Getting insights with Watson OpenScale

You can track all the deployed models, also known as deployments, that you are monitoring through the IBM Watson OpenScale dashboard.


The Insights Insight dashboard tab provides a high-level view of your deployment monitoring.

Each tile provides a summary of monitoring activity for that deployment. Some deployment tiles show no bias yet, perhaps because fairness evaluation is not complete.

Fairness, quality, performance, and analytics insights

Select any of the individual deployment tiles to view more details about that deployment. Monitoring data for individual deployments displays in a series of charts. The charts track metrics, such as fairness, average requests per minute, and accuracy over days, weeks, or months.


Use the Explain a transaction Explain a transaction tab displays. tab to search a specific transaction ID to explain a particular transaction record.

Model risk analysis and governance

Use the model risk and governance features to create pre-production and production repositories and compare models. For more information, see Model risk management and model governance.

Next steps

Parent topic: Watson OpenScale