Downloading the CASE files

Before mirroring the images, you must connect to the internet so that you can download the corresponding CASE files.

About this task

Important: If your bastion host, portable compute device, or portable storage device must connect to the internet through a proxy, you must set environment variables on the machine that accesses the internet through the proxy server. For more information, see Setting up proxy environment variables.


  1. Connect your host to the internet and disconnect it from the local air-gapped network.
  2. Download the Cloud Pak for Business Automation images to your host.
    1. From IBM Catalog Management Plug-in (ibm-pak) v1.11.0 or later, you can download the CASE files from You can view the current configuration of the plug-in by running the following command:

      oc ibm-pak config

      The output lists all the configured repositories. The default repository from where the CASE files are downloaded has an asterisk mark (*) against the Name field.

    2. You can then run the following command to configure a repository that downloads the CASE files from the registry (an OCI-compliant registry) before you run the oc ibm-pak get command.

      oc ibm-pak config repo 'IBM Cloud-Pak OCI registry' -r --enable

      The command sets 'IBM Cloud-Pak OCI registry' as the default repository.

    3. You can list all the available CASE files to download by running the following command:

      oc ibm-pak list

      To get more help about the list command, run the following command:

      oc ibm-pak list --help
    4. Get the cp4ba-case-to-be-mirrored-23.0.2.txt file, or an interim fix, from the Cloud Pak for Business Automation CASE images technote, and rename the file to cp4ba-case-to-be-mirrored_23.0.2.yaml.

      Note: The YAML file contains the dependent case packages, IBM Certificate Manager, and IBM License Manager packages and the respective pinned versions. From Cloud Pak for Business Automation v23.0.2, you must install IBM Certificate Manager and IBM License Manager before installing the Cloud Pak operator.
      mv -v cp4ba-case-to-be-mirrored-<latest_ifix>.txt cp4ba-case-to-be-mirrored_23.0.2.yaml
    5. Create the workspace.
      mkdir /root/2302
    6. Run the following command to set the environment variable $IBMPAK_HOME.
      export IBMPAK_HOME=/root/2302
    7. When you are ready to start the download of the CASE files, run the following command:

      oc ibm-pak get -c file://<absolute path to file>/cp4ba-case-to-be-mirrored_23.0.2.yaml

      The <absolute path to file> needs to be a path starting from "/". For example, "/opt".

      By default, the root directory that is used by the ibm-pak plug-in is $IBMPAK_HOME/.ibm-pak. Therefore, by default, the Cloud Pak for Business Automation CASE is downloaded to $IBMPAK_HOME/.ibm-pak/data/cases/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION.

    8. To list the versions of all the downloaded CASE files, you can run the following command:

      oc ibm-pak list --downloaded

      The downloaded CASE is located in $IBMPAK_HOME/.ibm-pak/data/cases/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION. The logs files can be found in $IBMPAK_HOME/.ibm-pak/logs/oc-ibm_pak.log.


Your host is now configured with the Cloud Pak for Business Automation CASE files.

What to do next

You can now go ahead and mirror the images to your local registry. For more information, see Option 1: Mirroring catalogs to a private registry by using oc mirror.