Downloading the runtime configuration

Every custom image that you create must be based on one of the standard Jupyter notebook images included in IBM Watson Studio. You can get the name of the image that is used by a runtime from the configuration .json file for the runtime. The following configuration files exist for the standard Jupyter notebook images included in Watson Studio:

JSON configuration file Image description
jupyter-py37-server.json Jupyter Notebook with Python 3.7
jupyter-py37gpu-server.json Jupyter Notebook with Python 3.7 with GPU support
jupyter-lab-py37-server.json JupyterLab with Python 3.7
jupyter-lab-py37gpu-server.json JupyterLab with Python 3.7 with GPU support
jupyter-r36-server.json Jupyter Notebook with R 3.6
jupyter-py36-server.json * Jupyter Notebook with Python 3.6
jupyter-gpu-py36-server.json * Jupyter Notebook with Python 3.6 with GPU support
jupyter-lab-server.json * JupyterLab with Python 3.6
jupyter-lab-gpu-server.json * JupyterLab with Python 3.6 with GPU support

* Python 3.6 is deprecated. Consider creating images based on Python 3.7 instead.


Download the JSON file by using the Cloud Pak for Data API: