Deploying custom databases by using the pattern builder

You can use the pattern builder to create and customize database patterns that are based on your specific requirements.


  1. In the console, click Patterns > Virtual Systems > Create New.
  2. Enter a unique name for the new pattern you are creating, and click Start Building. A new tab in the web browser opens, displaying the pattern builder page.
  3. In the pattern builder page, use components in the Assets section to build the custom pattern:
    1. Expand Images, and drag Core OS onto the pattern builder canvas.
    2. Expand Software Components, and drag Database Server onto the pattern builder canvas.

      Optionally, you can skip step a. by dragging Software Components onto the canvas first, which automatically adds the Core OS image.

      When you add the Database Server software component, you can change the DB2® version by using the version menu in the component. Before version, the Db2 installation level was a required parameter. In and later, this parameter is optional. You can select a Db2 level or set the level as Default. When the Db2 installation level is set as Default, the Db2 version that is included with the latest Db2 pattern type is used.

    3. Expand Scripts and drag the Db2 script that you want to use, into the OS Node box on the canvas. You can choose either default scripts or customized scripts.
    4. In the OS Node box on the canvas, select the Add a Component Add-On icon and click Add default disk.

      This step must be executed twice so that there is one disk that is allocated to the database instance and another disk that is allocated to the database server.

      At a minimum, the following assets must be on the pattern builder canvas:
      • OS Node
      • Database server
      • Database scripts. The default options include the following:
        • CreateDB_DM
        • CreateDB_DMBLU
        • CreateDB_HADRPrimary
        • CreateDB_HADRStandby
        • CreateDB_OLTP
      • Default add disk
      • Default add disk_1

      You can add and use multiple database scripts to function within the same the pattern that you are creating. The database scripts must be of the same type. For example, you cannot use the CreateDB_DMBLU script with the CreateDB_OLTP script within the same pattern.

  4. Configure the settings for each of the assets in the pattern.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Return to the Patterns > Virtual Systems page, and click Continue to Distribute.
  7. Click Deploy to confirm the settings and deploy the database.

    While the database deploys, you can view the details such as the database deployment status, middleware configuration, virtual machines, and the database history by clicking Instance > Virtual Systems.