Customizing Decision Center

You can customize the Decision Center behavior through a configmap that references a properties file with context parameters.

About this task

Customize Decision Center when you install a new instance of Operational Decision Manager, or when you update an existing instance.

The customization can be applied, for example, to adjust the Decision Center transaction timeout if it requires more than the default time.

The following table shows the properties that you can set.

Table 1. Context parameters
Property name Default value Description
ilog.rules.teamserver.transaction.timeout 600 Modify the timeout value that is associated with transactions. The value is in seconds.
maxUploadSize 20000000 The maximum file size in bytes (20 MB)
Note: You perform the following steps when you configure the custom resource (CR).


To customize the context-param properties before the installation of an Operational Decision Manager instance, proceed as follows:

  1. Create a file.
    1. Be sure to name the file
    2. Set the context parameters in this file. For example,
  2. Create a configmap that references this properties file.
    kubectl create configmap my-odm-dc-web-configmap --from-file
  3. Specify this configmap in the custom resource (CR) file.

    To associate the configmap with the odm_configuration.decisionCenter definition, set the webConfigRef parameter in the custom resource YAML file that you use to install Operational Decision Manager.

       webConfigRef: my-odm-dc-web-configmap