IBM Business Automation Workflow Authoring parameters

 New in 20.0.3  Each container needs a set of values for its configuration parameters to create a Kubernetes deployment. The following tables provide the description and default value for each parameter. Complete the custom resource YAML file for your deployment by supplying values for your environment and configuration.

The following tables list the configurable parameters and their default values. All properties are mandatory, unless they have a default value or are explicitly optional. Although the containers might seem to install correctly when some parameters are omitted, this kind of configuration is not supported.

Shared configuration parameters

Some configuration parameters can be shared by an installation of multiple automation components. See Shared configuration for these parameters.

The following table shows shared configuration parameters for IBM Business Automation Workflow and Workstream Services.

Table 1. Pattern configuration parameters
Parameter Description Default
shared_configuration.sc_deployment_patterns Deployment pattern. workflow
shared_configuration.sc_dynamic_storage_classname The value must be provided if you plan to install a pattern for demonstration purposes. A component can override the shared storage class name to define specific storage classes.  
shared_configuration.sc_run_as_user For non-OCP (CNCF platforms such as AWS, GKE), this parameter is required.  
shared_configuration.sc_optional_components You can choose Business Automation Insights as an optional component to install with the pattern. bai
shared_configuration.sc_deployment_baw_license Business Automation Workflow (BAW) license. Possible values are: user, non-production, and production.  
shared_configuration.sc_deployment_fncm_license Business Automation Workflow (FNCM) license. Possible values are: user, non-production, and production.  
shared_configuration.sc_deployment_license Use this parameter to specify the license for the deployment for the rest of the Business Automation Workflow components.  

LDAP configuration parameters

For LDAP configuration parameters, see LDAP configuration.

Kafka configuration parameters

For Kafka configuration and parameters, see Kafka client configuration.

Mandatory configuration parameters

You must set the parameters in the custom resource file to access the docker images in your environment. The following table lists the configurable parameters and default values. All properties are mandatory

Table 2. Spec configuration parameters
Parameter Description
appVersion The version of the current release.
Table 3. Mandatory shared configuration parameters
Parameter Description Default
shared_configuration.root_ca_secret Root certificate authority (CA) secret name to store the root CA TLS key and certificate. icp4a-root-ca
shared_configuration.encryption_key_secret Shared encryption key secret name that is used for Workflow Services and IBM FileNet Content Manager integration. icp4a-shared-encryption-key
shared_configuration.sc_deployment_type Business Automation Workflow can be installed for demo and enterprise. Set the value to demo in your non-production environments only. enterprise
shared_configuration.sc_deployment_platform The platform to be deployed specified by the user. Possible values are: OCP and other. The value is normally populated by the user script based on input from the user.  
shared_configuration.sc_deployment_hostname_suffix Specify the hostname used to create routes. Routes are created automatically if sc_deployment_platform is set to OCP.  
shared_configuration.trusted_certificate_list Default trusted certificate secret names. Every component trusts these certificates for secure communication. Enter a comma-delimited list of the secret names. []
shared_configuration.image_pull_secrets Shared image pull secrets. IfNotPresent
shared_configuration.images.keytool_job_container.repository Image name for Transport Layer Security (TLS) job container. dba-keytool-jobcontainer
shared_configuration.images.keytool_job_container.tag Image tag for TLS job container. 20.0.3 (or 20.0.2 for previous version)
shared_configuration.images.dbcompatibility_init_container.repository Image name for database compatibility init container. dba-dbcompatibility-initcontainer
shared_configuration.images.dbcompatibility_init_container.tag Image tag for database compatibility init container. 20.0.3 (or 20.0.2 for previous version)
shared_configuration.images.keytool_init_container.repository Image name for TLS init container. dba-keytool-initcontainer
shared_configuration.images.keytool_init_container.tag Image tag for TLS init container. 20.0.3 (or 20.0.2 for previous version)
shared_configuration.images.umsregistration_initjob.repository Image name for OpenID Connect (OIDC) registration job container. dba-umsregistration-initjob
shared_configuration.images.umsregistration_initjob.tag Image tag for OIDC registration job container. 20.0.3 (or 20.0.2 for previous version)
shared_configuration.images.pull_policy Pull policy for all containers. IfNotPresent

User Management Service configuration parameters

For UMS configuration parameters, see User Management Service configuration parameters.

Resource Registry configuration parameters

For Resource Registry parameters, see the Resource Registry table in IBM Business Automation Application Engine parameters.

Business Automation Navigator configuration parameters

See IBM Business Automation Navigator parameters.

FileNet Content Manager configuration parameters

See IBM FileNet Content Manager parameters.

Business Automation Insights configuration parameters

See IBM Business Automation Insights parameters.

Business Automation Studio configuration parameters

See IBM Business Automation Studio parameters.

Application Engine configuration parameters

See IBM Business Automation Application Engine parameters.

Business Automation Workflow Authoring configuration parameters

Provide the details that are relevant to your Business Automation Workflow environment and your decisions for the deployment of the container.

The following tables list the parameters for configuring Workflow Services.

Table 4. Workflow Services configuration parameters
Parameter Description Default
workflow_authoring_configuration.service_type Workflow Authoring service type Route
workflow_authoring_configuration.hostname Workflow Authoring hostname.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.port Workflow Authoring port. 443
workflow_authoring_configuration.nodeport Workflow Authoring node port. 30026
workflow_authoring_configuration.replicas Workflow Authoring replica count. 1
workflow_authoring_configuration.admin_user Administrator user for Workflow Authoring. This parameter is required.
workflow_authoring_configuration.admin_secret_name The name of Workflow Authoring admin secret. baw-admin-secret
workflow_authoring_configuration.monitor_enabled Whether to use the built-in monitoring capability. false
workflow_authoring_configuration.external_connection_timeout External connection timeout. 60s
workflow_authoring_configuration.external_tls_secret Secret that contains the Transport Layer Security (TLS) key and certificate for external HTTPS connections. You can enter the secret name here. If you do not want to use the customized external TLS certificate, leave it empty.
workflow_authoring_configuration.external_tls_ca_secret Certificate authority (CA) used to sign the external TLS secret. It is stored in the secret with the TLS key and certificate. You can enter the secret name here. If you don't want to use the customized CA to sign the external TLS certificate, leave it empty.
workflow_authoring_configuration.tls.tls_secret_name Workflow Authoring TLS secret that contains tls.key and tls.crt. ibm-baw-tls
workflow_authoring_configuration.tls.tls_trust_list Workflow Authoring TLS trust list.
workflow_authoring_configuration.tls.tls_trust_store Secret to store your custom trusted keystore (optional). The type for the keystore must be JKS or PKCS12. All certificates from the keystore are imported into the trust keystore of Workflow Authoring. You might run the following sample command to create the secret:
kubectl create secret generic baw_custom_trust_keystore_secret --from-file=truststorefile=./trust.jks --from-literal=type=JKS --from-literal=password=WebAS
workflow_authoring_configuration.image.repository Workflow Authoring image repository URL. workflow-server
workflow_authoring_configuration.image.tag Image tag for Workflow Authoring container. 20.0.3
workflow_authoring_configuration.image.pullPolicy Pull policy for Workflow Authoring container. IfNotPresent
workflow_authoring_configuration.pfs_bpd_database_init_job.repository Database initialization image repository URL for Process Federation Server. pfs-bpd-database-init-prod
workflow_authoring_configuration.pfs_bpd_database_init_job.tag Database initialization image repository tag for Process Federation Server. 20.0.3
workflow_authoring_configuration.pfs_bpd_database_init_job.pullPolicy Pull policy for Process Federation Server database initialization image. IfNotPresent
workflow_authoring_configuration.upgrade_job.repository Workflow Authoring database handling image repository URL. workflow-server-dbhandling
workflow_authoring_configuration.upgrade_job.tag Workflow Authoring database handling image repository tag. 20.0.3
workflow_authoring_configuration.upgrade_job.pullPolicy Pull policy for database handling. IfNotPresent
workflow_authoring_configuration.bas_auto_import_job.repository Workflow Authoring Business Automation Studio toolkit init image repository URL. toolkit_installer
workflow_authoring_configuration.bas_auto_import_job.tag Workflow Authoring Business Automation Studio toolkit init image repository tag. 20.0.3
workflow_authoring_configuration.bas_auto_import_job.pullPolicy Pull policy for Business Automation Studio toolkit init image.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.enable_ssl Whether to enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support for the Workflow Authoring database connection. true
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.db_cert_secret_name Secret name for storing the database TLS certificate when an SSL connection is enabled.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.type Workflow Authoring database type. DB2®
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.server_name Workflow Authoring database server name. This parameter is required.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.database_name Workflow Authoring database name. This parameter is required.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.port Workflow Authoring database port. This parameter is required. 50000
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.secret_name Workflow Authoring database secret name. This parameter is required.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.jdbc_url Oracle database connection string. If the database type is Oracle, provide this string. For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<oracle_server>:1521/orcl.
workflow_authoring_configuration.use_custom_jdbc_drivers Whether to use custom JDBC drivers. Set to true if you are using Oracle, PostgreSQL, or a special Db2® driver. false
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.custom_jdbc_pvc Name of the persistent volume claim (PVC) that binds to the persistent volume (PV) where the custom JDBC driver files are stored.
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.jdbc_driver_files The set of JDBC driver files.
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.cm_max_pool_size Workflow Authoring database connect pool maximum number of physical connections 200
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.dbcheck.wait_time Workflow Authoring database check wait time. 900
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.dbcheck.interval_time Workflow Authoring database interval time. 15
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.hadr.standbydb_host Database standby host for high availability disaster recovery (HADR). To enable database HADR, configure both standby host and port.
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.hadr.standbydb_port Database standby port for HADR. To enable database HADR, configure both standby host and port.
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.hadr.retryinterval Retry interval for HADR.
workflow_authoring_configuration.database.hadr.maxretries Maximum retries for HADR.
workflow_authoring_configuration.content_integration.init_job_image.repository Image name for content integration container. iaws-ps-content-integration
workflow_authoring_configuration.content_integration.init_job_image.tag Image tag for content integration container. 20.0.3
workflow_authoring_configuration.content_integration.init_job_image.pull_policy Pull policy for content integration container. IfNotPresent
workflow_authoring_configuration.content_integration.domain_name Domain name for content integration. The value must be the same as initialize_configuration.ic_domain_creation.domain_name. BAWDOCS
workflow_authoring_configuration.content_integration.object_store_name Object Store name for content integration.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.content_integration.cpe_admin_secret Admin secret for content integration. Image name for CASE init job container. workflow-server-case-initialization Image tag for CASE init job container. 20.0.3 Pull policy for CASE init job container. IfNotPresent Domain name for CASE. The value must be the same as initialize_configuration.ic_domain_creation.domain_name. P8DOMAIN Design Object Store name of CASE. The value must be the same as the oc_cpe_obj_store_symb_name value of one of the object stores defined in initialize_configuration.ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores. BAWDOS Target Object Store name of CASE. The value must be the same as the oc_cpe_obj_store_symb_name value of one of the object stores defined in initialize_configuration.ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores. BAWTOS Connection point name for Target Object Store. pe_conn_target Name of the target environment or project area to register with the case components and associate with an IBM Content Navigator desktop. dev_env_connection_definition Persistent volume claim (PVC) name for case network shared directory. This parameter must be set to the same value as the Business Automation Navigator pvc_for_icn_pluginstore parameter. See IBM Business Automation Navigator parameters. Custom package names for installing custom packages, where the value format is similar to, Custom extension names for installing custom packages, where the value format is similar to,  
workflow_authoring_configuration.resources_init.limits.cpu CPU limit for Workflow Authoring init process. 500m
workflow_authoring_configuration.resources_init.limits.memory Memory limit for Workflow Authoring init process. 256Mi
workflow_authoring_configuration.resources_init.requests.cpu Requested amount of CPU for Workflow Authoring init process. 200m
workflow_authoring_configuration.resources_init.requests.memory Requested amount of memory for Workflow Authoring init process. 128Mi
workflow_authoring_configuration.resources_init_heavy_job.limits.cpu CPU limit for Workflow Authoring init process with heavy usage, such as database init process. 1
workflow_authoring_configuration.resources_init_heavy_job.limits.memory Memory limit for Workflow Authoring init process with heavy usage. 1536Mi
workflow_authoring_configuration.resources_init_heavy_job.requests.cpu Requested amount of CPU for Workflow Authoring init process with heavy usage. 500m
workflow_authoring_configuration.resources_init_heavy_job.requests.memory Requested amount of memory for Workflow Authoring init process with heavy usage. 512Mi
workflow_authoring_configuration.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for Workflow Authoring. 2
workflow_authoring_configuration.resources.limits.memory Memory limit for Workflow Authoring. 2096Mi
workflow_authoring_configuration.resources.requests.cpu Requested amount of CPU for Workflow Authoring. 500m
workflow_authoring_configuration.resources.requests.memory Requested amount of memory for Workflow Authoring. 1048Mi Number of seconds after the Workflow Authoring container starts before the liveness probe is initiated. 300 Number of seconds to wait before the next probe. 10 Number of seconds after which the probe times out. 10 When a probe fails, number of times that Kubernetes tries before it gives up and restarts the container. 3 Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after it failed. 1 Number of seconds after the Workflow Authoring container starts before the readiness probe is initiated. 240 Number of seconds to wait before the next probe. 5 Number of seconds after which the probe times out. 5 When a probe fails, number of times that Kubernetes tries before it marks the pod as unready. 6 Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after it failed. 1
workflow_authoring_configuration.logs.console_format Format for printing logs on the console. json
workflow_authoring_configuration.logs.console_log_level Log level for printing logs on the console. INFO
workflow_authoring_configuration.logs.console_source Source of the logs for printing on the console. message,trace,accessLog,ffdc,audit
workflow_authoring_configuration.logs.message_format Required format for the messages.log file. Valid values are SIMPLE and JSON. SIMPLE
workflow_authoring_configuration.logs.trace_format Format of the trace log. Options values are: BASIC, ADVANCED, and ENHANCED. ENHANCED
workflow_authoring_configuration.logs.trace_specification Specification for printing trace logs. *=info|
workflow_authoring_configuration.logs.max_files Maximum number of log files that are kept before the oldest file is removed. 10
workflow_authoring_configuration.logs.max_filesize Maximum size (in MB) that a log file can reach before it is rolled. 50 Set to true to use dynamic storage provisioning. If set to false, you must set existing_pvc_for_logstore and existing_pvc_for_dumpstore. true Persistent volume claim (PVC) for logs. Minimum size of the persistent volume (PV) that is mounted as the log store. 10Gi PVC for dump files. Minimum size of the PV that is mounted as the dump store. 10Gi PVC for files. This includes temporary files that are created by the SQL integration facility Invoking SQL Integration services. Minimum size of the PV that is mounted as the file store. 10Gi PVC for files. This includes temporary files that are created by the SQL integration facility Invoking SQL Integration services. Minimum size of the PV that is mounted as the file store. 10Gi
workflow_authoring_configuration.autoscaling.enabled Whether to enable automatically scaling the number of pods. false
workflow_authoring_configuration.autoscaling.max_replicas Upper limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler. If it is not specified or negative, the server uses the default value 3
workflow_authoring_configuration.autoscaling.min_replicas Lower limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler. If it is not specified or negative, the server uses the default value 2
workflow_authoring_configuration.autoscaling.target_cpu_utilization_percentage Target average CPU utilization (represented as a percent of requested CPU) over all the pods. If it is not specified or negative, the default is used. 80
workflow_authoring_configuration.environment_config.show_task_prioritization_service_toggle Whether to show the Intelligent Task Prioritization service toggle button in the web user interface to allow the user to enable or disable this service. This parameter is valid only for the first Workflow instance. false
workflow_authoring_configuration.environment_config.always_run_task_prioritization_service Whether to display the Intelligent Task Prioritization service toggle button. If this parameter is set to true, the previous parameter is ignored. This parameter is valid only for the first Workflow instance. false
workflow_authoring_configuration.federation_config.workflow_server.index_number_of_shards Number of primary shards of the Elasticsearch index used to store Workflow Authoring data. 3
workflow_authoring_configuration.federation_config.workflow_server.index_number_of_replicas Number of shard replicas of the Elasticsearch index used to store Workflow Authoring data. 1
workflow_authoring_configuration.federation_config.case_manager[x].object_store_name Case Manager object store name. BAWTOS
workflow_authoring_configuration.federation_config.case_manager[x].index_number_of_shards Number of primary shards of the Elasticsearch index used to store Case Manager object store data. 3
workflow_authoring_configuration.federation_config.case_manager[x].index_number_of_replicas Number of shard replicas of the Elasticsearch index used to store Case Manager object store data. 1
workflow_authoring_configuration.jvm_customize_options JVM options separated with spaces, for example: -Dtest1=test -Dtest2=test2.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.liberty_custom_xml Workflow Authoring custom plain XML snippet.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.custom_xml_secret_name Workflow Authoring custom XML secret name.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.lombardi_custom_xml_secret_name Workflow Authoring Lombardi custom XML secret name.  
Table 5. Java Message Service (JMS) configuration parameters
Parameter Description Default
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.image.repository Image name for JMS container. baw-jms-server
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.image.tag Image tag for JMS container. 20.0.3
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.image.pull_policy Pull policy for JMS container. IfNotPresent
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.tls.tls_secret_name TLS secret name for JMS. ibm-jms-tls-secret
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.resources.limits.memory Memory limit for JMS configuration. 2Gi
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for JMS configuration. 1000m
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.resources.requests.memory Requested amount of memory for JMS configuration. 512Mi
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.resources.requests.cpu Requested amount of CPU for JMS configuration. 200m Whether to enable persistent storage for JMS. true Size for JMS persistent storage. 1Gi Whether to enable dynamic provisioning for JMS persistent storage. true Access modes for JMS persistent storage. Refer to Kubernetes documentation for available options. ReadWriteOnce Storage class name for JMS persistent storage. Uses the shared_configuration.storage_configuration. sc_fast_file_storage_classname
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.liveness_probe.initial_delay_seconds Number of seconds after the container starts before the liveness probe is initiated. 180
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.liveness_probe.period_seconds How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. 20
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.liveness_probe.timeout_seconds Number of seconds after which the probe times out. 10
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.liveness_probe.failure_threshold When a pod starts and the probe fails, Kubernetes tries this number of times before giving up. Minimum value is 1. 3
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.liveness_probe.success_threshold Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after failing. Minimum value is 1. 1
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.readiness_probe.initial_delay_seconds Number of seconds after the container starts before the readiness probe is initiated. 30
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.readiness_probe.period_seconds How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. 5
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.readiness_probe.timeout_seconds Number of seconds after which the probe times out. 5
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.readiness_probe.failure_threshold When a pod starts and the probe fails, Kubernetes tries this number of times before giving up. Minimum value is 1. 6
workflow_authoring_configuration.jms.readiness_probe.success_threshold Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after failing. Minimum value is 1. 1
Table 6. BPM event emitter configuration parameters
Parameter Description Default
workflow_authoring_configuration.business_event.enable Whether to enable event monitoring for Dynamic Event Framework events for the Workflow Services container. If Business Automation Insights and the Machine Learning Server parameters are configured, this parameter must be set to true. false
workflow_authoring_configuration.business_event.enable_task_api Whether to record additional task information in generated events. If Business Automation Insights and the Machine Learning Server parameters are configured, this parameter must be set to true. This parameter is equivalent to the enable_task_api_def parameter. See BPMN summary event formats. false
workflow_authoring_configuration.business_event.enable_task_record Whether to enable the task record in generated events. This optional parameter is equivalent to the task-record-enabled parameter. See BPMN summary event formats. true
workflow_authoring_configuration.business_event.subscription List of the subscription configurations. Each subscription attribute is listed in the rest of this table.
 [{'app_name': '*','version': '*','component_type': '*','component_name': '*','element_type': '*','element_name': '*','nature': '*'}]
See Event point key and filter.
workflow_authoring_configuration.business_event.subscription[x].app_name Name of the application that is the source of the events that are to be monitored.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.business_event.subscription[x].component_name Name of the component to be monitored.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.business_event.subscription[x].component_type Type of the component to be monitored.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.business_event.subscription[x].element_name Name of the element to be monitored.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.business_event.subscription[x].element_type Type of element to be monitored. BPMN types are PROCESS, ACTIVITY, EVENT, and GATEWAY.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.business_event.subscription[x].nature Nature of the event. One element can send events of various natures, such as STARTED, ACTIVE, COMPLETED. The BPMN nature categories are STARTED, COMPLETED, TERMINATED, DELETED, FAILED, CAUGHT, THROWN, EXPECTED, ACTIVE, READY, RESOURCE_ASSIGNED, ACTIVE, LOOP_CONDITION_TRUE, LOOP_CONDITION_FALSE, and MULTIPLE_INSTANCES_STARTED.  
workflow_authoring_configuration.business_event.subscription[x].version Version of the application to be monitored.  
To enable event monitoring for Dynamic Framework Events, add the configuration business_event related to each instance of workflow_authoring_configuration in your custom resource YAML file, as in the following example:
    - name: instance1
	#The main switch 
        enable: true
	#Performance tuning switches. You must set these to true so the task-related events can be monitored.
        enable_task_api: true
        enable_task_record: true
	#Subscription related settings
        - app_name: '*'
          component_name: '*'
          component_type: '*'
          element_name: '*'
          element_type: '*'
          nature: '*'
          version: '*'
Table 7. Case event emitter configuration parameters
Parameter Description Default Creation date of the events. The emitter starts processing the events from that date. If a bookmark exists, the emitter ignores this parameter and processes the events from the bookmark. An 8-character alphanumeric string without underscores. This value is always required. While processing, the emitter tracks the events that are processed by using the Content Engine Audit Processing Bookmark with a display name that is based on this value. Therefore, if the emitter is restarted and if the bookmark exists, the emitter processes the events from the last bookmark. Comma-separated list of all the case solution names that need to be processed. Add all the solutions that you want to be processed before you deploy the Case event emitter. Case event emitter batch size. 1000 Whether to process FileNet Process Engine events in addition to IBM Business Automation Workflow events. true
The following example shows sample values:
  date_sql: 20200630T002840Z
  logical_unique_id: bawinst1
  solution_list: SampleSolution1,SampleSolution2
You can use the * wildcard if you want events from all the case solutions to be processed by the Case event emitter. Use: solution_list: *

Machine Learning Server configuration parameters

The following tables list the parameters for configuring Machine Learning Server:
Important: To use Intelligent Task Prioritization, you must set the following Business Automation Insights parameter to true:
      install: true
Table 8. Intelligent Task Prioritization configuration parameters
Parameter Description Default
baml_configuration.intelligent_task_prioritization.replicas Intelligent Task Prioritization pod count. 2
baml_configuration.intelligent_task_prioritization.probes.readiness.initial_delay_seconds Number of seconds after the Intelligent Task Prioritization container starts before the readiness probe is initiated. 40
baml_configuration.intelligent_task_prioritization.image.repository Image for Intelligent Task Prioritization container.
baml_configuration.intelligent_task_prioritization.image.tag Image tag for Intelligent Task Prioritization container. 20.0.3
baml_configuration.intelligent_task_prioritization.image.pull_policy Pull policy for Intelligent Task Prioritization container. IfNotPresent
baml_configuration.intelligent_task_prioritization.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for Intelligent Task Prioritization container. 2
baml_configuration.intelligent_task_prioritization.resources.limits.memory Memory limit for Intelligent Task Prioritization container. 2048Mi
baml_configuration.intelligent_task_prioritization.resources.requests.cpu Requested amount of CPU for Intelligent Task Prioritization container. 500m
baml_configuration.intelligent_task_prioritization.resources.requests.memory Requested amount of memory for Intelligent Task Prioritization container. 1024Mi Whether to use a dynamic storage provisioner. If this parameter is set to false, existing_pvc_for_logstore and existing_pvc_for_trained_pipelines must also be set. true Persistent volume claim (PVC) for logs. Minimum size of the persistent volume (PV) that is mounted as the log store. 10g PVC for Intelligent Task Prioritization trained pipeline files. Minimum size of the PV that is mounted as the storage for Intelligent Task Prioritization trained pipeline files. 10g
baml_configuration.intelligent_task_prioritization.autoscaling.enabled Whether to enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler for Intelligent Task Prioritization pod  for Intelligent Task Prioritization pod. false
baml_configuration.intelligent_task_prioritization.autoscaling.max_replicas Upper limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler. It cannot be smaller than min_replicas. 3
baml_configuration.intelligent_task_prioritization.autoscaling.min_replicas Lower limit for the number of replicas to which the autoscaler can scale down. 2
baml_configuration.intelligent_task_prioritization.autoscaling.target_cpu_utilization_percentage Target average CPU utilization over all the pods. 80
Important: To use Workforce Insights, you must set the following Business Automation Insights parameters to true:
      install: true
      forceElasticsearchTimeseries: true
Table 9. Workforce Insights configuration parameters
Parameter Description Default
baml_configuration.workforce_insights.replicas Workforce Insights pod count. 2
baml_configuration.workforce_insights.probes.readiness.initial_delay_seconds Number of seconds after the Workforce Insights container starts before the readiness probe is initiated. 40
baml_configuration.workforce_insights.image.repository Image for Workforce Insights container.
baml_configuration.workforce_insights.image.tag Image tag for Workforce Insights container. 20.0.3
baml_configuration.workforce_insights.image.pull_policy Pull policy for Workforce Insights container. IfNotPresent
baml_configuration.workforce_insights.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for Workforce Insights container. 2
baml_configuration.workforce_insights.resources.limits.memory Memory limit for Workforce Insights container. 2048Mi
baml_configuration.workforce_insights.resources.requests.cpu Requested amount of CPU for Workforce Insights container. 500m
baml_configuration.workforce_insights.resources.requests.memory Requested amount of memory for Workforce Insights container. 1024Mi Whether to use a dynamic storage provisioner. If this parameter is set to false, existing_pvc_for_logstore must also be set. true Persistent volume claim (PVC) for logs. Minimum size of the persistent volume (PV) that is mounted as the log store. 10g
baml_configuration.workflow_insights.autoscaling.enabled Whether to enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler for Intelligent Task Prioritization pod  for Workforce Insights pod. false
baml_configuration.workflow_insights.autoscaling.max_replicas Upper limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler. It cannot be smaller than min_replicas. 3
baml_configuration.workflow_insights.autoscaling.min_replicas Lower limit for the number of replicas to which the autoscaler can scale down. 2
baml_configuration.workflow_insights.autoscaling.target_cpu_utilization_percentage Target average CPU utilization over all the pods. 80
Table 10. Process Federation Server configuration parameters
Parameter Description Default
pfs_configuration.hostname Process Federation Server hostname.  
pfs_configuration.port Process Federation Server port. 443
pfs_configuration.service_type How the HTTPS endpoint service should be published. Possible values are ClusterIP, NodePort, Route. Route
  •  New in 20.0.3  pfs_configuration.elasticsearch.endpoint
  •  For 20.0.2  pfs_configuration.external_elasticsearch.endpoint
Endpoint of external elasticsearch, such as: https://external_es_host:external_es_port.  
  •  New in 20.0.3  pfs_configuration.elasticsearch.admin_secret_name
  •  For 20.0.2  pfs_configuration.external_elasticsearch.admin_secret_name
The external Elasticsearch administrative secret that contains the following keys:
  • .htpasswd: A file listing the users and associated passwords that are allowed to authenticate.
  • username: The name of a user referenced in the .htpasswd file. Process Federation Server pods use this user to connect to Elasticsearch.
  • password: The password of the user provided through the username key. Process Federation Server uses this password to connect to Elasticsearch.
 New in 20.0.3  pfs_configuration.elasticsearch.connect_timeout External Elasticsearch connection timeout setting. 10s
 New in 20.0.3  pfs_configuration.elasticsearch.read_timeout External Elasticsearch read timeout setting. 30s
 New in 20.0.3  pfs_configuration.elasticsearch.thread_count External Elasticsearch thread count setting.  
pfs_configuration.admin_secret_name Name of the Kubernetes secret that contains the Process Federation Server administration passwords, such as keystorePassword, ltpaPassword, oidcClientPassword, sslKeyPassword, truststorePassword. ibm-pfs-admin-secret
pfs_configuration.config_dropins_overrides_secret Name of the Kubernetes secret that contains the files that will be mounted in the /config/configDropins/overrides folder.
pfs_configuration.enable_notification_server Whether to enable the notification server false
 New in 20.0.3  pfs_configuration.enable_default_security_roles Whether to enable default security roles. true
pfs_configuration.image.repository Process Federation Server image. pfs-prod
pfs_configuration.image.tag Process Federation Server image tag. 20.0.3 (or 20.0.2 for previous version)
pfs_configuration.image.pull_policy Process Federation Server image pull policy IfNotPresent
pfs_configuration.liveness_probe.initial_delay_seconds Number of seconds after Process Federation Server container starts before the liveness probe is initiated. 300
pfs_configuration.readiness_probe.initial_delay_seconds Number of seconds after Process Federation Server container starts before the readiness probe is initiated. 240
pfs_configuration.replicas Number of initial Process Federation Server pods. 1
pfs_configuration.service_account Service account name for the Process Federation Server pod.
pfs_configuration.anti_affinity Whether Kubernetes can (soft) or must not (hard) deploy Process Federation Server pods onto the same node. Possible values are soft and hard. hard
pfs_configuration.resources_security_secret Name of the Kubernetes secret that contains the files to be mounted in the /config/resources/security folder.
pfs_configuration.custom_libs_pvc Name of the custom libraries that contain the files to be mounted in the /config/resources/security folder.
pfs_configuration.external_tls_secret Secret that contains the Transport Layer Security (TLS) key and certificate for external HTTPS connections. You can enter the secret name here. If you do not want to use the customized external TLS certificate, leave it empty.
pfs_configuration.external_tls_ca_secret Certificate authority (CA) used to sign the external TLS secret. It is stored in the secret with the TLS key and certificate. You can enter the secret name here. If you don't want to use the customized CA to sign the external TLS certificate, leave it empty.
pfs_configuration.monitor_enabled Specify whether to use the built-in monitoring capability. false
pfs_configuration.tls.tls_secret_name Existing TLS secret that contains tls.key and tls.crt.
pfs_configuration.tls.tls_trust_list Existing TLS trust secret.
 New in 20.0.3  pfs_configuration.tls.tls_trust_store Secret to store your custom trusted keystore (optional). The type for the keystore must be JKS or PKCS12. All certificates from the keystore are imported into the trust keystore of the Process Federation Server server. You might run the following sample command to create the secret:
kubectl create secret generic pfs_custom_trust_keystore_secret --from-file=truststorefile=./trust.jks --from-literal=type=JKS --from-literal=password=WebAS
pfs_configuration.resources.requests.cpu Requested CPU for Process Federation Server Resource Registry configuration. 500m
pfs_configuration.resources.requests.memory Minimum memory required (including JVM heap and file system cache) to start an Elasticsearch pod. 512Mi
pfs_configuration.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for Process Federation Server Resource Registry configuration. 2
pfs_configuration.resources.limits.memory Maximum memory (including JVM heap and file system cache) to allocate to each Elasticsearch pod. 4Gi
pfs_configuration.saved_searches.index_name Name of the Elasticsearch index used to store saved searches. ibmpfssavedsearches
pfs_configuration.saved_searches.index_number_of_shards Number of shards of the Elasticsearch index used to store saved searches. 3
pfs_configuration.saved_searches.index_number_of_replicas Number of replicas (pods) of the Elasticsearch index used to store saved searches. 1
pfs_configuration.saved_searches.index_batch_size Batch size used when retrieving saved searches. 100
pfs_configuration.saved_searches.update_lock_expiration Amount of time before an update lock is considered to be expired. Valid values are numbers with a trailing 'm' or 's' for minutes or seconds. 5m
pfs_configuration.saved_searches.unique_constraint_expiration Amount of time before a unique constraint is considered to be expired. Valid values are numbers with a trailing 'm' or 's' for minutes or seconds. 5m SSO domain names property of the webAppSecurity tag. SSO cookie name property of the webAppSecurity tag. ltpatoken2 keysFileName property of the ltpa tag. ltpa.keys Expiration property of the ltpa tag. 120m monitorIntervalproperty of the ltpa tag. 60s sslProtocol property of the ssl tag that is used as default SSL configuration. SSL
pfs_configuration.executor.max_threads Value of the maxThreads property of the executor tag. 80
pfs_configuration.executor.core_threads Value of the coreThreads property of the executor tag. 40 Value of the userGroupCheckInterval property of theibmPfs_restConfig tag. 300s Value of the systemStatusCheckInterval property of the ibmPfs_restConfig tag. 60s Value of the bdFieldsCheckInterval property of theibmPfs_restConfig tag. 300s
pfs_configuration.custom_env_variables.names Names of the custom environment variables that are defined in the secret that is referenced in customEnvVariables.secret.
pfs_configuration.custom_env_variables.secret Secret holding custom environment variables.
pfs_configuration.logs.console_format Format for printing logs on the console. The valid values are basic or json format. json
pfs_configuration.logs.console_log_level Log level for printing logs on the console. The valid values are INFO, AUDIT, WARNING, ERROR, and OFF. INFO
pfs_configuration.logs.console_source Source of the logs for printing on the console. This property applies only when the consoleFormat is json. Valid values are message, trace, accessLog, ffdc, and audit. message,trace,accessLog,ffdc,audit
pfs_configuration.logs.trace_format Format for printing trace logs. The default format for the Liberty server is ENHANCED. The BASIC and ADVANCED formats are for WebSphere® Application Server. ENHANCED
pfs_configuration.logs.trace_specification Specification for printing trace logs. An example value is *=info Whether to use dynamic provisioning for storing the log data for Process Federation Server. false Minimum size of the PV used mounted as Process Federation Server Liberty server /logs folder. 5Gi Storage class of the PV used mounted as Process Federation Server Liberty server/logs folder. Uses the shared_configuration.storage_configuration. sc_fast_file_storage_classname
 New in 20.0.3 PVC for logs.  
pfs_configuration.dba_resource_registry.lease_ttl Duration of the lease that creates the Process Federation Server entry in the DBA Service Registry, in seconds. 120
pfs_configuration.dba_resource_registry.pfs_check_interval Interval at which to check that Process Federation Server is running, in seconds. 10
pfs_configuration.dba_resource_registry.pfs_connect_timeout Number of seconds after which Process Federation Server is considered as not running if no connection can be established. 10
pfs_configuration.dba_resource_registry.pfs_response_timeout Number of seconds after which Process Federation Server is considered as not running if it has not yet responded. 30
pfs_configuration.dba_resource_registry.pfs_registration_key Key under which Process Federation Server should be registered in the DBA Service Registry when running. /dba/appresources/IBM_PFS/PFS_SYSTEM
pfs_configuration.dba_resource_registry.resources.limits.memory Memory limit for Process Federation Server and Resource Registry integration pod. 512Mi
pfs_configuration.dba_resource_registry.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for Process Federation Server and Resource Registry integration pod. 500m
pfs_configuration.dba_resource_registry.resources.requests.memory Requested amount of memory for Process Federation Server and Resource Registry integration pod. 512Mi
pfs_configuration.dba_resource_registry.resources.requests.cpu Requested amount of CPU for Process Federation Server and Resource Registry integration pod. 200m
Table 11. Elasticsearch configuration parameters
Parameter Description Default
elasticsearch_configuration.es_image.repository Elasticsearch image. pfs-elasticsearch-prod
elasticsearch_configuration.es_image.tag Elasticsearch image tag. 20.0.3 (or 20.0.2 for previous version)
elasticsearch_configuration.es_image.pull_policy Elasticsearch image pull policy. IfNotPresent
elasticsearch_configuration.es_init_image.repository Process Federation Server init image. pfs-init-prod
elasticsearch_configuration.es_init_image.tag Process Federation Server init image tag. 20.0.3 (or 20.0.2 for previous version)
elasticsearch_configuration.es_init_image.pull_policy Process Federation Server init image pull policy. IfNotPresent
elasticsearch_configuration.es_nginx_image.repository Elasticsearch ngnix image. pfs-nginx-prod
elasticsearch_configuration.es_nginx_image.tag Elasticsearch ngnix image tag. 20.0.3 (or 20.0.2 for previous version)
elasticsearch_configuration.es_nginx_image.pull_policy Elasticsearch ngnix image pull policy. IfNotPresent
elasticsearch_configuration.replicas Number of initial Elasticsearch pods. 1
elasticsearch_configuration.service_type How the HTTPS endpoint service should be published. ClusterIP
elasticsearch_configuration.external_port Port to which the Elasticsearch server HTTPS endpoint will be exposed externally. This parameter is relevant only if pfs_configuration.elasticsearch.service_type is set to NodePort.
elasticsearch_configuration.admin_secret_name The Elasticsearch administrative secret that contains the following keys:
  • .htpasswd: A file listing the users and associated passwords that are allowed to authenticate.
  • username: The name of a user referenced in the .htpasswd file. Process Federation Server pods use this user to connect to Elasticsearch.
  • password: The password of the user provided through the username key. Process Federation Server uses this password to connect to Elasticsearch.
elasticsearch_configuration.anti_affinity Whether Kubernetes may (soft) or must not (hard) deploy Elasticsearch pods onto the same node. Possible values are soft and hard. hard
elasticsearch_configuration.service_account Name of a service account to use. If elasticsearch_configuration.privileged is set to true, then this service account must allow running privileged containers. If not provided, CUSTOM_RESOURCE_NAME-ibm-pfs-es-service-account is used.  
elasticsearch_configuration.privileged When set to true, a privileged container is created to run the appropriate sysctl commands so that the node that is running the pods can disable swapping and increase the limit on the number of open file descriptors. false
elasticsearch_configuration.probe_initial_delay Initial delay for liveness and readiness probes of Elasticsearch pods. 90
elasticsearch_configuration.heap_size JVM heap size to allocate to each Elasticsearch pod. 1024m
elasticsearch_configuration.monitor_enabled Specify whether to use the built-in monitoring capability. false
elasticsearch_configuration.resources.limits.memory Maximum memory (including JVM heap and file system cache) to allocate to each Elasticsearch pod. 2Gi
elasticsearch_configuration.resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU to allocate to each Elasticsearch pod. 1000m
elasticsearch_configuration.resources.requests.memory Minimum memory required (including JVM heap and file system cache) to start an Elasticsearch pod. 1Gi
elasticsearch_configuration.resources.requests.cpu Minimum amount of CPU required to start an Elasticsearch pod. 100m Whether to enable persistent Elasticsearch storage for Process Federation Server. Set to false for non-production or trial-only deployment. true Set to true to use GlusterFS or another dynamic storage provisioner. true Minimum resource quantity. 10Gi Storage class name for Elasticsearch persistent storage.
elasticsearch_configuration.snapshot_storage.enabled Set to true for production deployment. false
elasticsearch_configuration.snapshot_storage.use_dynamic_provisioning Set to true to use GlusterFS or another dynamic storage provisioner. true
elasticsearch_configuration.snapshot_storage.size Minimum resource quantity. 30Gi
elasticsearch_configuration.snapshot_storage.storage_class_name Storage class name for Elasticsearch persistent storage. Uses the shared_configuration.storage_configuration. sc_fast_file_storage_classname.
elasticsearch_configuration.snapshot_storage.existing_claim_name By default, a new PVC is to be created. Specify an existing claim here if one is available.