Troubleshooting after bai-start completes

While you are checking that your single node deployment is operational, you might need to take corrective actions if containers do not reach their expected state or on other deployment issues.

Invalid security certificates

A certificate can be invalid because it is expired or because the hostname changed since the certificate was generated. To identify the issue, check the logs of the services by running the bin/bai-logs command. You can apply the following corrective actions.
Custom certificates
If you provided your own certificates, replace the expired or invalid certificates, and CA certificates that were used to sign them.
Default certificates
If the certificates were auto-generated, remove the <bai_sn_install_dir>/certs directory and restart by running the bin/bai-start --acceptLicense --init command. The --init option enables the certificates to be regenerated.

Insufficient hardware resources

Check the logs of the Docker services by running the bin/bai-logs command. You can apply the following corrective actions.
CPU and memory
If possible, increase the CPU and memory allocated to Docker, or use a computer that has more available resources.
If the STORAGE_ENABLED environment variable, which is false by default, is set to true, disabling it again spares one slot. This setting might help solve errors that are returned in the logs of the job manager or task manager containers.

Elasticsearch indexes

Defining a high number of fields in an Elasticsearch index might lead to a so-called mappings explosion which might cause out-of-memory errors and difficult situations to recover from. The maximum number of fields in Elasticsearch indexes created by IBM Business Automation Insights is set to 1000. Field and object mappings, and field aliases, count towards this limit. Ensure that the various documents that are stored in Elasticsearch indexes do not lead to reaching this limit.

To diagnose this issue, inspect the logs of the Elasticsearch service. To prevent nodes from running out of disk space, Elasticsearch indexes become read-only if the available disk space falls under the flood stage watermark. If the Elasticsearch container logs such a situation, increase the available disk space.

For more information about container logs, see Troubleshooting tools.

Event emitters and dashboards

See Troubleshooting IBM Business Automation Insights on Kubernetes.