Customizing with pip

You can add custom packages from the Python Package Index, PyPI without access to the public network.

You can use these methods to add custom packages:

Required roles:

Configuring pip to use a proxy server

You can configure pip for use behind a proxy server by creating your own clusterwide pip configuration file called pip.conf in which you can specify your own package index or a proxy user.

  1. Create a new pip configuration file or open the existing one at /user-home/_global_/config/conda/pip.conf. The names of the settings in pip.conf are derived from the long command-line option. Use the following options to configure your corporate proxy and an internal package index:

  2. Copy the pip.conf file to the shared file system:

    ibm_nginx_pod=`oc get pods -l component=ibm-nginx -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'`
    oc cp pip.conf ${ibm_nginx_pod}:/user-home/_global_/config/conda/pip.conf

Configuring pip from IBM Cloud Pak for Data storage

You can add a custom Python distribution package to IBM Cloud Pak for Data storage and then access these packages directly from within a notebook. Alternatively, you can add a configuration to your environment runtime with the file path to the package where it can be picked up by the runtime builds.

  1. Create a Python project with a build script.
  2. Generate a distribution package.
  3. Upload the zipped archive file to /user-home/_global_/config/conda.

     ibm_nginx_pod=`oc get pods -l component=ibm-nginx -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'`
     oc exec ${ibm_nginx_pod} -- chmod a+r "/user-home/_global_/config/conda/<package_name>"
  4. Create an environment template in the Watson Studio project and add a customization for pip:

    # Add conda channels below defaults, indented by two spaces and a hyphen.
      - nodefaults
    # Add conda packages here, indented by two spaces and a hyphen.
    # Add pip packages here, indented by four spaces and a hyphen.
    # Remove the comments on the following lines and replace sample package name with your package name.
      - pip:
        - file:///user-home/_global_/config/conda/

Configuring pip from project storage

You can add a custom Python distribution package to your analytics project in Watson Studio and then add a configuration to your environment template with the file path to the data assets folder in the project.

  1. Create a Python project with a build script.
  2. Generate a distribution package.
  3. Upload the zipped distribution file to your project as a data asset.
  4. Create an environment template in your Watson Studio project and add a customization:

    # Add conda channels below defaults, indented by two spaces and a hyphen.
      - nodefaults
    # Add conda packages here, indented by two spaces and a hyphen.
    # Add pip packages here, indented by four spaces and a hyphen.
    # Remove the comments on the following lines and replace sample package name with your package name.
      - pip:
        - file:///project_data/data_asset/

If your environment is air-gapped and you do not plan to use any conda packages from external sources, create a .condarc file in the same folder with the following content:

offline: True

This ensures that conda filters out all channels that do not use the file:// protocol.

Parent topic: Customization options for conda and pip