Optional: Enabling the Liberty feature to integrate with SQL

To integrate with SQL, update the Liberty configuration in your custom resource file.


  1. Add either your JDBC driver or the files of the SQL Integration services to the Workflow server pods, by using the filestore persistent volume claim (PVC) that is mounted at /opt/ibm/bawfile.
    Run the following command to copy your JDBC driver or the files of SQL Integration services to the Workflow server location /opt/ibm/bawfile:
    oc cp jdbcdriver.file workflow-server-pod:/opt/ibm/bawfile/jdbcdriver.file
    The files are stored in the persistent volume (PV) related to the PVC and are kept between restarts.
  2. To add a datasource, customize the Liberty custom XML file by using the information from Configuring relational database connectivity in Liberty and Optional: Customizing Business Automation Workflow properties.
    The settings will be merged into the Liberty settings for the component. For more information about Liberty customization, see Administering Liberty manually.
    The XML snippet must be in the <server> element. The following examples use an SQL Server database.
            <dataSource id="DefaultDataSource" jndiName="jdbc/mssqlserver">
              <jdbcDriver libraryRef="MSJDBCLib"/>
              <properties.microsoft.sqlserver databaseName="SAMPLEDB" serverName="9.x.x.x" portNumber="1433" user="<db-user>" password="<db-password>"/>
            <library id="MSJDBCLib">
              <file name="/opt/ibm/bawfile/mssql-jdbc-9.4.1.jre8.jar"/>
    The file path in the configuration must match the appropriate container path. The filestore PVC as described in the previous step is mounted at /opt/ibm/bawfile inside the container.
  3. After you modify the custom resource file, you must update your deployment to have it take effect.
    Follow the instructions in Updating deployments.