Changes to installing

This section summarizes the changes to installation across supported releases of CICS® TS for z/OS®.

If you are upgrading from an end-of-service release, you can find information about the changes that are relevant to those releases in Summary of changes from end-of-service releases.

Table 1. Changes to installing by release of CICS TS
Change 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2  
Compatibility groups DFHCOMPK and DFHCOMK2 for sharing CSD with earlier releases     NEW  
Shared Data Table module changes:
  • DFHDTCV load module has been removed and instead it is link-edited as part of DFHDTSVC.
  • DFHDTSVC is supplied in SDFHAUTH instead of SDFHLINK, and it is no longer LPA eligible.
DFHEITAB and DFHEITBS modules are not LPA eligible. CHANGED with APAR PH29332 CHANGED with APAR PH29332 CHANGED    
Removal of DFHIFTG1 and DFHIFTGS installation jobs     REMOVED    
Support for installing maintenance-supplied newest release CICS Type 3 SVC and DFHIRP modules. See Installing newest release CICS Type 3 SVC and DFHIRP modules supplied through maintenance. CHANGED with APAR PH54814 CHANGED with APAR PH54814 CHANGED with APAR PH54840    
Removal of SDFHDLL1   REMOVED      
The Java™ components that were included within FMID JCI710D at CICS TS 5.4 are moved into the base FMID HCI7200. CHANGED        
Removed distribution library ADFJMOD and removed library SDFJAUTH. REMOVED        
DFHALLOC, DFHINST1 and DFHINSTA jobs have been changed to allocate the following PDSs with BLKSIZE=0 rather than the previous BLKSIZE=400:
  • ADFHC370
  • SDFHC370
The STEPLIB DD statement for the hlq.SDFJAUTH library in the CICS startup job stream must be removed. CHANGED        

Optional job, DFHIFTGS, tags the text files in the CICS USSHOME directory with the correct coded character set.


You have to run this job if you want to use Node.js capabilities.