See the subsequent sections for answers to frequently asked questions about the Cloud Pak for Security on OpenShift Container Platform for HA Pattern.

What IBM Cloud Pak System version is supported by the IBM Cloud Pak for Security on OpenShift Container Platform Pattern?
IBM Cloud Pak System V2.3.2.0.
What version of OpenShift Container Platform is supported by IBM Cloud Pak System V2.3.2.0 for IBM Cloud Pak for Security on OpenShift Container Platform Pattern V1.0.0.0?
OpenShift Container Platform V4.2.18.
What version of IBM Cloud® Private is supported by IBM Cloud Pak System V2.3.2.0 for IBM Cloud Pak for Security on OpenShift Container Platform Pattern V1.0.0.0?
IBM Cloud Private V3.2.1 FP2001.
How many topologies does this IBM Cloud Pak provide?
CP4 Security on OCP4 - HA is the only topology that is supported by this Cloud Pak.
Where to get IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift binary image?
From IBM Fix Central.
Is a Red Hat Satellite Six Shared Service instance that is required in the same cloud group and environment profile for the OpenShift pattern instance to deploy successfully?
Yes, Red Hat Satellite Six Shared Service must be deployed before OpenShift pattern is deployed in the cloud group or environment profile. The following packages are required and are used by the Helper Node only:
  • rhel-7-server-rpms
  • rhel-7-server-extras-rpms

You can also review the OpenShift Container Platform pattern FAQs at OpenShift Container Platform pattern FAQs.