Installing Cloud Pak for Integration by using the Azure Marketplace

The Azure Marketplace offering provides an automated process for installing IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration onto an existing Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster. Follow the instructions provided to install and create an instance of the Platform UI. The process also installs all the catalog sources and operators needed to create instances of all Cloud Pak for Integration capabilities.

Before you begin

The following are the requirements for using the Azure Marketplace installation:

You should also review:

Installing Cloud Pak for Integration

  1. Go to IBM Cloud Pak for Integration on Azure Marketplace.

  2. Read the information provided, then click the Get it Now button.

  3. Log into Azure Marketplace with your Azure account information.

  4. For Plan, confirm that the Cloud Pak for Integration on ARO BYOL plan is selected, then click Create to start the installation setup. The following configuration page opens:

  5. For the Basic dialog:

    • Select your Subscription and the Resource group in which your Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster exists.

    • Name Prefix helps identify the resources that are created to manage the automated installation of Cloud Pak for Integration. Either keep the default value or enter a custom string.

    • From the ARO Cluster dropdown, select the cluster where you want to install Cloud Pak for Integration, then click Next. The Cloud Pak for Integration dialog opens:

  6. For the Cloud Pak for Integration dialog:

    • In the API Key field, enter your entitlement key, then enter it again in the Confirm API Key field.

    • Click the information box to review the license information.

    • From the Cloud Pak for Integration Version dropdown, select the product version (with the associated license version).

    • For Cloud Pak License Agreement select Accept if you accept the license agreement.

    • In the CP4I Instance Namespace field, enter the namespace where you want your Platform UI instance to be created.

    • In the Storage class field, enter the RWX-compatible storage class that you created as part of your OpenShift Data Foundation setup. This is typically the default value, "ocs-storagecluster-cephfs".

  7. Click Next and review your installation details, then click Create to begin installation.
    Tip: Installation usually takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.
  8. To check the status of the installation in your Azure portal, go to Home > <resource_group> | Deployments in the top navigation menu (<resource_group> should match the Resource group value you selected during installation). Make sure that Overview in the navigation menu is selected. For more information, see the section, "Monitoring and troubleshooting installation".

    When installation is completes successfully, the status changes to "Your deployment is complete". You can now connect to the Platform UI.

Monitoring installation progress and troubleshooting

To view the current status of your installation, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the resource group that is being used for the deployment.

  2. Locate the container instances resource label <namePrefix>-cg

  3. Click Settings > Containers in the navigation menu.

  4. Select the running script container called ‘az-scripts-*’.

  5. From the lower box, select connect to open a terminal inside the container and enter the following commands:

     cd /mnt/azscripts/azscriptoutput
     tail -f ./script-output/log

Connecting to the Platform UI

  1. When installation is complete, navigate to Home > <resource_group> | Deployments in your Azure portal. (The path item <resource_group> should match the Resource group value you selected during installation.)

  2. Click the Go to resource group button.

  3. Click the link for the cluster on which you installed Cloud Pak for Integration.

  4. Click the Connect tab.

  5. In the Connect dialog, click the link for option 1, Launch OpenShift console URL.

  6. In the OpenShift web console, click the application menu icon, and select the Platform UI instance you want to access.

  7. At the login screen, click OpenShift authentication and log in with your OpenShift cluster admin credentials. The Platform UI opens.

At this point, you can begin creating integration capabilities. For more information, see Deploying instances of capabilities.