Postinstallation steps

After initial configuration or subsequent updates of the Case event emitter, you must change the class loading order and define the shared libraries for the application.

Set parent class loading as parent last

First, you change the class loading order.


  1. To navigate to the Case event emitter application, open the WebSphere® Application Server administration console and select Applications > Application Types > Websphere Enterprise applications > your_application_name.
  2. Click Class loading and update detection and select Class loader order > Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last).

    Keep the default Class loader for each WAR file in application option.

  3. Click OK and then Save to save the changes to the master configuration.

Define shared libraries

Next, you define the necessary shared libraries.


  1. Open the WebSphere Application Server administration console and select Environment > Shared Libraries.
  2. To define the scope for the shared library, select the cell and node where your application is deployed.
  3. Click New.
    1. In the page that is displayed, enter a name, such as IBM_Case_Event_Emitter_Shared_Library.
    2. As the class path, enter ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/CaseManagement/analytics/lib.

    Leave the Use an isolated class loader for this shared library check box cleared.

  4. Open the deployed Case event emitter application and browse to Applications > Application Types > Websphere Enterprise Applications.
  5. Under References, click Shared Library References, and then select the check box for the event emitter application and click Reference Shared Libraries.
  6. In the page that opens, select the IBM_Case_Event_Emitter_Shared_Library that you created in step 3.
  7. Click OK and save the configuration.
  8. Restart the application for the changes to take effect.