ELK stack

Elasticsearch is the backend application that is used for log monitoring. Elasticsearch is an open source distributed search and analytics engine. Logstash and filebeat are used for collecting, aggregating and enriching the data stored it in Elasticsearch. Since IBM CICS TX on Cloud supports JSON format, the need for logstash as parser is not required. However, the developers and administrators can still use the logstash as a buffer mechanism. IBM CICS TX on Cloud is not limited only to the Elastic stack. It also supports EFK (Elastic, Fluentd and kibana) so the administrator doesn’t have to stick to the ELK stack.

CICSTX allows the following possibilities of configuring Elasticsearch.
  1. Fluentd > Elasticsearch.
  2. File beat > Elasticsearch.
  3. File beat > log stash > Elasticsearch.
The administrator has the choice to use filebeat or fluentd as the sidecar container. He must change the configmap-logging.yaml provided in the helm chart to use one of the above configurations.
Note: By default, only the console.nnnnnn messages, CSMT.out and symrecs are the only messages sent to Elasticsearch. The console.nnnnnn messages, CSMT.out and symrecs are in the JSON format others are in the plain text format. CICS uses sidecar method to stream the logs to the backend logging pod.