Getting the initial administrator password

The initial administrator username is integration-admin. The initial administrator password is placed in a secret named integration-admin-initial-temporary-credentials. Follow the applicable steps to locate the secret in the correct namespace.

Getting the initial admin password by using the OpenShift web console

  1. Click Workload > Secrets.

  2. Select the namespace that contains the initial admin credentials secret:

    • For installations that use A single namespace of the cluster mode, this is the same namespace as your instances.

    • For installations that use All namespaces on the cluster mode, this is the servicesNamespace (named ibm-common-services by default) that is defined in the CommonService resource.

  3. Select the integration-admin-initial-temporary-credentials secret.

  4. Select copy on the password entry in the Data section.

The initial administrator password must be changed after the first login. Follow the prompts during the first login to change the password.

Getting the initial admin password using the CLI

Use the oc command to get the secret from the namespace.

  1. Set the namespace (placeholder <namespace>) that contains the initial admin credentials secret.

    • For installations that use "A single namespace of the cluster" mode, this is the same namespace as your instances.

    • For installations that use "All namespaces on the cluster" mode, this is the servicesNamespace (named ibm-common-services by default) that is

  2. Get the password from the secret in the namespace:

    oc get secret integration-admin-initial-temporary-credentials -n "${NAMESPACE}" -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode

The password is printed in your command line tool.

The initial administrator password must be changed after the first login. Follow the prompts during the first login to change the password.