System requirements

Before you install your product, review the system requirements for installing IBM Automation foundation.

Sizing information

IBM Automation foundation is modular and permits features to be installed and activated as needed.

IBM Automation foundation Core on Linux_x86

This package provides the foundation extended by Cloud Paks and other optional components.

Table 1: System requirements for IBM Automation foundation Core on Linux_x86

Component CPU request (cores) Memory request (GB) Disk space (GiB) Notes
IBM Cloud Pak foundational services 6 11 Per cluster. These values correspond to the Linux x86-64 Small profile. See Hardware requirements for recommendations for foundational services
Platform UI 1.7 4 50 Per instance.

IBM Automation Foundation Core for Linux on Power (ppc64le)

Table 2: System requirements for IBM Automation foundation Core for Linux on Power (ppc64le)

Component CPU request (cores) Memory request (GB) Disk space (GB) Notes
IBM Cloud Pak foundational services 5 10 Per cluster. These values correspond to the Linux on Power (ppc64le) Small profile. See Hardware requirements for recommendations for common services
Platform UI 1.7 4 50 Per instance.

IBM Automation Foundation Core for Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE

Table 3: System requirements for IBM Automation foundation Core for on IBM Z and LinuxONE

Component CPU request (cores) Memory request (GB) Disk space (GB) Notes
IBM Cloud Pak foundational services 5 10 Per cluster. These values correspond to the Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE Small profile. See Hardware requirements for recommendations for common services
Platform UI 1.7 4 50 Per instance.

IBM Automation foundation package

This package provides components which can be used by Cloud Paks and other platform services. They are only created as required.

The components can be created with varying sizes and replicas depending on your needs. The configuration is controlled using the AutomationBase custom resource. Three profiles are described here to illustrate some suggested configurations. These are just example configurations. Example YAML files contain configurations of AutomationBase corresponding to these profiles are available on GitHub.

Table 4: Profiles for installing IBM Automation foundation

Profile Description
Small For environments that are used for development and simple testing. Does not support high availability.
Medium For environments that are used for small production workloads and testing. Supports high availability.
Large For environments that are used for larger production workloads. Provides additional storage and scalability.

The default profile is medium.

The storage requirements for Kafka and Elasticsearch you require for production use will depend on the workload and data retention configuration. See the documentation for the Cloud Pak you are using for information about calculating how much space you require.

Note: The storage type of the Persistent Volumes should be in block mode rather than file system mode for the functioning of both Kafka and Elasticsearch. For more information, see data storage considerations.

Small profile

The sizes are per instance of IBM Automation foundation.

Table 5: Sizing for small profile of IBM Automation foundation

Component CPU request (cores) Memory request (GiB) Storage (GiB)
Events - 1 Kafka replica 1 1 4
Events - 1 ZooKeeper replica 1 1 2
Apicurio registry 0.1 0.5 In Kafka
Elasticsearch - 1 master-data node 1 2 55
TOTAL 3.1 4.5 61

The Kafka cluster is set up with a single broker with no replication. There is also a variant of the small profile which does not use a storage class.

Medium profile

The sizes are per instance of IBM Automation foundation.

Table 6: Sizing for medium profile of IBM Automation foundation

Component CPU request (cores) Memory request (GiB) Storage (GiB)
Events - 3 Kafka replicas 2 4 10
Events - 3 ZooKeeper replicas 1 2 10
Apicurio registry 0.1 0.5 In Kafka
Elasticsearch - 3 master-data nodes 3 5 55
TOTAL 18.1 33.5 225

Large profile

The sizes are per instance of IBM Automation foundation.

Table 7: Sizing for large profile of IBM Automation foundation

Component CPU request (cores) Memory request (GiB) Storage (GiB)
Events - 6 Kafka replicas 4 8 100
Events - 3 ZooKeeper replicas 1 2 10
Apicurio registry 0.1 0.5 In Kafka
Elasticsearch - 3 master nodes 1 2 5
Elasticsearch - 3 data nodes 3 16 50
TOTAL 39.1 108.5 795