Exporting projects

In IBM Business Automation Studio, you can export projects or versions of projects so you can back them up, share them, or be published for users to be able to run the project to do their work.

Before you begin

Before you export projects ensure you have Read permission or be a repository administrator. For more information, see Managing access to the repository.


To export a project, complete the following steps:

  1. Select Applications and then click the application, template, or toolkit you want to export. Or, select Automations and select the workflow automation you want to export.
    Note: If Toolkits isn't available to you, your Preferences are set to Basic.
  2. To export a project, select the three-dot icon near Open and then select Export. To export a version, select the three-dot icon beside the version and select Export.
    You can export the project to be shared or used as a backup or to be published. The most recent version of the project will be exported. If a version doesn't exist, you are prompted to create one.
    Note: Regardless of the file format, when you export an application, dependent automation services from external services, workflow automations, or decision automations are not included.
  3. Click Export.
  4. Locate the directory you want to save the export file in, name the file, and then save it.

What to do next

To continue developing the project or view the artifacts in it, import it into IBM Business Automation Studio. To make the project available for users in IBM Business Automation Navigator, publish it. See Publishing applications.