Creating views

Create custom views that are dynamically applied to the Alert Viewer. The views determine what information is displayed from the available alert data.

  1. Click the navigation icon at the upper-left corner of the screen to go to the main navigation menu.

  2. In the main navigation menu, click Operate > Alerts.

  3. On the toolbar, click View configuration View configuration > Create a new view.

  4. Configure the following properties for a custom view:

    • Details
      • View name
      • Description
      • Select who can use, edit, and manage this view:
        • Only me
        • Specified users, user groups, or both
        • Everyone

    View settings - Details
    View settings - Details

    • Select columns

      Select from alert attributes that are predefined for Cloud Pak for AIOps and common to most alerts. Click anywhere in the field provided to display the variable catalog. Move the cursor over the attributes to display the descriptions. You can also type the name of the property that you are looking for and the system will show in the drop-down list all alert properties that contain the typed text. You can drag and drop the columns to determine the order of the columns appearing in the Alert Viewer.

      • Columns from custom properties

        Columns can also be added based on custom properties that have been mapped to the alert inside the details property. For example, if you have mapped some data to details.errorcode you can then utilise that property as a column in the Alert Viewer. Simply type the property name, errorcode in this example, and select the resulting property with the "details." prefix:

    View settings - Custom properties
    View settings - Custom properties

    View settings - Custom properties
    View settings - Custom properties

    Close the catalog and you will find the property added at the bottom the list:

    View settings - Custom properties
    View settings - Custom properties

    Important: Select at least one column for each view.

    • Configure selected columns

      Configure the following properties to customize the columns that display alert data:

      • Column header title: type a new title for the column or keep the default.
      • Header alignment: set the position of the title text in the column heading.
      • Data alignment: set the position of the alert data in the columns.
      • Lock column: locked columns are always displayed when you scroll an alert list horizontally. Locked columns appear at the left side of the view.
      • HTML: enable clickable links in the Alert Viewer cells.
      • Width: type a numeric value in the Width field to change the width of a column.

    View settings - Select
    View settings - Configure selected columns

    • Sort columns

      Add new columns in the Select columns section. Then, in the Sort columns list, single click on a column item to set ascending order. Click the column twice to sort in descending order. Drag and drop columns to prioritise sorting across columns.

    View settings - Sort
    View settings - Sort columns

What to do next

  • Manage selected view

    1. From the view list in the Alert Viewer, select the view that you want to edit. The alert list updates with the view properties.

    2. Click View configuration View configuration > Manage selected view.

    3. Edit the View settings as required.

    4. Click Save to save the view.

  • Duplicate selected view

    1. From the view list in the Alert Viewer, select the view that you want to copy. The alert list updates with the view properties.

    2. Click View configuration View configuration > Duplicate selected view.

      A copy of the view is displayed. By default, the view name is set to "Copy of view name."

    3. Edit the View settings as required.

    4. Click Save to save the view.

  • Delete selected view

    1. From the view list in the Alert Viewer, select the view that you want to delete. The alert list updates with the view properties.

    2. Click View configuration View configuration > Delete selected view. This action cannot be undone. Once the view has been deleted, your view is updated based on the first view in the list.

    3. Click Delete view to confirm deletion.