Adding a rule, filter, and index in Fluentd configuration map

Use the sample Fluentd configuration map to add a rule, filter, and index to Fluentd.

Modify your Fluentd configuration map to add a rule, filter, and index. Search for CP4NA in the sample configuration map and make the suggested changes at the same location in your configuration map. Make sure that you use the correct namespace where IBM® Cloud Pak for Network Automation is installed.

Use the following command to back up your Fluentd configuration map before you modify it:
[root@tncoiaf-inf ~]# oc get configmaps fluentd -n openshift-logging -o yaml > /root/fluentd.yaml
Use the following command to modify your Fluentd configuration map:
[root@tncoiaf-inf ~]# #oc edit configmaps fluentd -n openshift-logging

Sample Fluentd configuration map for IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation

apiVersion: v1
  fluent.conf: |+
    # This file is a copy of the fluentd configuration entrypoint
    # which should normally be supplied in a configmap.

      log_level "#{ENV['LOG_LEVEL'] || 'warn'}"

    # In each section below, pre- and post- includes don't include anything initially;
    # they exist to enable future additions to openshift conf as needed.

    ## sources
    ## ordered so that syslog always runs last...
      @type prometheus
      bind "#{ENV['POD_IP']}"
        enable true
        certificate_path "#{ENV['METRICS_CERT'] || '/etc/fluent/metrics/tls.crt'}"
        private_key_path "#{ENV['METRICS_KEY'] || '/etc/fluent/metrics/tls.key'}"

      @type prometheus_monitor
        hostname ${hostname}

    # excluding prometheus_tail_monitor
    # since it leaks namespace/pod info
    # via file paths

    # This is considered experimental by the repo
      @type prometheus_output_monitor
        hostname ${hostname}
    #journal logs to gather node
      @type systemd
      @id systemd-input
      @label @MEASURE
      path '/var/log/journal'
        @type local
        persistent true
        # NOTE: if this does not end in .json, fluentd will think it
        # is the name of a directory - see fluentd storage_local.rb
        path '/var/log/journal_pos.json'
      matches "#{ENV['JOURNAL_FILTERS_JSON'] || '[]'}"
      tag journal
      read_from_head "#{if (val = ENV.fetch('JOURNAL_READ_FROM_HEAD','')) && (val.length > 0); val; else 'false'; end}"
    # container logs
      @type tail
      @id container-input
      # CP4NA add following lines in fluentd config map at the same location
      # Add path and exclude path for lifecycle-manager namespace
      path "/var/log/containers/*lifecycle-manager*.log"
      exclude_path ["/var/log/containers/fluentd-*_openshift-logging_*.log", "/var/log/containers/elasticsearch-*_openshift-logging_*.log", "/var/log/containers/kibana-*_openshift-logging_*.log", "/var/log/containers/*operator*.log", "/var/log/containers/*controller-manager*.log", "/var/log/containers/*iaf*.log", "/var/log/containers/fluentd-*.log", "/var/log/containers/*elasticsearch-*", "/var/log/containers/kibana-*", "/var/log/containers/alm-cassandra*", "/var/log/containers/*kafka*","/var/log/containers/iaf-*", "/var/log/containers/alm-configurator-*", "/var/log/containers/*zookeeper*", "/var/log/containers/*_alm_wait-for*", "/var/log/containers/alm-zookeeper-*",  "/var/log/containers/ibm-*", "/var/log/containers/zen-*"]
      # CP4NA 
      pos_file "/var/log/es-containers.log.pos"
      refresh_interval 5
      rotate_wait 5
      tag kubernetes.*
      read_from_head "true"
      @label @MEASURE
        @type multi_format
          format json
          time_format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%N%Z'
          keep_time_key true
          format regexp
          expression /^(?<time>.+) (?<stream>stdout|stderr)( (?<logtag>.))? (?<log>.*)$/
          time_format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%N%:z'
          keep_time_key true

    <label @MEASURE>
      <filter **>
        @type record_transformer
          msg_size ${record.to_s.length}
      <filter **>
        @type prometheus
          name cluster_logging_collector_input_record_total
          type counter
          desc The total number of incoming records
            tag ${tag}
            hostname ${hostname}
      <filter **>
        @type prometheus
          name cluster_logging_collector_input_record_bytes
          type counter
          desc The total bytes of incoming records
          key msg_size
            tag ${tag}
            hostname ${hostname}
      <filter **>
        @type record_transformer
        remove_keys msg_size
      <match journal>
        @type relabel
        @label @INGRESS
      <match *audit.log>
        @type relabel
        @label @INGRESS
      <match kubernetes.**>
        @type relabel
        @label @CONCAT

    <label @CONCAT>
      <filter kubernetes.**>
        @type concat
        key log
        partial_key logtag
        partial_value P
        separator ''
      <match kubernetes.**>
        @type relabel
        @label @INGRESS

    #syslog input config here

    <label @INGRESS>

      ## filters
      <filter **>
        @type record_modifier
        char_encoding utf-8

      <filter journal>
        @type grep
          key PRIORITY
          pattern ^7$

      <match journal>
        @type rewrite_tag_filter
        # skip to @INGRESS label section
        @label @INGRESS

        # see if this is a kibana container for special log handling
        # looks like this:
        # k8s_kibana.a67f366_logging-kibana-1-d90e3_logging_26c51a61-2835-11e6-ad29-fa163e4944d5_f0db49a2
        # we filter these logs through the kibana_transform.conf filter
          key CONTAINER_NAME
          pattern ^k8s_kibana\.
          tag kubernetes.journal.container.kibana

          key CONTAINER_NAME
          pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_logging-eventrouter-[^_]+_
          tag kubernetes.journal.container._default_.kubernetes-event

        # mark logs from default namespace for processing as k8s logs but stored as system logs
          key CONTAINER_NAME
          pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_[^_]+_default_
          tag kubernetes.journal.container._default_
        # CP4NA add following lines in fluentd config map at the same location
        # Add rule for lifeccycle-manager namespace
          key CONTAINER_NAME
          pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_[^_]+_lifecycle-manager_
          tag kubernetes.journal.container._lifecycle-manager_

        # CP4NA
        # mark logs from kube-* namespaces for processing as k8s logs but stored as system logs
          key CONTAINER_NAME
          pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_[^_]+_kube-(.+)_
          tag kubernetes.journal.container._kube-$1_

        # mark logs from openshift-* namespaces for processing as k8s logs but stored as system logs
          key CONTAINER_NAME
          pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_[^_]+_openshift-(.+)_
          tag kubernetes.journal.container._openshift-$1_

        # mark logs from openshift namespace for processing as k8s logs but stored as system logs
          key CONTAINER_NAME
          pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_[^_]+_openshift_
          tag kubernetes.journal.container._openshift_

        # mark fluentd container logs
          key CONTAINER_NAME
          pattern ^k8s_.*fluentd
          tag kubernetes.journal.container.fluentd

        # this is a kubernetes container
          key CONTAINER_NAME
          pattern ^k8s_
          tag kubernetes.journal.container

        # not kubernetes - assume a system log or system container log
          key _TRANSPORT
          pattern .+
          tag journal.system

      <filter kubernetes.**>
        @type kubernetes_metadata
        kubernetes_url 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
        cache_size '1000'
        watch 'false'
        use_journal 'nil'
        ssl_partial_chain 'true'

      <filter kubernetes.journal.**>
        @type parse_json_field
        merge_json_log 'false'
        preserve_json_log 'true'
        json_fields 'log,MESSAGE'
      # CP4NA add following lines in fluentd config map at the same location
      # filter for lifecycle-manager namespace
      <filter **_lifecycle-manager_**>
        @type parser
        key_name log
        format json
        reserve_data true

      <filter **_lifecycle-manager_**>
        @type record_transformer
        enable_ruby true
          transactionId ${if record["tracectx.transactionid"]; record["tracectx.transactionid"]; else; s = record["message"]; matchdata = s.match(/.*data=.*\/api\/topology\/assemblies\/([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}).*/) ; if matchdata; matchdata.captures; matchdata[1]; else; s = record["message"]; matchdata = s.match(/.*assemblyId=([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}).*/); if matchdata; matchdata.captures; matchdata[1]; end; end; end;}

      <filter **_lifecycle-manager_**>
        @type systemd_entry
        field_map {"TRANSACTION_ID": "tracectx.transactionid"}
        field_map_strict false
        fields_strip_underscores true
      # CP4NA

      <filter kubernetes.var.log.containers.**>
        @type parse_json_field
        merge_json_log 'false'
        preserve_json_log 'true'
        json_fields 'log,MESSAGE'

      <filter kubernetes.var.log.containers.eventrouter-** kubernetes.var.log.containers.cluster-logging-eventrouter-**>
        @type parse_json_field
        merge_json_log true
        preserve_json_log true
        json_fields 'log,MESSAGE'

      <filter **kibana**>
        @type record_transformer
          log ${record['err'] || record['msg'] || record['MESSAGE'] || record['log']}
        remove_keys req,res,msg,name,level,v,pid,err

      <filter k8s-audit.log**>
        @type record_transformer
          k8s_audit_level ${record['level']}
          level info

      <filter **>
        @type viaq_data_model
        elasticsearch_index_prefix_field 'viaq_index_name'
        default_keep_fields CEE,time,@timestamp,aushape,ci_job,collectd,docker,fedora-ci,file,foreman,geoip,hostname,ipaddr4,ipaddr6,kubernetes,level,message,namespace_name,namespace_uuid,offset,openstack,ovirt,pid,pipeline_metadata,rsyslog,service,systemd,tags,testcase,tlog,viaq_msg_id
        extra_keep_fields ''
        keep_empty_fields 'message'
        use_undefined false
        undefined_name 'undefined'
        rename_time true
        rename_time_if_missing false
        src_time_name 'time'
        dest_time_name '@timestamp'
        pipeline_type 'collector'
        undefined_to_string 'false'
        undefined_dot_replace_char 'UNUSED'
        undefined_max_num_fields '-1'
        process_kubernetes_events 'false'
          tag "system.var.log**"
          type sys_var_log
          remove_keys host,pid,ident
          tag "journal.system**"
          type sys_journal
          tag "kubernetes.journal.container**"
          type k8s_journal
          tag "kubernetes.var.log.containers.eventrouter-** kubernetes.var.log.containers.cluster-logging-eventrouter-** k8s-audit.log** openshift-audit.log**"
          type k8s_json_file
          remove_keys log,stream,CONTAINER_ID_FULL,CONTAINER_NAME
          process_kubernetes_events 'true'
          tag "kubernetes.var.log.containers**"
          type k8s_json_file
          remove_keys log,stream,CONTAINER_ID_FULL,CONTAINER_NAME
        # CP4NA add following lines in fluentd config map at the same location
        # Index name for lifecycle-manager namespace
          enabled 'true'
          tag "**"
          name_type static
          static_index_name lm-logs-write
        # CP4NA
          enabled 'true'
          tag "journal.system** system.var.log** **_default_** **_kube-*_** **_openshift-*_** **_openshift_**"
          name_type static
          static_index_name infra-write
          enabled 'true'
          tag "linux-audit.log** k8s-audit.log** openshift-audit.log**"
          name_type static
          static_index_name audit-write
          enabled 'true'
          tag "**"
          name_type static
          static_index_name app-write