Case dashboards

The Case dashboard pages present graphs and charts that display various statistics about your cases and activities.

Important: Do not delete the predefined dashboards and their underlying widgets and searches, otherwise your dashboards will not work anymore.
  •  New in 20.0.2  Predefined dashboards are available for stage data.
  •  New in 20.0.3  Case integrates event data from FileNet® processes to IBM Business Automation Workflow dashboards.

Opening dashboards and widgets

To be able to open dashboards and widgets from a Kibana window, first create an OpenShift route or an Ingress as instructed in Giving access to the Kibana interface through an OpenShift route or an Ingress.

Using the Kibana interface

The predefined Case dashboards display technical data from the IBM Business Automation Workflow Case event emitter about your cases and activities. It does not show your business data, such as case properties.
  • To learn how to populate these technical dashboards and create dashboards that reflect your business data, see Creating dashboards.
  • Kibana cloud visualizations allow you to filter out data. Click a word of a tag cloud to filter the dashboard accordingly. You can later remove the filter by using the Kibana user interface at the top of the dashboard.
  • The Case dashboards display several widgets. To find them, search the Visualization page of the Kibana window on the Case - prefix. Use the widgets as a starting point to create your own dashboards.
  • To select a time range, use the time range picker " ".
    The following widgets use the Kibana time range picker.
    • Widgets that reflect started events result from the start-time field.
    • Widgets that reflect completed events result from the end-time field.
    • Widgets that reflect elapsed time result from the timestamp field.
    Table 1. Case dashboard widgets that use the time range picker
    Widget name Field used by the index pattern
    Average elapsed time of completed cases timestamp
    Cases started statistics start-time
    Cases completed statistics end-time
    Average elapsed time of completed activities timestamp
    Activities started statistics start-time
    Activities completed statistics end-time
    Average elapsed time of completed stages timestamp
    Stages started statistics start-time
    Stages completed statistics end-time
  • You can also filter results by hovering on its name and clicking the Filter this value button Filter this value.

Workflow Case dashboard

This dashboard is based on the IBM Case Manager dashboard, which is described on the Case dashboard page of the Case documentation.

The Workflow Case dashboard page displays chart widgets that provide case-related statistics. The data is retrieved for all the cases of the filtered solutions by the Business Automation Insights Flink job that processes data from the Content Platform Engine logs on the target object store.
Cases in progress
This widget displays a bar graph in which each bar shows the number of cases that are in progress for a case type. When you hover over a bar in the graph, a tooltip displays the solution name, the name of the case type, and the number of cases in progress.
Cases in each state
This widget displays a pie chart that shows the proportion of cases in each state: Working and Complete. This result is further sorted by case type and solution name. When you hover over a sector of the pie, a tooltip displays the number of cases in that state, the case state, the case type, and the solution name.
Average age of in-progress cases
This widget displays a bar graph in which each bar shows the average age of in-progress cases for each case type. The average age is calculated by adding the age for each case and dividing by the number of cases. When you hover over a bar in the graph, a tooltip displays the name of the case type, the solution name, and the average age.
Note: Due to Kibana constraints, the age of a case in progress is taken as the difference between the time of the last processed event on that case and the start time of that case.
Average elapsed time of completed cases
This widget displays a line graph that shows the average elapsed time for each type of the stages that completed. The elapsed time of a completed stage is taken from the total run time property of the stage. When you hover over a point in the line, a tooltip displays the case type name, the stage name, and the average elapsed time of completed stages.
Incoming and outgoing cases in past 3 months
This widget displays a bar graph in which two bars show the number of cases that opened and closed in the past three months for a case type. When you hover over a bar in the graph, a tooltip indicates whether the bar represents incoming or outgoing cases. The tooltip also displays the case type name and the number of incoming or outgoing cases.
Total number of cases
This widget displays the total number of cases.
Average case duration
This widget displays the average duration of the cases in minutes.
Cases started statistics
This widget displays the cases that have been started, based on the selected time frame in Kibana.
Cases completed statistics
This widget displays the completed cases, based on the selected time frame in Kibana.

Workflow Case activities dashboard

This dashboard is based on the basic IBM Case Manager dashboard, which is described on the Task dashboard page of the Case documentation.

The Workflow Case Activities dashboard page displays chart widgets that provide activity-related statistics. The data is retrieved for all the activities of the filtered solution by the Business Automation Insights Flink job that processes data from the Content Platform Engine logs on the target object store.
Activities in progress
This widget displays a bar graph in which each bar shows the number of activities that are in progress for an activity type. When you hover over a bar in the graph, a tooltip displays the case type, the name of the activity type, and the number of activities in progress.
Activities in each state
This widget displays a pie chart that shows the proportion of activities in each of the states: Waiting, Ready, Working, Complete, and Failed. When you hover over a sector of the pie, a tooltip displays the number of activities in that state. The tooltip also displays the case type and activity type.
Average age of in-progress activities
This widget displays a bar graph in which each bar shows the average age of in-progress activities for an activity type. The average age is calculated by adding the age for each activity and dividing by the number of activities. When you hover over a bar in the graph, a tooltip displays the activity type, the case type, and the average age.
Note: Due to Kibana constraints, the age of an in-progress activity is taken as the difference between the time of the last processed event on that activity and the start time of that activity.
Average elapsed time of in-progress activities by state
This widget displays a bar graph in which each bar shows for an activity type the average elapsed time of in-progress activities in a particular state. When you hover over a bar in the graph, a tooltip displays the name of the activity type, the activity state, and the average elapsed time of that activity type in a particular state.
Note: Due to Kibana constraints, the elapsed time of an in-progress activity is taken as the difference between the time of the last processed event on that activity and the start time of that activity.
Incoming and outgoing activities in past 3 months
This widget displays a bar graph in which two bars show the number of activities that opened and closed in the past three months for an activity type. When you hover over a bar in the graph, a tooltip indicates whether the bar represents incoming or outgoing activities. The tooltip also displays the activity type name and the number of incoming or outgoing activities.
Average elapsed time of completed activities
This widget displays a line graph that shows the average elapsed time for each type of the activities that completed. The elapsed time of a completed activity is calculated as the difference between the start time of the activity and end time of the activity. When you hover over a point in the line, a tooltip displays the case type name, the activity type name, and the average elapsed time of completed activities.
Total number of activities
This widget displays the total number of case activities.
Average activity duration
This widget displays the average duration of the case activities in minutes.
Activities started statistics
This widget displays the activities that have been started, based on the selected time frame in Kibana.
Activities completed statistics
This widget displays the completed activities, based on the selected time frame in Kibana.

Workflow Case stages dashboard

 New in 20.0.2  The page for the stages dashboard displays chart widgets that provide stage-related statistics. The data is retrieved for all the stages of the filtered solution by the Business Automation Insights Flink job that processes data from the Content Platform Engine logs on the target object store.
Stages in progress
This widget displays a bar graph in which each bar shows the number of stages that are in progress for a stage name. When you hover over a bar in the graph, a tooltip displays the case type, the name of the stage, and the number of stages in progress.
Stages in each state
This widget displays a pie chart that shows the proportion of stages in each of the states: Waiting, Ready, Working, OnHold, Complete, and Failed. When you hover over a sector of the pie, a tooltip displays the number of stages in that state. The tooltip also displays the case type and stage name.
Average age of in-progress stages
This widget displays a bar graph in which each bar shows the average age of in-progress stages for a stage name. The average age is calculated by adding the age for each stage and dividing by the number of stages. When you hover over a bar in the graph, a tooltip displays the stage name, the case type, and the average age.
Note: Due to Kibana constraints, the age of an in-progress stage is taken as the difference between the time of the last processed event on that stage and the start time of that stage.
Incoming and outgoing stages in past 3 months
This widget displays a bar graph in which two bars show the number of stages that started and closed in the past three months for a stage name. When you hover over a bar in the graph, a tooltip indicates whether the bar represents incoming or outgoing stages. The tooltip also displays the stage name and the number of incoming or outgoing stages.
Average elapsed time of completed stages
This widget displays a line graph that shows the average elapsed time for each type of the stages that completed. The elapsed time of a completed stage is taken from the total run time property of the stage. When you hover over a point in the line, a tooltip displays the case type name, the stage name, and the average elapsed time of completed stages.
Total number of stages
This widget displays the total number of case stages.
Average stage duration
This widget displays the average duration of the case stage in minutes.
Stages started statistics
This widget displays the stages that have been started, based on the selected time frame in Kibana.
Stages completed statistics
This widget displays the completed stages, based on the selected time frame in Kibana.

FileNet PE processes dashboards

 New in 20.0.3  The same set of Workflow - Processes and Workflow - Process Tasks dashboards show both processes and user tasks from BPMN and FileNet systems. For differentiation from IBM Business Automation Workflow business processes, the category field for FileNet processes takes the icm value. FileNet workflow events are converted to processes and FileNet workitem events are converted to userTasks for synchronization with BPMN processes. 

For reference information about event formats, see Reference for Case events.