Preventing lockout from QRadar

IBM® QRadar® is configured to prevent login attempts after five attempts from a single host. This default can result in locking IBM Security QRadar Suite Software out of QRadar. Administrators must change the default configuration in QRadar before they integrate QRadar Suite Software and QRadar. Otherwise, the IBM QRadar Proxy app might be locked out for all QRadar Suite Software users.

About this task

Configure how hosts and accounts can be locked out of making future login attempts. These settings control the maximum number of failed login attempts, the allowed failure window, and the length of time that the host or account will be prevented from making future login attempts.


  1. Log in to the QRadar Console, and go to Admin > Authentication > General Authentication Settings > Lockout Management.
    By default, Host Lockout is enabled, and the default number of login attempts is 5.
  2. If the QRadar Suite Software cluster uses Network Address Translation (NAT), add the routable public-facing IP address of the NAT to the Login Host Whitelist.
  3. If the QRadar Suite Software cluster is not NAT-enabled and the worker node IP addresses are routable to the QRadar IP, complete the following steps:
    1. Log in to the Red Hat® OpenShift® cluster and issue the following oc command:
      oc describe nodes -l | grep InternalIP: | awk {' print $2 '}
    2. Add the list of IP addresses that are returned from the command to the Login Host Whitelist.
  4. Enable Account Lockout to prevent login attempts after a configured number of failed attempts for a single user account.
  5. Click Save Settings.

What to do next

Configuring the connection to QRadar