the documents that are in IAM (operator) section.

The foundational service operator versions are listed in IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Operators and versions.

You can upgrade from installer version 1.1.0 to installer version 3.7.x, and from installer version 3.4.x, 3.5.x, or 3.6.x to version 3.7.x. For more information, see Upgrading foundational services from an operator release.

Installer version 3.6.x

Installer version 3.6.x is the December, 2020 release. IBM Cloud Paks use this version to install foundational services in their Cloud Paks. The IBM Cloud Pak foundational services operator is the installer. For more information, see Installer v3.x.x.

Each foundational service has an operator. The IBM Cloud Pak foundational services operator installs the Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager Operator and the IBM NamespaceScope Operator. The Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager installs the foundational services by using the service operators.

For the documentation of a foundational service that you install, see the documents that are in the operator version of the service. For example, if you install the Identity and Access Management (IAM) service, which is installed by using the ibm-iam-operator version 3.8.x, you must follow the documents that are in IAM (operator) section.

The foundational service operator versions are listed in IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Operators and versions.

You can upgrade from installer version 1.1.0 to installer version 3.6.x, and from installer version 3.4.x or 3.5.x to 3.6.x. For more information, see Upgrading foundational services from an operator release.

Installer version 3.5.x

Installer version 3.5.x is the September, 2020 release. IBM Cloud Paks use this version to install foundational services in their Cloud Paks. The IBM Common Service Operator is the installer. For more information, see Installer v3.5.x.

Each foundational service has an operator. The IBM Common Service Operator installs the Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager Operator, which installs the foundational services by using the service operators.

For the documentation of a foundational service that you install, see the documents that are in the operator version of the service. For example, if you install the audit logging service, which is installed by using the ibm-auditlogging-operator version 3.7.x, you must follow the documents that are in Audit logging (operator) section.

All foundational service operators have a higher version. However, the version change is minor. For the September, 2020 release operator versions, see IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Operators and versions.

You can upgrade from installer version 1.1.0 to installer version 3.5.x, and from installer version 3.4.x to 3.5.x. For more information, see Upgrading foundational services from an operator release.

You can upgrade from installer version 3.2.x to installer version 3.4.x. For more information, see Upgrading foundational services from a Helm release.

Installer version 3.4.x

Installer version 3.4.x is the June, 2020 release. This release is the second operator-based installation. IBM Cloud Paks use this version to install foundational services in their Cloud Paks. Thus, the installer version is reset to 3.4.x as the previous version that the Cloud Paks used was 3.3.0. The IBM Common Service Operator is the installer. For more information, see Installer v3.4.x.

Each foundational service has an operator. The IBM Common Service Operator installs the Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager Operator, which installs the foundational services by using the service operators.

For the documentation of a foundational service that you install, see the documents that are in the operator version of the service. For example, if you install the audit logging service, which is installed by using the ibm-auditlogging-operator version 3.6.0, you must follow the documents that are in Audit logging guide 3.5.0.

All foundational service operator versions have a higher version. However, the version change is minor. For the June, 2020 release operator versions, see IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Operators and versions. The service documentation continues to use the March, 2020 release version for the June, 2020 release.

You can upgrade from installer version 1.1.0 to installer version 3.4.x. For more information, see Upgrading foundational services from an operator release.

You can upgrade from installer version 3.2.x to installer version 3.4.x. For more information, see Upgrading foundational services from a Helm release.

Installer version 1.1.0

Installer version 1.1.0 is the March, 2020 release. This release is the first operator-based installation. Thus, the installer version is reset to 1.1.0. The Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager Operator is the installer. For more information, see Installer v1.1.0.

Each foundational service has an operator. The Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager Operator installs the foundational services by using the service operators.

For the documentation of a foundational service that you install with the Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager Operator, see the documents that are in the operator version of the service. For example, if you install the audit logging service, which is installed by using the ibm-auditlogging-operator Version 3.5.0, you must follow the documents that are in Audit logging guide 3.5.0.

For the service operator names and their versions, see IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Operators and versions.

Upgrade from previous releases to installer version 1.1.0 is not supported.

Installer version 3.2.4

Installer version 3.2.4 uses an inception image for installing foundational services. The foundational services are installed as Helm charts.

Available versions

How to check which service version you are using

You can check the installer version in the configmap by running the following command:

oc -n kube-public get ConfigMap ibmcloud-cluster-info -o jsonpath=’{.data.version}’

You can check the Common service operator full version and deployed namespace by running the following command:

oc get csv --all-namespaces | grep common-service-
common-service        IBM Cloud Platform Common Services     3.6.3                   ibm-common-service-operator.v3.5.6             Succeeded
ibm-common-services  IBM Cloud Platform Common Services     3.6.3                   ibm-common-service-operator.v3.5.6             Succeeded

If there is no ibmcloud-cluster-info configmap in your cluster, it means that the service was installed by installer version 1.1.0. You can check the Installed Operators tab in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform console to find the accurate version.