Upgrading IBM Cloud Pak foundational services

The required version of IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services for IBM Cloud Pak for Integration 2022.2 is version 3.19. If you have an earlier version of Cloud Pak foundational services, you must upgrade Cloud Pak foundational services using the applicable procedure that is listed in Overview - Upgrading.

This task must be performed by a cluster administrator. For more information, see Roles and permissions.

Upgrading involves:

Important: You will not be able to access the services management console during the upgrade process.

Upgrading the Cloud Pak foundational services operator using the OpenShift console

Complete the following steps to upgrade Cloud Pak foundational services by using the OpenShift console.

  1. Log in to the OpenShift web console.

  2. In the navigation pane, click Operators > Installed Operators.

  3. Click to expand Project, then select the name of the namespace (project) where you installed the Cloud Pak for Integration operators.

  4. Locate and click the IBM Cloud Pak Foundational services operator (previously called IBM Cloud Platform Common Services).

  5. Click the Subscription tab to update the subscription channel.

    • If the subscription channel is already set to v3, no action is required. However, you should confirm you have the correct version of foundational services (3.19) and update that, if needed.

    • If the subscription channel is not already set to v3, click the edit icon (pencil) for Channel and select v3, then click Save. OpenShift upgrades the operator to the required version of foundational services, 3.19.
      Important: If manual approval is needed for this update, a Cluster Administrator must approve the InstallPlan created to upgrade the operator.
      1. Click Operators > Installed Operators to check the status of the InstallPlan. If the upgrade status under the Subscription tab is Upgrading, an admin must review and approve its Install Plan.

      2. After the admin confirms approval on the Install Plan page, the subscription upgrade status changes to Up to date. After a few minutes, the Cloud Pak foundational services operator starts to upgrade. The upgrade can take between 15 minutes to an hour depending on the version of Cloud Pak foundational services you are upgrading from.

  6. Important: For users upgrading from the 2020.4 release: In step 6 of the following procedure, if you are upgrading IBM Cloud Pak foundational services from v3.6 to v3.19, and you have the IBM API Connect operator installed, you must now update the subscription of the API Connect operator to the v2.1.7-eus channel as well; if you do not, the upgrade will not start. Updating the subscription installs v2.1.11 of the API Connect operator, which is the only operator version compatible with Foundational services 3.19.

  7. To validate that the upgrade was successful:

    1. Click Operators > Installed Operators

    2. Click to expand Project and select the ibm-common-services project (namespace).

    3. Confirm that the following operators are updated to the current version as indicated in the table:

      Operator name Operator version
      IBM Cloud Pak foundational services 3.19
      Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager 1.17 or later
      IBM Cert Manager 3.21 or later

      Other individual operators may need to be updated as well.

    4. In the OpenShift web console navigation menu, click Workloads > Pods, then for Project, select ibm-common-services. Review the Status column to confirm that all the pods have a status of Running or Completed.

Completing post-upgrade tasks

You may need to complete the following tasks after the Cloud Pak foundational services are stable and running:

  • Change the profile size, if needed. The default profile size for IBM Cloud Pak foundational services is starterset. After upgrade, you can change the profile size, which changes the resource requirements. See Using the CommonService custom resource for information on configuring the Cloud Pak foundational services profile.

  • Important: If certificates were re-created when upgrading IBM Cloud Pak foundational services from 3.6, you may need to manually refresh the existing certificates for each instance. The certificate refresh procedure is documented in the technical note Cloud Pak for Integration - Refreshing Expired Certificates.
  • For users upgrading from the 2020.4 release, if you changed the subscription of the API Connect operator to the v2.1.7-eus channel in step 6, you can proceed to upgrade the instance of the API management capability from 10.0.1.* to

Troubleshooting a Cloud Pak foundational services upgrade

Operators are not upgrading when the channel is changed

Issue: After changing the channel of the subscription for Cloud Pak foundational services from stable-v1 to v3, some operators in the ibm-common-services namespace, including the Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager operator, may not upgrade.

Cause: This often happens because Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) can't process so many operator upgrades at the same time. It is a result of a known OpenShift Container Platform issue resolved in v.4.7, OLM: 'ResolutionFailed' found more than one head for channel.

Solution: Delete all pods in the openshift-marketplace namespace and wait 30 to 60 minutes for OLM to process the upgrade.

Issues are found after upgrading the IBM Cloud Pak Foundational services operator from version 3.6.x

Issue: If the upgrading procedure in the previous section did not complete successfully, you may find problems with your deployment, including any product functionality not performing as expected.

Solution: Complete the following steps to retry the upgrade of foundational services by using a script.

This script is hosted on the official IBM organization on GitHub (which is the same IBM GitHub repo used for accessing IBM CASE and catalog sources), and is created and supported by IBM engineering. To review the script before running it, see upgrade_to_continuous_delivery.sh.

  1. Log in to the cluster with your administrator credentials by using the oc login command.

  2. Run one of the following scripts, depending on your use case:

    • To upgrade Cloud Pak foundational services in all namespaces, run:

      curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IBM/ibm-common-service-operator/master/common/scripts/upgrade_to_continuous_delivery.sh | bash
    • To upgrade Cloud Pak foundational services in specific namespaces only, add those namespaces to the command. For example, to upgrade Cloud Pak foundational services in the cp4i and cp4mcm namespaces, run:

      curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IBM/ibm-common-service-operator/master/common/scripts/upgrade_to_continuous_delivery.sh | bash -s cp4i cp4mcm

    Result: After the script runs successfully, the subscription of IBM Cloud Pak foundational services automatically updates to the v3 channel and the Cloud Pak foundational services are automatically upgraded to the current version.