Installing the Cloud Pak catalog and an operator instance

After you set up everything that you need on a bastion host, you can then install the IBM operator catalog in your air gap environment.

Before you begin

Your deployment in an air gap environment also needs IBM Cloud® Platform Common Services, so make sure that your cluster has capacity to install these services, see Hardware requirements and recommendations for foundational services.

Download the cert-kubernetes repository to a Linux-based machine (RHEL, CentOS, and so on) or a client to a Linux-based machine or virtual machine that can run Podman. For more information, see Setting up a mirror image registry.

Important: The Cloud Pak cannot be installed on a cluster with an existing installation of IBM Automation foundation that used the All namespaces on the cluster option. Check the openshift-operators namespace to find installed operators. The Cloud Pak supports installation on a single namespace and not on all namespaces. To install more than one deployment of the Cloud Pak, each deployment must be installed in a different namespace and the operator needs to be installed for each namespace.

You must have cluster administrator privileges to run the installation. During the installation of Common Services (with IAM), a non-administrator OCP user called "admin" is created or is overwritten if it exists. Make sure that if a user with the name "admin" exists in your cluster, overwriting it does not cause a problem.

About this task

You must prepare the storage of the operator before you create an instance of the operator.

Tip: When you run the deployment script, you must have storage classes on your cluster. If you use static storage, make sure that you grant group write permission to the nfs.path on the host or your shared volume on your NFS server.

To install the Cloud Pak operator, complete the following steps.


  1. Log in to your OCP cluster.
    oc login https://<cluster-ip>:<port> -u <cluster-admin> -p <password>
  2. Go to the Kubernetes namespace for the Cloud Pak operator that you created in the previous step.
    oc project ${NAMESPACE}

    Where <operator namespace> is the namespace where you want to install the operator.

  3. Create the YAML resources for the operator and component logs. Dynamic storage (Choice 1) is recommended.
    • Choice 1:
      1. Make sure that you are in the directory where you downloaded the CASE archive. For more information, see Setting up a mirror image registry.
        cd ${OFFLINEDIR}/ibm-cp-automation/inventory/cp4aOperatorSdk/files/deploy/crs
        tar xvzf cert-k8s-21.0.x.tar
        cd cert-kubernetes
      2. Edit the cert-kubernetes/descriptors/operator-shared-pvc.yaml file and replace the <StorageClassName> and <Fast_StorageClassName> placeholders by storage classes of your choice.
      3. Deploy the PVCs. If you created your own operator-shared-pvc.yaml file, run the following command with your own path.
        oc create -f <path>/operator-shared-pvc.yaml

        Otherwise, if you edited descriptors/operator-shared-pvc.yaml run the command with the file from the descriptors folder.

        oc create -f descriptors/operator-shared-pvc.yaml

        Confirm that the STATUS of the PVCs (cp4a-shared-log-pvc and operator-shared-pvc) are bound correctly before you move to the next step by running the following command in the ${NAMESPACE}.

        oc get pvc
        NAME                STATUS VOLUME                                   CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS        AGE
        cp4a-shared-log-pvc Bound  pvc-db2068e1-83d1-45e4-a4db-a33b93387561 100Gi    RWX          managed-nfs-storage 102m
        operator-shared-pvc Bound  pvc-74f0a26c-3632-4c93-a78c-6502cee5ab48 1Gi      RWX          managed-nfs-storage 102m
    • Choice 2:
      1. If you want to use static storage, create a PV YAML file, for example operator-shared-pv.yaml. The following example YAML defines two PVs, one for the operator and one shared volume for the component logs. PVs depend on your cluster configuration, so adapt the YAML to your configuration.
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: PersistentVolume
          name: operator-shared-pv
          - ReadWriteMany
            storage: 1Gi
            path: /shared/operator
            server: <NFS Server>
          persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: PersistentVolume
            type: local
          name: cp4a-shared-log-pv
            storage: 100Gi
            - ReadWriteMany
            path: /root/logs
            server: <NFS Server>
          persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete

        Replace <NFS Server> with the actual server name.

      2. If you did the previous step, deploy the PVs.
        oc create -f operator-shared-pv.yaml
      3. If you did the previous steps, provide group write permission to the persistent volumes. According to the PV nfs.path definitions, run the following commands:
        chown -R :65534 <path>
        chmod -R g+rw <path>

        Where <path> is the value in your PVs (/root/operator and /root/logs). Group ownership must be set to the anongid option given in the NFS export definition of the NFS server associated with the PV. The default anongid value is 65534.

        Remove the .OPERATOR_TYPE file in case it exists from a previous deployment.

        rm -f <path>.OPERATOR_TYPE

        Where <path> is the value in your operator PV (/root/operator).

      4. Create a claim for the static PVs.

        To create a claim bound to the previously created PVs, create a file <path>/operator-shared-pvc.yaml anywhere on your disk, with the following content.

        apiVersion: v1
        kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
          name: operator-shared-pvc
          namespace: ${NAMESPACE}
            - ReadWriteMany
              storage: 1Gi
          volumeName: operator-shared-pv
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
          name: cp4a-shared-log-pvc
          namespace: ${NAMESPACE}
            - ReadWriteMany
              storage: 100Gi
          volumeName: cp4a-shared-log-pv
      5. Deploy the PVCs. If you created your own operator-shared-pvc.yaml file, run the following command with your own path.
        oc create -f <path>/operator-shared-pvc.yaml
      6. Confirm that the STATUS of the PVCs (cp4a-shared-log-pvc and operator-shared-pvc) are bound correctly before you move to the next step by running the following command in the ${NAMESPACE}.
        oc get pvc
        NAME                STATUS VOLUME                                   CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS        AGE
        cp4a-shared-log-pvc Bound  pvc-db2068e1-83d1-45e4-a4db-a33b93387561 100Gi    RWX          managed-nfs-storage 102m
        operator-shared-pvc Bound  pvc-74f0a26c-3632-4c93-a78c-6502cee5ab48 1Gi      RWX          managed-nfs-storage 102m
  4. Install the Cloud Pak operator.
    1. Create a catalog source.
      cloudctl case launch \
        --case ${OFFLINEDIR}/${CASE_ARCHIVE} \
        --inventory ${CASE_INVENTORY_SETUP} \
        --action install-catalog \
        --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
        --args "--registry ${LOCAL_REGISTRY} --inputDir ${OFFLINEDIR} --recursive" 
    2. Verify that the pods for the Cloud Pak operator catalogs are created.

      Check that the following pods are recently created (oc get pods -n openshift-marketplace):

      ibm-automation-foundation-core-catalog-<five characters>
      ibm-cp-automation-foundation-catalog-<five characters>
      ibm-cp4a-operator-catalog-<five characters>
      opencloud-operators-<five characters>
    3. Check that the following catalog sources are recently created (oc get catalogsource -n openshift-marketplace):
      NAME                                     DISPLAY                                    
      ibm-automation-foundation-core-catalog   IBM Automation Foundation Core Operators   
      ibm-cp-automation-foundation-catalog     IBM Automation Foundation Operators        
      ibm-cp4a-operator-catalog                ibm-cp4a-operator                          
      opencloud-operators                      IBMCS Operators  
    4. Install the Cloud Pak operator in the specified namespace.
      cloudctl case launch \
        --case ${OFFLINEDIR}/${CASE_ARCHIVE} \
        --inventory ${CASE_INVENTORY_SETUP} \
        --action install-operator \
        --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
        --args "--registry ${LOCAL_REGISTRY} --inputDir ${OFFLINEDIR}" 
    5. Verify that the operators are installed.
      oc get pod | grep ibm-cp4a-operator
      oc get pod -n ibm-common-services

      It might take up to 10 minutes or so for all the pods to show the Running status.

      Tip: If ibm-cp4a-operator is inactive for some time, you can delete the operator pod and let it reconcile.

      To confirm that the operator is stuck, check to see whether the log is providing an output.

      oc logs <operator pod> -f

      If you see the following issues when the image is pulled, verify the global pull secret and confirm that the docker registry username and password are correct.

      Warning Failed <invalid> (x2 over <invalid>) kubelet Error: ImagePullBackOff
      Normal Pulling <invalid> (x2 over <invalid>) kubelet Pulling image

      The following command verifies the global pull secrets.

      oc -n openshift-config get secret/pull-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.\.dockerconfigjson}' | base64 --decode | tr -d "\r|\n| " > dockerconfig.json

      To change the credentials you can edit the dockerconfig.json file, delete the registry entries for the registry, and then apply the changes.

      oc set data secret/pull-secret -n openshift-config --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=dockerconfig.json
    6. Add JDBC drivers to the operator pod for Business Automation Navigator and all of the other patterns in your deployment that need them.

      Copy all of the JDBC drivers that are needed by the components to the operator pod. Depending on your storage configuration, you might not need all these drivers. For more information about compatible JDBC drivers, see Db2 JDBC information, Oracle JDBC information, SQL Server JDBC information, and PostgreSQL JDBC information. The following .jar files are examples.

      • Db2®
        • db2jcc4.jar
        • db2jcc_license_cu.jar
      • Oracle
        • ojdbc8.jar
        • orai18n.jar
      • Microsoft SQL Server
        • mssql-jdbc-8.2.2.jre8.jar
      • PostgreSQL
        • postgresql-42.2.9.jar

      The following structure shows an example remote file system.

         └── jdbc
              ├── db2
                  ├── db2jcc4.jar
                  └── db2jcc_license_cu.jar
              ├── oracle
                  ├── ojdbc8.jar
                  └── orai18n.jar
              ├── sqlserver
                  └── mssql-jdbc-8.2.2.jre8.jar
              ├── postgresql
                  └── postgresql-42.2.9.jar

      Copy the JDBC files to the operator pod.

      podname=$(oc get pod | grep ibm-cp4a-operator | awk '{print $1}')
      kubectl cp $PATH_TO_JDBC/jdbc ${NAMESPACE}/$podname:/opt/ansible/share
      Note: The $PATH_TO_JDBC is the path to the driver files on your system. The ${NAMESPACE} must be set to the namespace of the installed operator.
      To verify that the files are in the pod, run the following commands:
      oc get pod | grep ibm-cp4a-operator | awk '{print $1}'

      The output provides the name of the pod: ibm-cp4a-operator-<ten characters>-<five characters>

      oc rsh ibm-cp4a-operator-<ten characters>-<five characters>
      ls -lR /opt/ansible/share
      total 0
      drwxrwxrwx. 3 1000600000 root 1 jdbc
      total 0
      drwxrwxrwx. 2 1000600000 root 2 db2
      total 6399
      -rw-r--r--. 1 1000600000 root 6550443 db2jcc4.jar
      -rw-r--r--. 1 1000600000 root 1529 db2jcc_license_cu.jar
    7. If you intend to install Content Collector for SAP as an optional component of the Content Manager pattern, then you must download the necessary libraries, put them in a directory, and copy the files to the operator pod.
      1. Make a saplibs directory. Give read and write permissions to the directory by running the chmod command.
      2. Download the SAP Netweaver SDK 7.50 library from the SAP Service Marketplace.
      3. Copy the SAP files to the operator pod.
        podname=$(oc get pod | grep ibm-cp4a-operator | awk '{print $1}')
        kubectl cp $PATH_TO_SAPLIBS/saplibs ${NAMESPACE}/$podname:/opt/ansible/share
        Note: The $PATH_TO_SAPLIBS is the path to the driver files on your system. The ${NAMESPACE} must be set to the namespace of the installed operator.


When started, you can monitor the operator logs with the following command.

oc logs -f deployment/ibm-cp4a-operator -c operator

What to do next

Use the instructions on how to prepare your cluster for the capabilities that you want to install. For more information, see Preparing capabilities.

When you are ready, choose the option to deploy the CR. For more information, see Installing an Enterprise deployment in Operator Hub.