IBM Cloud Pak for Applications removals
If you are migrating your configuration from an earlier release of IBM Cloud Pak for Applications, you should be aware of the various features that were removed in this and earlier releases.
If a feature is listed as deprecated, IBM might remove this capability in a subsequent release of the product.
The following tables described what is removed. Where possible, the tables also indicate the recommended migration action.
Features removed in version 5.1.0
Deprecation | Recommended migration action |
CLI installer | The CLI installer is removed. Follow the instructions
for installing the optional components individually. The following related dependencies are no longer required, and are not automatically installed. Use the operator hub to install these components:
These components are removed. They are replaced by a similar capability in Red Hat OpenShift and exposed through an existing CLI, odo . Providing this support for application stacks directly in Red Hat OpenShift will provide a single set of tools that can be used with Red Hat OpenShift and Cloud Pak for Applications, and expand the community and tools that work with stacks. Conversely, existing users will gain new capabilities, such as the ability to develop on Red Hat OpenShift directly from a laptop, and multi-service applications. |
Eclipse Codewind | Eclipse Codewind is removed. Within Cloud Pak for Applications, Eclipse Codewind provided an IDE experience for working with application stacks, and by extension, Appsody. As we transition to use Red Hat OpenShift native developer tooling with odo and application stacks based on devfiles, supporting IDE extensions are available through Red Hat OpenShift Connector, which exist as plugins for VSCode and thereby Eclipse Che and CodeReady Workspaces and Intellij , as well as within CodeReady Studio (Eclipse) . |
Accelerator for Teams:
Use Red Hat OpenShift GitOps to construct your continuous integration/continuous delivery pipelines. |
IBM Application Navigator | There is currently no suitable supported replacement. |