Watson Knowledge Studio on Cloud Pak for Data

Version: 5.2.0    Premium   IBM


IBM Watson® Knowledge Studio for IBM Cloud Pak® for Data is a powerful application that simplifies the process of recognizing and identifying linguistic meaning and relationships in unstructured text. Intuitive, collaborative tools simplify the process of creating custom machine learning models without the need to write code. Included annotation techniques speed model development. Rule-based models that you create can recognize patterns in your documents.

You can use the models with other Watson™ offerings, such as IBM Watson Discovery to apply document-enhancing capabilities.

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Integrated services

Table 1. Prerequisite services. This service requires one of the following prerequisite services to be installed.
Service Capability
Watson Discovery Use an AI-powered search engine to extract answers from complex business documents. Train AI for deep understanding of your content, including tables and images to help you find business-value hidden in your enterprise.
Table 2. Related services. The following related services are often used with this service and provide complementary features, but they are not required.
Service Capability
Watson Assistant Build your own branded assistant into any device, application, or channel. Users interact with your application through the user interface that you implement.