Creating tables

You can generate, configure, and run DDL from the Data manager page by using the web console.


  1. Log in to console.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Data manager.
  3. Select engine from the Engine menu. Catalogs that are associated with the selected engine are listed.
  4. Click Create and select Create table from file menu.
  5. In the Create table from file form, drag a file to the box or click to upload.
    Note: CSV, Parquet, JSON, TXT are the supported data file formats.

    For JSON file, you must enclose the content in [].

  6. Click the data type and choose the required data type for each column. Click Next.
  7. In the Target form, select the Engine, Catalog, and Schema in which the table is created.
  8. Enter a name for the table in the Table name field and click Next.
  9. Verify the details in the Summary page and scroll down to view the DDL preview.
  10. Click Create.
  11. Go to the Data manager page and select the schema under which you created the table and click the refresh icon. The newly created table is listed.