Installing and setting up Multicloud Object Gateway for IBM Cloud Pak for Data

Several IBM Cloud Pak for Data services require Multicloud Object Gateway. If you plan to install watsonx Assistant, Watson™ Discovery, or Watson Speech services, you might need to install and configure Multicloud Object Gateway.

Installation phase
You are not here. Setting up a client workstation
You are not here. Setting up a cluster
You are not here. Collecting required information
You are not here. Preparing to run installs in a restricted network
You are not here. Preparing to run installs from a private container registry
You are here icon. Preparing the cluster for Cloud Pak for Data
You are not here. Preparing to install an instance of Cloud Pak for Data
You are not here. Installing an instance of Cloud Pak for Data
Who needs to complete this task?

Cluster administrator A cluster administrator must complete this task.

When do you need to complete this task?
One-time setup Complete this task only if you are planning to install one or more of the following services:
  • watsonx Assistant
  • Watson Discovery
  • Watson Speech services

Before you begin

Review Performance tuning guide for Multicloud Object Gateway on the Red Hat® Customer Portal.

About this task

Review the following table to determine what steps you need to complete.

Persistent storage What steps do you need to complete?
Red Hat OpenShift® Data Foundation
Multicloud Object Gateway is already installed.

Skip step 1. Review steps 2 and 3 to determine if you need to complete any additional configuration.

IBM® Storage Fusion Data Foundation
Multicloud Object Gateway is already installed.

Skip step 1. Review steps 2 and 3 to determine if you need to complete any additional configuration.

IBM Storage Fusion Global Data Platform
You must install Multicloud Object Gateway. You are entitled to install standalone Multicloud Object Gateway.

Start with step 1. Review steps 2 and 3 to determine if you need to complete any additional configuration.

IBM Storage Scale Container Native
You must install Multicloud Object Gateway. You are entitled to install standalone Multicloud Object Gateway.

Start with step 1. Review steps 2 and 3 to determine if you need to complete any additional configuration.

You must install Multicloud Object Gateway. You are entitled to install standalone Multicloud Object Gateway.

Start with step 1. Review steps 2 and 3 to determine if you need to complete any additional configuration.

You must install Multicloud Object Gateway. You are entitled to install standalone Multicloud Object Gateway.

Start with step 1. Review steps 2 and 3 to determine if you need to complete any additional configuration.

Amazon Elastic storage
You must install Multicloud Object Gateway. You are entitled to install standalone Multicloud Object Gateway.

Start with step 1. Review steps 2 and 3 to determine if you need to complete any additional configuration.

NetApp Trident
You must install Multicloud Object Gateway. You are entitled to install standalone Multicloud Object Gateway.

Start with step 1. Review steps 2 and 3 to determine if you need to complete any additional configuration.


To install and configure Multicloud Object Gateway:

  1. Follow the appropriate documentation to install Multicloud Object Gateway:
    Remember: Skip this step if you use Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation or IBM Storage Fusion Data Foundation for persistent storage.
    Storage provider Documentation links
    Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation Refer to the Product Documentation for Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation:

    See Deploy standalone Multicloud Object Gateway in the Deploying section for your cloud environment.

    Important: When you install Multicloud Object Gateway, use an RWO storage class or point to external, enterprise-grade S3 compatible storage.
    IBM Storage Fusion Data Foundation Complete the appropriate tasks for your environment:
    IBM Storage Fusion
    1. Complete Deploying IBM Storage Fusion in the IBM Storage Fusion documentation:
    2. Complete Storage cluster creation in the IBM Storage Fusion documentation:
    Important: When you install Multicloud Object Gateway, use an RWO storage class or point to external, enterprise-grade S3 compatible storage.
    IBM Storage Fusion HCI System
    Complete Deploying stand-alone Multicloud Object Gateway on IBM Storage Fusion HCI System for hosting S3 object in the IBM Storage Fusion HCI System documentation:
  2. Best practice If the backing store that was created during the Multicloud Object Gateway installation uses pv-pool, create a backing store on enterprise-grade S3 compatible storage or create a backing store for each service that you plan to install.

    If your backing store points to enterprise-grade S3-compatible storage, skip this step.

    Storage provider Documentation links
    Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation Refer to the Product Documentation for Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation:

    See Multicloud Object Gateway > Creating a new backing store in the Deploying section for your cloud environment.

    IBM Storage Fusion Data Foundation See Creating a new backing store in the IBM Storage Fusion documentation:
  3. Optional: If you want to create different IDs for each service that will access Multicloud Object Gateway, create a NooBaa account for each service.
    Repeat the following steps for each account that you want to create:
    1. Set the ACCOUNT_NAME environment variable to the name that you want to use for the service account.

      For example, if you are creating an account for watsonx Assistant, you might use watson-assistant-noobaa-account.

      export ACCOUNT_NAME=<service-account-name>
    2. Set the BACKING_STORE environment variable to the name of the backing store that you will use for the service.

      If you created multiple backing stores, ensure that you specify the correct backing store.

      export BACKING_STORE=<backing-store-name>
    3. Create the NooBaa account:
      cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
      kind: NooBaaAccount
          app: noobaa
        name: ${ACCOUNT_NAME}
        namespace: openshift-storage
        default_resource: ${BACKING_STORE}
        allow_bucket_creation: true
          full_permission: true
          permission_list: []

What to do next

Now that you've installed Multicloud Object Gateway, you're ready to complete Installing Red Hat OpenShift Serverless Knative Eventing.