Uninstalling your agents

Uninstall a single agent or all the agents from a managed system.

Before you begin

For multi-instance agents, you must remove all agent instances before you uninstall the agent. Otherwise, agent entries are not cleared from the registry. To remove instances, run the following command:
  • Windowsname-agent.bat remove instance_name
  • Linux or UNIX./name-agent.sh remove instance_name
where, name is the name of the agent and instance_name is the instance name. For more information, see Using agent commands. For a list of multiple-instance agents, see Table 1.
For the following agents, an agent-specific task must be completed before you complete the uninstallation procedure:
  • For the WebSphere® Applications agent, you must unconfigure the data collector for all monitored server instances before you uninstall the agent. Follow the instructions in WebSphere Applications agent: Unconfiguring the data collector.
    For the WebSphere Applications agent, make sure that the user ID, which is used to uninstall the agent, has full read and write permissions to the logs and runtime directories and all their contained subdirectories and files within the data collector home directory. The data collector home directory is as follows:
    • Windowsinstall_dir\dchome\
    • Linux or UNIXinstall_dir/yndchome/

About this task

The Oracle Database agent on Windows systems can be uninstalled only by using the command prompt.


  1. On the VM or system where the monitoring agent (or agents) is installed, start a command line and change to the binary directory:
    • Linux or UNIXinstall_dir/bin
    • Windowsinstall_dir\BIN
    where install_dir the installation directory of the monitoring agent or agents.
  2. Use one of the following commands to uninstall one or more monitoring agents.
    • To uninstall a specific monitoring agent, enter the agent script name and the uninstall option where name is the agent script name:
      • Linux or UNIX
        ./name-agent.sh uninstall
      • Windows
        name-agent.bat uninstall

        For a list of the agent script names, see Using agent commands.

    • To uninstall all the monitoring agents from the managed system with a confirmation prompt, enter the script name and uninstall all option:
      • Linux or UNIX
        ./smai-agent.sh uninstall_all
      • Windows
        smai-agent.bat uninstall_all
    • Linux or UNIXOn Linux and AIX® systems, to force the uninstallation of all the monitoring agents without a prompt for confirmation, enter the script name and the force uninstall all option:
      ./smai-agent.sh uninstall_all force


The monitoring agents are uninstalled from the system or VM.