Creating a service instance for watsonx Assistant with the cpd-cli service-instance create command

After you install watsonx Assistant, you must create at least one watsonx Assistant service instance in the operands project. If you are a Cloud Pak for Data user, you can use the cpd-cli service-instance create command to script the process of creating service instances.

Who needs to complete this task?
To create a service instance by using the cpd-cli, you must have the Create service instances (can_provision) permission in Cloud Pak for Data.
When do you need to complete this task?
Complete this task only if you want to create a service instance from the cpd-cli by using the cpd-cli service-instance create command.
Alternative methods for creating a service instance

Information you need to complete this task

Review the following information before you create a service instance for watsonx Assistant:

Version requirements

All of the components that are associated with an instance of Cloud Pak for Data must be installed or created at the same release. For example, if watsonx Assistant is installed at Version 4.8.6, you must create the service instance at Version 4.8.6.

Environment variables

The commands in this task use environment variables so that you can run the commands exactly as written.

  • If you don't have the script that defines the environment variables, see Setting up installation environment variables.
  • To use the environment variables from the script, you must source the environment variables before you run the commands in this task. For example, run:
    source ./

Before you begin

This task assumes that the following prerequisites are met:

Prerequisite Where to find more information
watsonx Assistant is installed. If this task is not complete, see Installing watsonx Assistant.
The cpd-cli command-line interface is installed on the workstation from which you will create the service instance. If this task is not complete, see Setting up a client workstation.
You created a Cloud Pak for Data user profile on the workstation from which you will create the service instance.

The profile must be associated with a user who has the Create service instances (can_provision) permission in Cloud Pak for Data.

If this task is not complete, see Creating a profile to use the cpd-cli management commands.


Complete the following tasks to create a service instance:

  1. Creating a service instance
  2. Validating that the service instance was created
  3. What to do next

Creating a service instance

To create a service instance:

  1. Change to the directory on your workstation where you want to create the JSON file that defines the service instance payload.
  2. Set the environment variables that are used to populate the JSON payload for the service instance:
    1. Set the INSTANCE_NAME environment variable to the unique name that you want to use as the display name for the service instance:
      export INSTANCE_NAME="<display-name>"

      This name is displayed on the Instances page of the Cloud Pak for Data web client.

      The display name is a string and can contain alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), dashes (-), and periods (.).

      The display name can be a maximum of 10 characters.

    2. Set the INSTANCE_VERSION environment variable to the version that corresponds to the version of Cloud Pak for Data on your cluster:
      export INSTANCE_VERSION=<version>

      Use the following table to determine the appropriate value:

      Cloud Pak for Data version Service instance version
      4.8.6 4.8.6
      4.8.5 4.8.5
      4.8.4 4.8.4
      4.8.3 4.8.3
      4.8.2 4.8.2
      4.8.1 4.8.0
      4.8.0 4.8.0
  3. Create the assistant-instance.json payload file:
    cat << EOF > ./assistant-instance.json
        "addon_type": "assistant",
        "display_name": "${INSTANCE_NAME}",
        "namespace": "${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS}",
        "addon_version": "${INSTANCE_VERSION}",
        "create_arguments": {
            "deployment_id": "${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS}-wa", 
    	     "parameters": { 
    	         "serviceId": "assistant", 
    	         "url": "https://wa-store.${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS}.svc.cluster.local:443/csb/v2/service_instances", 
    	         "watson": true 
    The following environment variables use the values that are already defined in your installation environment variables script:
  4. Set the PAYLOAD_FILE environment variable to the fully qualified name of the JSON payload file on your workstation:
    export PAYLOAD_FILE=<fully-qualified-JSON-file-name>
  5. Create the service instance from the payload file:
    cpd-cli service-instance create \
    --profile=${CPD_PROFILE_NAME} \

Validating that the service instance was created

To validate that the service instance was created, run the following command:

cpd-cli service-instance status ${INSTANCE_NAME} \
--profile=${CPD_PROFILE_NAME} \
  • If the command returns PROVISIONED, the service instance was successfully created.
  • If the command returns PROVISION_IN_PROGRESS, wait a few minutes and run the command again.
  • If the command returns FAILED, review the pod logs for the zen-core-api and zen-watcher pods for possible causes.

What to do next

The service instance is ready to use. As an administrator of the service instance, you can give other users access to the instance.