Managing collaborators on platform connections

You can specify which users can create and manage the connections in the Platform connections catalog.

Remember: Common core services This feature is available only when the Cloud Pak for Data common core services are installed. The common core services are automatically installed by services that rely on them. If you don't see the Platform connections page, it's because none of the service that are installed on your environment rely on the common core services.

Before you begin

Required permissions
To complete this task, you must have the Admin role on the catalog.

About this task

At a minimum, all platform users have the Viewer role on the Platform connections catalog. This ensures that IBM® Cloud Pak for Data users can use these connections as appropriate.

Restriction: You cannot use user groups to manage access to the Platform connections catalog.

A user can have the following roles on the catalog:

Role Description
Viewer Users with this role can see the list of connections in the Platform connections catalog.

If a user has the appropriate credentials to access the underlying data source, the user can use the connection to connect to the data source.

If you installed Cloud Pak for Data Version 3.5, the All users group is assigned the Viewer role.

Editor Users with this role can:
  • See the list of connections
  • Create, edit, and delete connections

If you upgraded to Cloud Pak for Data Version 3.5, the All users group is assigned the Editor role. If you want more control over how connections are created, you can assign the All users group to the Viewer role. Additionally, if you attempt to assign a user the Viewer role, they will still have the Editor role through the All users group.

Admin Users with this role can:
  • See the list of connections
  • Create, edit, and delete connections
  • Manage the collaborators on the catalog

When the catalog is created, any user with the Administrator role in Cloud Pak for Data is assigned the Admin role on the Platform connections catalog.

If you assign a user the same role that is assigned to the All users group, the user is not displayed separately in the list of collaborators. The user is included in the All users entry. Only users with a different role are displayed individually.


To manage the collaborators on the Platform connections catalog:

  1. Log in to the Cloud Pak for Data web client.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Data > Platform connections.
  3. Go to the Access control tab.
  4. Take the appropriate action based on what you need to do:
    Action Procedure
    To give a user a different role on the catalog
    1. Click Add collaborator.
    2. Select the Role that you want to give to the user.
    3. In the Collaborators field, start tying the name of the user you want to assign the role to. Select the user.

      You can specify multiple users.

    4. Click Add.
    To change a collaborator's role
    1. Locate the collaborator.
    2. In the Role column, select the role that you want to assign to the collaborator.

    If you assign the collaborator the same role as the All users group, the collaborator is included in the All users group and the collaborator is removed from the list of collaborators.

    To remove a collaborator
    1. Locate the collaborator.
    2. Click the Remove collaborator icon.

    The collaborator is removed from the list of collaborators. However, the user is still included in the All users group.