IBM connection

To access your data in a database in IBM, create a connection asset for it.

IBM is an open, hybrid, and governed data lakehouse that is optimized by a query engine for all data and AI workloads.


Set up an instance of You can connect to an instance of on Cloud Pak for Data, IBM Cloud, or stand-alone

Create a connection to

Connection details

To create the connection asset, you need these details for the instance:

Select Connect to on Cloud Pak for Data if you are connecting to an instance of that is deployed on Cloud Pak for Data.

  • Hostname or IP address: Find this information in the URL of the web console. https://<hostname-or-IPaddress>/watsonx-data/#/home?instanceId=<instance-id>

  • Port: The default port number is 443. If the connection has a different port, you can find this number in the URL of the web console.

  • Instance ID: Find this value in the console navigation menu. Click the Instance details link.

  • Instance name:

    • Cloud Pak for Data: Find the instance name in the Cloud Pak for Data web client home page at Services > Instances.
    • IBM Cloud or stand-alone The default value is lh-default.
  • CRN: Cloud resource name: This field is needed only for connections to IBM Cloud. Find this information in the IBM Cloud resource list for the service.


Username and password for the instance. The same credentials are used for the engine.

  • For that is deployed on Cloud Pak for Data, use the username and password that is used to access Cloud Pak for Data. Cloud Pak for Data credentials that use an Identity Management Service (IAM), for example, LDAP or SSO, are not supported.
  • For that is deployed on IBM Cloud, the default username is ibmlhapikey_<cloud-account-email-address>. For example: The password is the user's API key.

For Credentials, you can use secrets if a vault is configured for the platform and the service supports vaults. For information, see Using secrets from vaults in connections.


By default, SSL is enabled is selected. This setting is recommended for increased security. If you do not use SSL, the data might be subject to vulnerabilities such as data leakage. Although the database that is hosted in can also have an SSL certificate, the connection goes through the engine.

If SSL is enabled on a instance on Cloud Pak for Data and the certificate is a self-signed certificate, you must enter the certificate in the SSL certificate field.

For an instance on IBM Cloud, the certificate is optional.

The SSL certificate must be in PEM format for both a instance on Cloud Pak for Data or IBM Cloud.

Ask your administrator if SSL is set up. To obtain the certificate of an IBM instance on Cloud Pak for Data, run this command:

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <cpd_hostname>:<cpd_port>

For example:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect

Engine connection details

  • Engine's hostname or IP address:

    • instance on Cloud Pak for Data:
      1. Expose the secure route to Presto server. This task is done by the administrator. See Exposing secure route to Presto server.
      2. In the console, open the Infrastructure manager and go to the Details page. Under Engine details, the hostname or IP address is the value of the External host.
    • instance on IBM Cloud: Find this information in the web console. Open the Infrastructure manager and go to the Details page. Under Engine details, the hostname or IP address is the value in the Host field before the colon (:).
  • Engine ID: Find this information in the web console. Go to the Infrastructure manager and click the engine's name.

  • Engine's port:

    • instance on Cloud Pak for Data: The port number is determined by which port is exposed by the administrator. See Exposing secure route to Presto server. The default port number is 443.
    • instance on IBM Cloud: Find this information in the web console. Open the Infrastructure manager and go to the Details page. Under Engine details, the port number is the value in the Host field after the colon (:).

Choose the method for creating a connection based on where you are in the platform

In a project
Click Assets > New asset > Data access tools > Connection. See Adding a connection to a project.
In a catalog
Click Add to catalog > Connection. See Adding a connection asset to a catalog.
In the Platform assets catalog
Click New connection. See Adding platform connections.

Next step: Add data assets from the connection

Where you can use this connection

You can use the connection in the following workspaces and tools:


  • Data quality rules (IBM Knowledge Catalog). SQL-based rules are supported starting in 4.8.3.

  • DataStage (DataStage service). See Connecting to a data source in DataStage.

  • Decision Optimization (Watson Studio and Watson Machine Learning)

  • Metadata enrichment (IBM Knowledge Catalog)

  • Metadata import (IBM Knowledge Catalog)


Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) compliance

  • 4.8.0 and 4.8.1: This connection is compliant with FIPS if you installed Cloud Pak for Data on or prior to January, 22, 2024. However, SSL certificates that you paste into the SSL certificate field are not supported. As a workaround, you can add the certificate to the OpenShift secret named connection-ca-certs. See Using a CA certificate to connect to internal servers from the platform for the procedure.

  • 4.8.2 and later: This connection is not compliant with FIPS, but it is FIPS-tolerant.


  • Only the Presto engine is supported.
  • You can use this connection only for source data. You cannot write to data or export data with this connection.

Known issues

See Known issues for Common core services. web console

Learn more

Related connection: Presto connection

Parent topic: Supported connections