Compute resources for development environments

For deployed instances used in a development (non-production) environment, the configured worker nodes should provide a combined total number of cores, memory, and disk space matching the minimum requirements in the table below.

Note: Because this is a minimum configuration, your system requirements will change based on actual usage. For more information on the requirements for high availability deployments, see High availability considerations.
Table 1. Minimum system requirements for development environments
Integration capabilities CPU (cores) Memory Disk space
Component deployment interface (Platform Navigator)

Centralized management and control of all Cloud Pak for Integration capabilities

0.5 cores 640 MB None needed
Asset sharing and reuse

(Optional) Capability provided by deploying Asset Repository

0.7 cores 1.0 GB 0.4 GB
Transaction Tracing and Troubleshooting

Capability provided by deploying the Operations Dashboard

7 cores 13 GB 12 GB
Transaction Tracing and Troubleshooting (Collector and Agent)

Capability provided for each capability pod that is traced with the Operations Dashboard

0.5 cores 1 GB Not applicable
API Management

Capability provided by deploying IBM API Connect. For specific requirements, see IBM API Connect system requirements

12 cores 48 GB 280 GB
Queue Manager

Capability provided by deploying IBM MQ. For specific requirements, see IBM MQ system requirements.

1 core 1 GB 2 GB
Event Streams

Capability provided by deploying IBM Event Streams. For specific requirements, see IBM Event Streams system requirements.

8.2 cores 8.2 GB No minimum. Depends on a number of factors, including planned message throughput, message size, and retention limits. To plan for sufficient disk space, see the information about disk space for persistent volumes.
Application integration with the Dashboard

Capability provided by deploying IBM App Connect Enterprise. For specific requirements, see IBM App Connect system requirements.

1 core 4 GB 2.3 GB
Application integration with the Designer

Capability is provided by deploying IBM App Connect Enterprise.

1 core 5.75 GB 30 GB
Gateway services

Capability provided by deploying IBM DataPower Gateway. For specific requirements, see IBM DataPower Gateway system requirements.

4 core 4 GB No minimum
High speed file transfer

Capability provided by deploying IBM Aspera HSTS. For specific requirements, see Resource requirements.

4 cores 4 GB
Monitoring, Licensing, and related services

IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services that are included in the Cloud Pak. These values correspond to the Linux x86_64 "Medium" values (CPU Request and Memory Request) in IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Hardware requirements.

13 cores 29 GB 40 GB