Loading default sample data

After deployment, you must load each project database with sample data before you can start to use the Automation Document Processing Designer.


  1. Make sure Document Processing engine is deployed successfully by running the following command:
    acacm=$(oc get cm -o name |grep aca-config)
      oc get $acacm -o jsonpath='{.data.ACA_INIT_STATUS}'

    This command should return True. If this is not the case, review your deployment log.

  2. Download the required sample data file from the Natural Language Extractor pod.
    1. If you are using Db2, download the db2_imports.tar.xz by running the following command:
      export nle_pod=$(oc get po |grep icp4adeploy-natural-language-extractor | awk {'print $1'}| head -1)
        oc cp $nle_pod:/data-org/db_sample_data/db2_imports.tar.xz ./db2_imports.tar.xz
    2. If you are using PostgreSQL, download the pg_imports.tar.xz by running the following command:
      export nle_pod=$(kubectl get po |grep icp4adeploy-natural-language-extractor | awk {'print $1'}| head -1)
        kubectl cp $nle_pod:/data-org/db_sample_data/pg_imports.tar.xz ./pg_imports.tar.xz
  3. Copy the downloaded file to the server where you downloaded from the cert-kubernetes repository.
    1. If you are using Db2, place it under the ACA/configuration-ha/DB2 folder.
    2. If you are using PostgreSQL, place it under the ACA/configuration-ha/PG folder.
  4. Extract the contents of the downloaded file by running the following command:
    1. If you are using Db2:
      tar -xvf db2_imports.tar.xz
    2. If you are using PostgreSQL:
      tar -xvf pg_imports.tar.xz
  5. Run the LoadDefaultData.sh script to import the sample data.
    1. If you are using Db2, use the LoadDefaultData.sh in the DB2 folder.
    2. If you are using PostgreSQL, use the LoadDefaultData.sh in the PG folder.
  6. When prompted, enter the following information.
    • The name of your project database.
    • The Project Ontology name, either the default or the name that you specified.
  7. Repeat the script for each Project database in both your authoring and runtime environments.
  8. Create a document processing project to train documents. For more information, follow the steps in Creating a document processing project.