Publishing event-based APIs

After creating an AsyncAPI document for the API of your Kafka event source, you can publish the definition and start socializing your API. APIs are made available to application developers to discover by including them in a Product, and then publishing that Product to a Catalog.

A Product is a collection of similar or related APIs, providing a way to manage the availability and visibility of APIs. For more information, see working with Products.

Products must be staged to a Catalog and then published. After being published, the API of your event source becomes visible in the Developer Portal that is associated with the Catalog. For testing purposes, you can use the default Sandbox Catalog and its associated Developer Portal, or use a Catalog created beforehand that has an associated Developer Portal and Event Gateway Service set up.

Application developers can discover your Product and API from the Developer Portal.

The following sections describe your options for publishing:

  • Create an auto Product to publish to. This will be used in the Sandbox Catalog and available in the linked Developer Portal. This approach can be used for simple testing and development purposes.

  • Create a new Product, add additional details, Plans, and APIs to it, and then publish it.

  • Use the Publish button to quickly add your API to an existing Product or new Product, which can then be published.

Publishing to auto Product and default Catalog

After creating an API document, you can preview the document in the Developer Portal linked to the Sandbox catalog by activating the API. Activating the API creates a draft Product called <AsyncAPI-Title> auto Product and publishes it to the Sandbox Catalog.

To activate an API, complete the following steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Develop, then select the APIs tab.

  2. Click the title of the API that you want to work with.

  3. Move the activation slider control to the on position. On successful completion, the API is shown as Online.

  4. You can stop the API by moving the activation slider control to the off position. If you stop an API, the auto Product is removed from the Sandbox Catalog.

If you make a change to the API, it is republished automatically.

Creating a new Product

After creating your API, you can create a new Product and add your API to it, along with other APIs.

To create a new Product:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Develop, then click Add > Product.

  2. Select either New Product to create a new Product.

  3. Enter a Title and Version for your new Product, then click Next.

  4. Select the APIs you want to associate with this product, then click Next.

    Note: The enforced type of API you select first defines the gateway setting for this product, and determines what other APIs you can select. You can only have one type of enforced API per product (AsyncAPI or OpenAPI), but can add unenforced APIs of any type to any Product.

  5. Optional: Rename the Title and Description of the Plan associated with this Product, then click Next.

    Note: Event Endpoint Management only supports unlimited rate limits in this release for enforced AsyncAPIs.

  6. Select if you want to Publish this API to the Sandbox Catalog, and set the Product's Visibility and Subscribability.

    • Visibility: Sets who can see your Product when published to the Developer Portal.

    • Subscribability: Sets who can subscribe to a Plan defined in this Product when published to the Developer Portal.

  7. Click Next to complete the wizard, and create the Product.

After the Product is created, click Edit Product to view the Product editor, which you can use to add additional details to your Product, or to stage or publish your Product to a Catalog.

Publishing from an API

You can add your API to an existing Product, or you can create a new Product containing your API and publish it in one flow.

  • To add your API to an existing Product:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Develop, then select the APIs tab.

  2. Click the title of the API that you want to work with.

  3. Click the Menu icon Menu icon for more options and click Publish.

  4. Select Existing Product, and select a Product from the list. Then click Next.

  5. After the API is associated with your Product, complete the publish flow by defining your publishing options.

  • To create a new Product that contains your API:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Develop, then select the APIs tab.

  2. Click the title of the API that you want to work with.

  3. Click the Menu icon Menu icon for more options and click Publish.

  4. Ensure New Product is selected, and enter a Title and Version for the new Product. Then click Next.

  5. After the Product is created and your API is associated with it, complete the publish flow by defining your publishing options.

Note: Event Endpoint Management only supports unlimited rate limits in this release for enforced AsyncAPIs.

Staging and Publishing Products

After creating a Product that contains the APIs you want to socialize, you then add the Product to a Catalog. The Catalog enables management of all published APIs, and defines Developer Portal and Event Gateway Service configuration. For more information see working with Catalogs.

Note: Event Endpoint Management does not support API analytics in this release.

There are two main methods of adding Products to a Catalog:

  • Stage: The Product is added to a Catalog, ready for publishing as a later manual step.

  • Publish: The Product is added to a Catalog, and then published immediately to any associated Developer Portals or gateway services listed in that Catalog. The APIs listed in the Product will be made available to any application developers who want to subscribe to them.

Both methods can be initiated from the Develop page, and selecting the method you want to use to add a Product to a Catalog from the overflow menu. Products can also be Staged or Published by clicking the hamburger menu while editing a Product. You can use a wizard to stage or publish your Product when selecting either of these methods.

In addition, APIs can be added to either existing or new Products and then published in one flow from an API.

Staging and publishing options

When staging or publishing an API, define the Catalog or Space the Product is associated with, and set which users can discover and subscribe to the API when it is published to the Developer Portal.

  • Catalog: The Catalog where this Product and its APIs will be published to.

    • Space: If you enabled Spaces for this Catalog, select the Space this Product will be published to.

    • Publish to specific gateway services: If selected, the APIs in the Product will be restricted to be only accessible through a subset of all available gateway services that are associated with the Catalog. Note: When Publishing Enforced AsyncAPIs, only the Catalogs and Spaces that have an associated Event Gateway Service are listed for selection.

  • Visibility: Sets who can see your Product when published to the Developer Portal.

  • Subscribability: Sets who can subscribe to a Plan defined in this Product when published to the Developer Portal.

To stage or publish the product and complete the flow, click Stage or Publish as required.

Viewing published APIs

After your API is published, application developers can discover and learn more about your event source in the Developer Portal.

To view your event APIs in the Products, open the Developer Portal linked to your Catalog:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Manage.

  2. Click the tile for your Catalog.

  3. Click the Catalog settings tab, then click Portal.

  4. Copy and open the Portal URL link. You can then view your Products and the APIs they contain.

For information about using and configuring Developer Portal sites, see the information about socializing your APIs.