Kibana dashboards

Provided that you install Kibana OSS, you can use Kibana dashboards to visualize data from events that are emitted by IBM Cloud Pak® for Business Automation platform components and by custom sources.

Kibana provides comprehensive data visualization tools. IBM Business Automation Insights provides a set of predefined dashboards, with their underlying visualizations and searches.

Kibana dashboards are an interface through which you can interact with the data that is stored in an underlying Elasticsearch data store. Through these dashboards, you can query the data in several different ways. You can add filters and choose the time window from which you want to see data. You can click on graphs to filter by certain values.

To take benefit of the Kibana interface, you must set up your own Kibana OSS installation. For this purpose, use the settings.external_kibana_url parameter to specify the URL of your installation in your Business Automation Insights custom resource.

For samples of dashboards that you can create from your business data, see Samples.
Note: Before you install Kibana, check the version of Elasticsearch in Business Automation Insights. The version of Kibana must be compatible.