Resetting password policies

Learn how to reset your password policy to the system initial password policy.

Resetting a password policy

Run the reset-pwpolicy command to reset your password policy to the system initial password policy.
Password Policy Attribute Default Value Remarks
minlife (hours) 1 The minimum period of Password Lifetime (hours).
history 0 The number of previous passwords that are stored and which a user is prevented from using.
minclasses 0 The minimum number of required classes of characters.
minlength 8 The minimum number of required characters for a password.
lockouttime (seconds) 600 The period (in seconds) for which a lockout is enforced.
maxfail 6 The maximum number of consecutive failures.
maxlife (days) 90 The maximum period of Password Lifetime (in days).
failinterval 60 The period (in seconds) after which the failure count will be reset.

Resetting a password policy for a group-level

Run the reset-pwpolicy command and specify the --systemrole parameter to reset a password policy to the system initial password policy for a group-level group.

[root@e1n1~]# apsysusermgmt reset-pwpolicy --systemrole=Admin
Password policy has been reset successfully to the system default value.