Verifying Business Automation Workflow Runtime

Wait for about 45 minutes, depending on your computer's performance. Then, check the status of the pods.


  1. Get the names of the pods that were deployed by running the following command:
    oc get pod -n my_project
    The following is an example of a successful pod status in 20.0.3. The pods are all running or completed, depending on their type.
    NAME                                                    READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    ibm-cp4a-operator-7ff88ff497-twhrl                          1/1     Running     0          21h
    workflow-bai-admin-58cc759dc7-4gx65                         1/1     Running     0          17h
    workflow-bai-bpmn-v2xgz                                     0/1     Completed   0          16h
    workflow-bai-business-performance-center-84b79c7c88-gxhgm   1/1     Running     0          173m
    workflow-bai-event-forwarder-xnqkj                          0/1     Completed   0          174m
    workflow-bai-flink-jobmanager-65bd686cd6-jrscr              1/1     Running     0          17h
    workflow-bai-flink-taskmanager-0                            1/1     Running     0          171m
    workflow-bai-flink-taskmanager-1                            1/1     Running     0          174m
    workflow-bai-flink-zk-0                                     1/1     Running     0          17h
    workflow-bai-management-6499467477-xrhjb                    1/1     Running     0          4h44m
    workflow-bai-setup-kcmqq                                    0/1     Completed   0          16h
    workflow-bawins1-baw-case-init-job-vsxwh                    0/1     Completed   0          18h
    workflow-bawins1-baw-content-init-job-lnw82                 0/1     Completed   0          18h
    workflow-bawins1-baw-db-init-job-pfs-z2jjb                  0/1     Completed   0          18h
    workflow-bawins1-baw-db-init-job-w9gpm                      0/1     Completed   0          18h
    workflow-bawins1-baw-jms-0                                  1/1     Running     0          18h
    workflow-bawins1-baw-ltpa-b2zvk                             0/1     Completed   0          18h
    workflow-bawins1-baw-server-0                               1/1     Running     0          16h
    workflow-bawins1-baw-umsregistry-job-k62mv                  0/1     Completed   0          18h
    workflow-bawins1-baw-workplace-job-9fkln                    0/1     Completed   0          18h
    workflow-cmis-deploy-b4476f89d-6jtpb                        1/1     Running     0          20h
    workflow-cpe-deploy-67959b797-94zhg                         1/1     Running     0          21h
    workflow-dba-rr-8254740ee2                                  1/1     Running     0          21h
    workflow-dba-rr-9c94867574                                  1/1     Running     0          21h
    workflow-dba-rr-e8ab59623a                                  1/1     Running     0          21h
    workflow-elasticsearch-statefulset-0                        2/2     Running     0          18h
    workflow-graphql-deploy-6fbc9c54c7-xdcmf                    1/1     Running     0          20h
    workflow-ibm-dba-ek-client-f9f7cff58-qbxdr                  1/1     Running     0          17h
    workflow-ibm-dba-ek-data-0                                  1/1     Running     0          17h
    workflow-ibm-dba-ek-kibana-66c69bb558-82mbt                 1/1     Running     0          17h
    workflow-ibm-dba-ek-master-0                                1/1     Running     0          17h
    workflow-ibm-dba-ek-security-config-ppxlf                   0/1     Completed   0          16h
    workflow-mls-itp-ff54d56bf-f5grq                            1/1     Running     0          16h
    workflow-mls-wfi-68f87dc5d4-cfm5t                           1/1     Running     0          16h
    workflow-mls-wfi-68f87dc5d4-j49d5                           1/1     Running     0          16h
    workflow-navigator-deploy-cf7dcc95b-6l669                   1/1     Running     0          20h
    workflow-pfs-0                                              1/1     Running     0          18h
    workflow-pfs-dbareg-df8d5db95-fd7n6                         1/1     Running     0          18h
    workflow-pfs-umsregistry-job-h2mhz                          0/1     Completed   0          18h
    workflow-rr-backup-1604646900-q69v6                         0/1     Completed   0          4m27s
    workflow-rr-setup-pod                                       0/1     Completed   0          21h
    workflow-ums-scim-deployment-566d47c87b-8tlcl               1/1     Running     0          21h
    workflow-ums-scim-deployment-566d47c87b-h2l8j               1/1     Running     0          21h
    workflow-ums-sso-deployment-697b67c774-2d6hs                1/1     Running     0          21h
    workflow-ums-sso-deployment-697b67c774-rzs8f                1/1     Running     0          21h
    workflow-ums-teams-deployment-67788d7cdc-sg7bl              1/1     Running     0          21h
    workflow-ums-teams-deployment-67788d7cdc-zk7hc              1/1     Running     0          21h
    workflow-workspace-aae-ae-db-job-zb6cj                      0/1     Completed   0          18h
    workflow-workspace-aae-ae-deployment-5b4d5b8b5d-jrnd5       1/1     Running     0          18h
    workflow-workspace-aae-ae-oidc-job-g2h67                    0/1     Completed   0          18h
  2. For each pod, check under Events to see that the images were successfully pulled and the containers were created and started, by running the following command with the specific pod name:
    oc describe pod pod_name -n my_project
  3. If you are using the OpenShift Container Platform, you can run scripts/ to get the routes that are created and the user credentials that you need to log in to the web applications to get started. Or, access Process Portal, Case Client, and  New in 20.0.3  IBM Workplace using the following steps:
    1. Access Process Portal by using the URL:
      where workflow_hostname corresponds to the baw_configuration.hostname property in your custom resource file.
    2. Access Case Client by using the URL:
      where navigator_hostname corresponds to the navigator_configuration.hostname property in your custom resource file.
    3.  New in 20.0.3  Access Workplace by using the URL:
      where navigator_hostname corresponds to the navigator_configuration.hostname property in your custom resource file.
    If you are using self-signed certificates, you must first go to the following URLs and accept the self-signed certificates:
    • https://workflow_hostname where workflow_hostname corresponds to the baw_configuration.hostname property in your custom resource file.
    • https://pfs_hostname/rest/bpm/federated/v1/systems where pfs_hostname corresponds to the pfs_configuration.hostname property in your custom resource file. Remember to log in with your LDAP user and password.
    • https://ae_hostname/ where ae_hostname either corresponds to the application_engine_configuration.hostname property or the shared_configuration.sc_deployment_hostname_suffix property in your custom resource file.