Known issues and limitations for Watson Speech services

The following known issues and limitations apply to the Watson Speech services.

Warning message when upgrading to Red Hat OpenShift Version 4.16

Applies to: 4.8.8

When you upgrade to Red Hat® OpenShift® v4.16, the following message is displayed.
ClusterServiceVersions blocking cluster upgrade: cpd-operator-ns/ibm-watson-speech-operator.v7.7.0 is incompatible with OpenShift minor versions greater than 4.16
Ignore the message when you upgrade to Red Hat OpenShift v4.16. Only the upgrade to Red Hat OpenShift minor versions greater than v4.16 is blocked. The upgrade to v4.16 is not impacted.

Warning message when upgrading to Red Hat OpenShift Version 4.15

Applies to: 4.8.5 and later

When you upgrade to Red Hat OpenShift v4.15, the following message is displayed.
ClusterServiceVersions blocking cluster upgrade: cpd-operator-ns/ibm-watson-speech-operator.v7.0.0 is incompatible with OpenShift minor versions greater than 4.15
Ignore the message when you upgrade to Red Hat OpenShift v4.15. Only the upgrade to Red Hat OpenShift minor versions greater than v4.15 is blocked. The upgrade to v4.15 is not impacted.

Warning message when upgrading to Red Hat OpenShift Version 4.14

Applies to: 4.8.0 and later

When you upgrade to Red Hat OpenShift v4.14, the following message is displayed.
ClusterServiceVersions blocking cluster upgrade: cpd-operator-ns/ibm-watson-speech-operator.v7.0.0 is incompatible with OpenShift minor versions greater than 4.14
Ignore the message when you upgrade to Red Hat OpenShift v4.14. Only the upgrade to Red Hat OpenShift minor versions greater than v4.14 is blocked. The upgrade to v4.14 is not impacted.

Watson Speech status is stuck in In-Progress after restore or upgrade

Applies to: 4.8.5

After a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) upgrade or OpenShift APIs for Data Protection (OADP) online restore is done, the Watson Speech services might remain in In-Progress state due to a race condition in the stt-async component. Pods that are associated with this component are stuck in 0/1 Running state. Use the following command to confirm this state.
$ oc get pods -l
The command generates an output similar to the following example.
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
speech-cr-stt-async-775d5b9d55-fpj8x   0/1     Running   0          60m
If one (or more pods) is in 0/1 Running state for 20 minutes or more, this problem might occur.
To resolve the problem, run oc delete pod <stt-async-podname> for each pod in 0/1 Running state.

Upgrading in a multi-tenant environment might be disruptive

Applies to: 4.8.4

When installed in a multi-tenant environment, the Watson Speech services might experience up to 10 minutes of disruption during upgrade from version 4.8.3 to 4.8.4. During this period, some functions of the Watson Speech services such as creating, deleting, and listing customizations are not available.

Gateway pods in a crash loop after upgrading Watson Speech services

Applies to: 4.8.4

Fixed in: 4.8.5

After you upgrade to Watson Speech services 4.8.4, you might observe that the Gateway pod is in a crash loop. Watson Speech services might also not report the updated version as expected.
This error occurs as a result of an Out of Memory (OOM) issue.
Increase the memory resources.
oc patch csv/ibm-watson-gateway-operator.v1.0.26 --type json -p '[{ "op": "replace", "path":"metadata/spec/install/spec/deployments/0/spec/template/spec/containers/0/resources/limits/memory","value":"2Gi" }]'oc patch csv/ibm-watson-gateway-operator.v1.0.26 --type json -p '[{ "op": "replace", "path":"metadata/spec/install/spec/deployments/0/spec/template/spec/containers/0/resources/requests/memory","value":"2Gi" }]'
Edit the csv file name according to their environment.

Install or upgrade fails when expressive voices are enabled

Applies to: 4.8.2

Fixed in: 4.8.3

When you install or upgrade to version 4.8.2 with expressive voices enabled, tts-runtime pods enter a CrashLoopBackOff state and the operation fails.
Contact IBM support for further instructions.

Inaccurate status message from command line after upgrade

Applies to: 4.8.0 and later

For more information and steps to resolve this known issue, see Inaccurate status message from the command line after you upgrade.