Capabilities for production deployments

You can install one or more capabilities in a production deployment. Depending on the selected capabilities, or patterns, the needed components of the foundation pattern and IBM Automation foundation are also installed.

You can install the following capabilities with the deployment script or the Form View in the OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) console. The templates that are used for the installation, can be found in the cert-kubernetes/descriptors/patterns folder. For more information about downloading cert-kubernetes, see Preparing a client to connect to the cluster.

Depending on the selected capabilities, the needed components of the foundation pattern are installed. The final custom resource file can combine capabilities and components and any number of configuration parameters that you need to complete your customizations.

The operator catalog for IBM Workflow Process Service Runtime is installed when the Cloud Pak operator catalog is installed, but you can create a deployment instance only after you created a IBM Cloud Pak® for Business Automation deployment. For more information, see Installing Workflow Process Service Runtime deployments.

Important: Use the list of capabilities and the dependencies to take note of what you need to prepare for on your cluster. Even if you select a single capability, you must prepare your cluster for the components that are always installed from the foundation. If you select extra components, they might not be in the same pattern and they might have dependencies of their own. If the pattern you select has components that originate from another pattern, you do not need to select the origin pattern to include those components. The origin pattern is shown because the preparation steps for these components are listed under the origin pattern.

Whether the dependency is a capability or components within a capability you must prepare them all before you install a deployment. Preparation might include creating databases, users and groups (LDAP), secrets, and other types of storage.

Foundation (pattern name foundation)

The deployment of any Cloud Pak for Business Automation capability includes the foundation pattern.

Foundation pattern visual
Table 1. Foundation components
Components Installed
IBM Business Automation Navigator (BAN) Always
Resource Registry (RR) Always
Business Automation Insights (BAI) If selected by combined capabilities, and installed by the Insights Engine operator
Business Automation Studio (BAS), which requires Business Teams Service (BTS) from Automation foundation. If needed by combined capabilities

Application Engine (AE)

If needed by combined capabilities
Note: The foundation pattern for a production deployment also includes configurations for LDAP, databases, and initialization.

A deployment of the Cloud Pak custom resource also includes an instance of IBM Automation foundation and the foundational services. Depending on the capabilities that you select, the dependency operators create the service instances.

IAf visual
Table 2. Automation foundation components
Components Installed
Default foundational services, which include
  • IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI (or Zen UI)
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Common Web UI Service
  • License Service
  • Certificate management
Business Automation Insights (BAI) If selected by combined capabilities
When the optional Business Automation Insights component is selected for deployment, the patterns activate the event processors.
  • Pattern ‘workflow’ or ‘workstreams’ activates the bpmn and icm processors for Business Automation Workflow and Case Manager events.
  • Pattern ‘decisions’ activates the odm processor for Operational Decision Manager events.
  • Pattern ‘content’ activates the content processor for IBM FileNet® Content Manager events.
Automation Foundation Event Processing (AutomationBase) If BAI is a selected option
Business Teams Service (BTS) If Business Automation Studio is needed by selected capabilities, or if Business Automation Insights is a selected option.
IBM Process Mining (IPM) Independently
IBM Robotic Process Automation (IRPA) Independently

Foundational services connect all IBM Cloud Paks with Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager (ODLM) and use a specific namespace (ibm-common-services) to manage the service instances. IBM Automation foundation includes a number of components, some of which are always installed, others are installed if they are selected or needed, and IBM Process Mining and IBM Robotic Process Automation are installed only if you install them independently. For more information, see IBM Cloud platform foundation and IBM Automation foundation system requirements.

The components can be created with varying sizes and replicas with the deployment profile size you choose for your Cloud Pak deployment. By default, they are set for a minimum configuration. For a true production environment, you need to adjust the sizes of these requirements. For example, you might need to increase the number of elastic nodes to handle the load of the log storage. For more information about these configuration values, see Configuring IBM Cloud Pak foundational services by using the CommonService custom resource.

Note: You do not need to prepare for the Cloud Pak foundational services that are always installed. The Cloud Pak for Business Automation operator takes care of these services for you. If you want to install optional components, then you must check the preparing steps for all the options that you want to include in your deployment.

Automation Decision Services (pattern name decisions_ads)

ADS pattern visual
Table 3. Automation Decision Services components
Components Capability or pattern Installed
Decision Designer Automation Decision Services Optional
Decision Runtime Automation Decision Services Optional
Application Engine Foundation Optional. Installed when Decision Designer is selected
Business Automation Insights (BAI) Foundation Optional
Business Automation Studio (BAS) and Business Teams Service (BTS) Foundation Optional. Installed with Decision Designer. BTS is installed if Business Automation Insights is a selected option.
Business Automation Navigator (BAN) Foundation Always
Resource Registry (RR) Foundation Always
Default foundational services, which include
  • IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI (or Zen UI)
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Common Web UI Service
  • License Service
  • Certificate management
Foundation Always

Automation Document Processing (pattern name document_processing)

document_processing pattern visual
Table 4. Automation Document Processing components: development environment (optional)
Components Capability or pattern Installed
Content Search Services (CSS) FileNet Content Manager * Optional
Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) FileNet Content Manager * Optional
Task Manager (TM) FileNet Content Manager * Optional
Document Processing Designer interface and REST API Automation Document Processing Always
Document Processing Designer Repository API Automation Document Processing Always
Document Processing Project Deployment Service Automation Document Processing Always
Viewer service Automation Document Processing Always
Common Git Gateway Service Automation Document Processing Always
Document Processing engine Automation Document Processing Always
Content Platform Engine FileNet Content Manager * Always
Content Services GraphQL API FileNet Content Manager * Always
MongoDB MongoDB Atlas Database Always
Application Engine (AE) (data persistence optional) Foundation Always
Business Automation Navigator (BAN) Foundation Always
Business Automation Studio (BAS) Foundation Always
Resource Registry (RR) Foundation Always
Default foundational services, which include
  • IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI (or Zen UI)
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Common Web UI Service
  • License Service
  • Certificate management
  • Business Teams Service (BTS)
Foundation Always

* You do not need to select FileNet Content Manager to include components from the content pattern. The always-installed components are automatically included when you select the development environment. The optional components are included when you select them.

document_processing pattern visual
Table 5. Automation Document Processing components: runtime environment (optional)
Components Capability and pattern Installed
Content Search Services (CSS) FileNet Content Manager * Optional
Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) FileNet Content Manager * Optional
Task Manager (TM) FileNet Content Manager * Optional
Content Project Deployment Service Automation Document Processing Always
Viewer Service Automation Document Processing Always
Document Processing engine Automation Document Processing Always
Content Platform Engine FileNet Content Manager * Always
GraphQL API FileNet Content Manager * Always
Application Engine (AE) Foundation Always
Business Automation Navigator (BAN) Foundation Always
Resource Registry (RR) Foundation Always
Default foundational services, which include
  • IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI (or Zen UI)
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Common Web UI Service
  • License Service
  • Certificate management
Foundation Always

* You do not need to select FileNet Content Manager to include components from the content pattern. The always-installed components are automatically included when you select the runtime environment. The optional components are included when you select them.

Automation Workstream Services (pattern name workstreams)

Automation Workstream Services visual
Table 6. Automation Workstream Services components
Components Capability or pattern Installed
Process Federation Server (PFS) Automation Workstream Services Always
Workflow server (JMS included) Automation Workstream Services Always
Content Platform Engine FileNet Content Manager * Always
GraphQL API FileNet Content Manager * Always
Content Management Interoperability Services FileNet Content Manager * Always
Application Engine (AE) Foundation Always
Business Automation Navigator (BAN) Foundation Always
Resource Registry (RR) Foundation Always
Default foundational services, which include
  • IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI (or Zen UI)
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Common Web UI Service
  • License Service
  • Certificate management
  • Business Teams Service (BTS)
Foundation Always

* You do not need to select FileNet Content Manager to include components from the content pattern. These components are automatically included with the workstreams pattern.

Business Automation Application (pattern name application)

Business Automation Application visual
Table 7. Business Automation Application components
Components Capability or pattern Installed
Application Engine data persistence Business Automation Application Optional
Content Platform Engine FileNet Content Manager * Optional. Required to use Application Engine data persistence.
GraphQL API FileNet Content Manager * Optional. Required to use Application Engine data persistence.
Application Designer Foundation Optional.
Business Automation Studio (BAS) Foundation Optional. Installed when Application Designer is selected.
Application Engine (AE) Foundation Always
Business Automation Navigator (BAN) Foundation Always
Resource Registry (RR) Foundation Always
Default foundational services, which include
  • IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI (or Zen UI)
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Common Web UI Service
  • License Service
  • Certificate management
  • Business Teams Service (BTS)
Foundation Always

* You do not need to select FileNet Content Manager to include components from the content pattern. These components are automatically included when you select Application Engine data persistence.

Business Automation Workflow (pattern name workflow)

You can choose Business Automation Workflow Authoring or Business Automation Workflow Runtime.

Workflow Authoring and Workflow Runtime must be in different instances (different custom resource and namespaces).

Business Automation Workflow Authoring
Business Automation Workflow visual

Application Designer is not installed by default with Business Automation Workflow Authoring. To use Application Designer, install the Business Automation Application pattern with the optional Application Designer component. If you need an external Workplace environment, you can select the Business Automation Application pattern to install Application Engine, which automatically includes an external Workplace.

Table 8. Business Automation Workflow Authoring components
Components Capability or pattern Installed
Business Automation Insights (BAI) Foundation Optional. Machine Learning Server is available only if Business Automation Insights is installed.
Process Federation Server (PFS) Business Automation Workflow Authoring Always
Content Platform Engine FileNet Content Manager * Always
Content Management Interoperability Services FileNet Content Manager * Always
GraphQL API FileNet Content Manager * Always
Workflow Authoring Business Automation Workflow Authoring Always
Business Automation Navigator (BAN) Foundation Always
Business Automation Studio (BAS) (JMS included) Foundation Always
Resource Registry (RR) Foundation Always
Default foundational services, which include
  • IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI (or Zen UI)
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Common Web UI Service
  • License Service
  • Certificate management
  • Business Teams Service (BTS)
Foundation Always

* You do not need to select FileNet Content Manager to include components from the content pattern. These components are automatically included with Workflow Authoring.

Business Automation Workflow Runtime
Workflow runtime pattern visual
Table 9. Business Automation Workflow Runtime components
Components Capability or pattern Installed
Business Automation Insights (BAI) Foundation Optional. Machine Learning Server is available only if Business Automation Insights is installed.
Workflow server (JMS included) Business Automation Workflow Runtime Always
Process Federation Server (PFS) Business Automation Workflow Runtime Always
Content Platform Engine FileNet Content Manager Always
Content Management Interoperability Services FileNet Content Manager Always
GraphQL API FileNet Content Manager Always
Application Engine (AE) (data persistence required) Foundation Always
Business Automation Navigator (BAN) Foundation Always
Resource Registry (RR) Foundation Always
Default foundational services, which include
  • IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI (or Zen UI)
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Common Web UI Service
  • License Service
  • Certificate management
  • Business Teams Service (BTS)
Foundation Always

* You do not need to select FileNet Content Manager to include components from the content pattern. These components are automatically included with Workflow Runtime.

FileNet Content Manager (pattern name content)

FNCM pattern visual
Table 10. FileNet Content Manager components
Components Capability or pattern Installed
Content Search Services (CSS) FileNet Content Manager Optional
Content Management Interoperability (CMIS) FileNet Content Manager Optional
Content Collector for SAP (ICC4SAP) FileNet Content Manager Optional
Enterprise Records (IER) FileNet Content Manager Optional
Task Manager (TM) FileNet Content Manager Optional
Business Automation Insights (BAI) Foundation Optional
Content Platform Engine (CPE) FileNet Content Manager Always
Content Services GraphQL FileNet Content Manager Always
Business Automation Navigator (BAN) Foundation Always
Resource Registry (RR) Foundation Always
Default foundational services, which include
  • IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI (or Zen UI)
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Common Web UI Service
  • License Service
  • Certificate management
Foundation Always

Operational Decision Manager (pattern name decisions)

ODM pattern visual
Table 11. Operational Decision Manager components
Components Capability or pattern Installed
Decision Center Operational Decision Manager Optional
Decision Runner Operational Decision Manager Optional
Decision Server Runtime Operational Decision Manager Optional
Business Automation Insights (BAI) Foundation Optional
Decision Server Console Operational Decision Manager When Decision Server Runtime is selected
Rule Designer Operational Decision Manager Independently
Business Automation Navigator (BAN) Foundation Always
Resource Registry (RR) Foundation Always
Default foundational services, which include
  • IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI (or Zen UI)
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Common Web UI Service
  • License Service
  • Certificate management
Foundation Always

Workflow Process Service Authoring (pattern name workflow-process-service)

Workflow Process Service capability diagram
Table 12. Installed foundation components with Workflow Process Service Authoring
Components Installed
Business Automation Insights Optional
Business Automation Studio and Workflow Process Service Authoring Always
Default foundational services, which include
  • IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI (or Zen UI)
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Common Web UI Service
  • License Service
  • Certificate management