What's new and changed in the Informix

Informix® updates can include new features, bug fixes, and security updates. Updates are listed in reverse chronological order so that the latest release is at the top.

You can see a list of the new features for the platform and all of the services at What's new in IBM® Cloud Pak for Data.

Installing or upgrading Informix

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Cloud Pak for Data Version 4.5.2

A new version of Informix was released in August 2022 with Cloud Pak for Data 4.5.2.

Operand version: 4.6.0

Cloud Pak for Data Version 4.5.0

A new version of Informix was released in June 2022 with Cloud Pak for Data 4.5.0.

The 4.5.0 release of Informix includes the following features and updates:

Platform connections for Informix
If the common core services are installed, a platform connection is created automatically when you deploy an instance of Informix. You can use this connection to integrate with other data services.
Support for external vaults to store secrets
You can use vaults and secrets to securely store and access credentials to connect to your Informix data sources. For details, see Managing secrets and vaults.
Gather diagnostic and health data for service instances more easily
You can optionally include the output of the Informix must-gather tool (ifxcollect) in your Cloud Pak for Data diagnostic jobs. For details, see Gathering diagnostic information.
License Service integration
When you use the License Service to generate an audit snapshot of your use, the report includes information about your Informix use.

For more information, see Retrieving an audit snapshot in the License Service APIs.