Accepting license agreements for script packages
Script packages can include license agreements.
You must accept the license agreements before including them in virtual system patterns or deploying them as part of a virtual system pattern. Use the console to view and accept the terms and conditions for these script packages before you include them in your virtual system patterns.
When you add a new script package to the catalog, whether by creating a new one or cloning an existing package and configuring it for your needs, there might be one or more license agreements that you must accept before you can include the script package or deploy the script package as part of a virtual system pattern.
You might also encounter license agreements in script packages when you import a virtual system pattern that contains script packages with one or more unaccepted license agreements. You must accept these license agreements before you can clone or deploy the pattern.
License information is contained within the compressed archive file used to define the script package (you upload this compressed file when you create a new script package). One script package can contain one or more license agreements. They are included in multilingual bundles in JSON file format. The status of license agreement acceptance is maintained within the script package (whether or not license agreements are included, and whether or not they have been accepted).
When you view the details of a script package in the console, the license acceptance status is displayed, and if there are outstanding license agreements that have not yet been accepted, you can click the accompanying link to review the license agreement details and then indicate your acceptance. While you can view the license agreement details, the license information can only be modified by reloading an updated version of the script package.
If you do not accept all license agreements in the script package, you cannot clone the script package, you cannot clone a virtual system pattern that contains the script package, you cannot select the script package to add to a pattern, and you cannot deploy a virtual system pattern that contains the script package. So it is important that you ensure that all license agreements are accepted for the script packages you intend to use in your virtual system patterns.
Importing virtual system patterns with unaccepted license agreements
- The License agreement field indicates one or more script packages with unaccepted licenses. Each identified script package is accompanied by a link that will take you to the appropriate script package in the Script Packages pane in the catalog, where you can view and accept the license agreements as needed.
- The Deploy and Clone icons in the toolbar are disabled for this virtual system pattern. You cannot deploy or clone this pattern until all license agreements are accepted.
If a script package in the import matches an existing script package, the existing script package is used, and any current license agreement status is maintained. If a script package in the import does not match an existing script package, a new script package is created, and if any license agreements are included, the script package license status is set to the unaccepted state.
When the imported pattern details are displayed in the Virtual System Patterns pane, the appropriate script package license status is shown in the License status in this pattern field.
Use the provided links to view and accept all license agreements for the affected script packages in your virtual system pattern. After all license agreements are accepted, you can clone and deploy the pattern in your environment as usual.
Accepting license agreements for script packages
When you create a new script package or modify a script package by uploading a compressed file, the file might contain one or more license agreements that you must accept before you can include the script package or deploy the script package in virtual system patterns.
On the Script Packages pane of the catalog, the License agreement field might display the status: Not accepted. You can click the accept link to display a list of one or more license agreements that need to be accepted. Click each link in turn to view the details of the license agreement, and then click Accept to indicate your acceptance of the terms in the agreement.
The status of your license agreement acceptance is indicated as you process each license agreement. When you have accepted all license agreements, the License agreement field in the Script Packages pane displays the status: Accepted. You can click the view link at any time to view the license agreement details again.
After all license agreements are accepted, you can clone the script package as usual, and you can include the script package in virtual system patterns, which can then be deployed into your environment.
Adding license information for script packages
If you are creating your own compressed archive file with information to be uploaded into a script package, you can add license information for license agreements that the user must accept before they can include the script package or deploy the script package in virtual system patterns. A single script package can contain multiple licenses.
License information is included in JSON-formatted language bundle files. These bundle files are located at the top level of the compressed archive file directory structure, and are designed to support inclusion of other text information as needed in the future.
"licenses" :
"title" : "License 1 title",
"text" : "This is a simple license definition..."
"title" : "License 2 title",
"text" : "This is a second license..."
cbscript.json JSON File
de-DE-bundle.json JSON File
en-US-bundle.json JSON File
fr-FR-bundle.json JSON File
zh-CN-bundle.json JSON File File
- License information is not presented in the Script Packages pane, only an indication if license agreements are included and their acceptance state. During the acceptance of the license agreement, the user can view the details of the license agreement.
- To update license agreement information, you must modify the text in the language bundle file and upload an updated compressed archive file to the script package.
- When a user accepts a license agreement in any language, it is accepted for all languages.