Upgrading CICSPlex SM

This topic explains how to upgrade CICSPlex® SM. If you have CICSPlex SM, upgrade CICSPlex SM before you take action on the other areas of your CICS® configuration. This information applies to all currently supported CICS TS releases, regardless of your current release and the target release. If you don't have CICSPlex SM, you can skip this topic.

If you are upgrading from an end-of-service release, you might need to take additional actions that are relevant to your current, end-of-service release. You can find additional upgrade actions for migrating from end-of-service releases in Upgrading from end-of-service releases.

Note: In this upgrading information for CICSPlex SM, the target release is assumed to be Version 6.2. However, the upgrade instructions laid out below apply to any supported target release of your choice.

Before you begin

It is recommended that you upgrade your CICS Explorer® to the latest release before you upgrade CICSPlex SM environments or single CICS regions. This ensures that your CICS Explorer can support the target CICS release. For detailed instructions, see Upgrading CICS Explorer.

Upgrade actions

Table 1 lists the actions you must perform when upgrading to a higher CICS release, regardless of your current release and the target release. The sections that describe these actions in detail are tagged with All versions.

Table 2 lists the actions that depend on your current release and your target release. The sections that describe version-dependent actions in detail also lay out the applicable current-target pairs.

Table 1. Common actions
Action Mandatory or optional?
Check compatibility requirements for different levels of CICSPlex SM Mandatory
Back up your CICSPlex SM configuration Optional, but strongly recommended
Upgrade a maintenance point CMAS Mandatory
Upgrade a WUI and the contents of the WUI server repository (EYUWREP) Mandatory
Upgrade the CMCI to use the CMCI JVM server Mandatory, unless you disable the feature
Upgrade a non-maintenance point CMAS Mandatory
Upgrade a CICSPlex SM managed CICS system (MAS) Mandatory
Upgrade CICSPlex SM API programs Mandatory
Back out of a CICS upgrade Mandatory only when backing out of an upgrade
Upgrade the region status server (for sysplex optimized workload users only) Mandatory only for sysplex optimized workload users
Update consumers of Tivoli NetView SNA Generic Alerts (for Tivoli NetView users only) Mandatory only for Tivoli® NetView® users
Recompile your programs to match the current release of CICSPlex SM For programs that connect to a previous release of CICSPlex SM only

Optional, but strongly recommended

Rerun EYUJHIST to upgrade your CICSPlex SM history data sets Mandatory
Table 2. Version-dependent actions
Your current version Your target version Action Mandatory or optional?
6.1 or earlier 6.2 Update your CMCI JVM server configuration to use Java 11 or later Mandatory, unless you disable the feature
6.1 or earlier 6.2 Set the CICSPlex SM WUI server initialization parameter TCPIPSSL for your CICSPlex SM WUI server Mandatory
5.5 or earlier 5.6 or later Migrate PLTPI to using CPSMCONN Mandatory

Check compatibility requirements for different levels of CICSPlex SM

All versions

You can run this release of CICSPlex SM and earlier releases concurrently, but you must take account of a number of conditions for compatibility.

When you apply service to CICSPlex SM, PTFs that are applied to the Environment Services System Services (ESSS) are not intended to be downward-compatible with earlier maintenance levels at the same release. This means that all CMASs, MASs, WUI Server regions, and API programs must run at the same maintenance level as the ESSS for their release. Otherwise, abends, data corruption, and unexpected results might occur. See Designing your CICSPlex SM environment for more considerations about the configuration of CICSPlex SM components. When you apply PTFs to CICSPlex SM, you must follow all ++HOLD ACTION items that are associated with the SMP/E maintenance carefully.
You can run a CMAS at Version 6.2 that connects to a CMAS running at a supported level of CICS TS. However:
  • A CICS TS for z/OS®, Version 6.2 CICSPlex SM CMAS runs only in a CICS system at Version 6.2.
  • In a CICSplex that consists of CMASs at the latest level and at one or more earlier levels, the maintenance point CMAS (MP CMAS) must be at the latest level. So, when a CICSplex contains CMASs at more than one level, the first CMAS that you upgrade to Version 6.2 must be the MP CMAS. See Upgrade a maintenance point CMAS.
  • You cannot view all resources of a CICS TS for z/OS, Version 6.2 region by using a CMAS that runs at an earlier release.
  • If you intend to connect a CMAS at a lower level to a CMAS at a higher level, you need to apply the PTFs for the following APARs to each down-level environment. The following table shows what APARs are required on a lower level CMAS to connect to the next higher level CMAS. For example, a V5.3 CMAS must have APAR PI81780 applied to connect to a V5.4, V5.5, or V5.6 CMAS; a V5.2 CMAS must have APARs PI52166 and PI53801 applied to connect to a V5.3 CMAS, and then have APAR PI81780 applied to connect to a V5.4, V5.5, or V5.6 CMAS.
    Release of lower level CMAS 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
    6.1 - - - - - - None
    5.6 - - - - - None None
    5.5 - - - - None None None
    5.4 - - - None None None  
    5.3 - - PI81780 None None None  
    5.2 - PI52166


    PI81780 None None None  
    5.1 PI17725




    PI81780 None None None  
For a CMAS and a MAS (including those MASs that act as Web User Interface servers) to communicate, they must be running at the same release of CICSPlex SM. For an MP CMAS at the latest release to communicate with a CICS region that runs an earlier release, the MP CMAS must be at the latest release. Connect the MP CMAS to the back-level MAS through a CMAS that runs the same level as the MAS. For example, a MAS running Version 5.3 is connected to a CMAS that also runs Version 5.3. This CMAS is connected, in turn, to the MP CMAS that runs the latest level. Communication between the MP CMAS at the latest level and the back-level MAS is through the back-level CMAS to which the MP CMAS is connected.

CICS systems (MASs) running at a supported level of CICS TS can be connected to CICSPlex SM Version 6.2. To be connected to CICSPlex SM Version 6.2, CICS systems must use the CICSPlex SM Version 6.2 MAS agent, so they must have the CICSPlex SM Version 6.2 libraries in their CICS JCL.

The following table lists what CICS releases each in-service release level of the MAS agent supports.
Release level of MAS agent Supported CICS releases
6.2 5.5, 5.6, 6.1, 6.2
6.1 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 6.1
5.6 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6
5.5 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5
5.4 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4
5.3 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
5.2 5.1, 5.2
If you use the API or WUI to manage MASs connected to a CMAS at an earlier release, make sure that the MASs are managed indirectly from the Version 6.2 CMAS:
  • It is advisable to run WUI servers at the latest release. If they do not, they cannot be aware of any of the resources of the latest release. If you have a mix of releases, it is advisable to use only the WUI server at the latest release to define or alter resources.
  • If you require access to the latest fields from the MAS that run the latest release, through a program that uses the CICSPlex SM API, ensure that the API programs connect to a CMAS that runs the latest release. If the API programs connect to a CMAS that runs an earlier release, resource tables that contain new or updated fields for the new release are not returned to the API program.
WUI server
A WUI server at an earlier release that is connected to a CMAS at an earlier release can retrieve data from a MAS connected to a Version 6.2 CMAS, if the CMAS participates in the management of the CICSplex. However, the WUI server cannot retrieve data about resource types that were not available in the earlier release.
To create any of the following CICSPlex SM objects, you must use a WUI server that is running at the same CICSPlex SM release level as the MP CMAS:
  • CPLEXDEF (CICSPlex definition)
  • CMTCMDEF (CMAS to CMAS link definition)
  • CSYSGRP (system group definition)
  • PERIODEF (time period definition)
  • MONSPEC (monitor specification)
  • MONGROUP (monitor group)
  • MONDEF (monitor definition)
  • RTAGROUP (RTA group)
  • RTADEF (RTA definition)
  • WLMSPEC (WLM specification)
  • WLMGROUP (WLM group)
  • WLMDEF (WLM definition)
  • TRANGRP (transaction group)

Similarly, if you use the API, EYU9XDBT or BATCHREP batched repository update facilities to create these objects, ensure that these facilities run at the same CICSPlex SM release level as the MP CMAS.

Workload management
Workload function is controlled by the CMAS that owns a workload. The workload owner is assigned to the CMAS that manages the first started TOR that causes the workload to be initialized. If the workload is not shown as ACTIVE, the first started TOR associated with the workload causes its associated CMAS to be the workload owner.

To ensure that UOW affinities can be exploited by a workload, ensure that the existing workload is cloned to a new name, and that any required UOW affinity definitions are applied to the new name.

Back up your CICSPlex SM configuration

All versions

It is strongly advisable to back up your JCL, CLISTs, CMAS data repositories, and WUI data repositories. If you need to abandon the upgrade, it is possible to return to the level of CICSPlex SM that you had at the start of the upgrade by following the guidance in Back out of a CICS upgrade.
Note: Although it is advisable to keep backups of your CMAS data repositories, do not use the backup to back out the CMAS upgrade. Instead, reconfigure the upgraded data repository for the original release according to the guidance in Back out of a CICS upgrade. If you do not, CMASs might become isolated.

Upgrade a maintenance point CMAS

All versions

You must upgrade your CICSPlex SM CMAS to Version 6.2 at the same time as you upgrade the CICS system on which it runs. A CICSPlex SM CMAS runs only in a CICS system of the same release level. During startup, the CMAS checks the CICS release level and stops with message EYUXL0142 if the release does not match.

In a CICSplex that consists of CMASs at the Version 6.2 level and at one or more earlier levels, the maintenance point CMAS (MP CMAS) must be at the Version 6.2 level. So, when a CICSplex contains CMASs at more than one level, the first CMAS upgraded to Version 6.2 must be the MP CMAS. To upgrade the MP CMAS, use the following steps.

  1. If the MP CMAS is running, stop it. You can continue to run a workload in the CICSplex while the MP CMAS is down. The running workload should not be affected by the absence of the MP CMAS, but do not change any definitions while the MP CMAS is down.
  2. Upgrade the CICS modules to Version 6.2. For more information about dynamically updating DFHIRP, see Upgrading MRO.
  3. In the z/OS image that contains the CMAS, check that the IEASYSxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library that you use for z/OS initialization includes the MAXCAD and NSYSLX parameters, each with an appropriate value. Specifying each CMAS correctly in IEASYSxx explains what values are suitable. If you are running both a previous release and Version 6.2 of CICSPlex SM, an Environment Services System Services (ESSS) space is started for each release, so you might need to modify the NSYSLX value.
  4. Authorize the Version 6.2 libraries by adding them to the list of APF-authorized libraries in the appropriate PROGxx or IEAAPFxx member in SYS1.PARMLIB. See Authorizing the CICS and CICSPlex SM libraries.
  5. Update the MVS™ linklist with the Version 6.2 modules that are required for CICS and CICSPlex SM. See Installing CICS-required modules in the MVS linklist.
  6. Upgrade the CSD file that the CMAS uses with the Version 6.2 group of resource definitions and CICS startup group list. You do not need an additional upgrade that uses a release-dependent set of definitions for CICSPlex SM. CICS supplies a job that is called DFHCOMDS in the XDFHINST library, which is created when you run DFHISTAR. This job assumes that a new CSD is created and initialized. In many situations, you want to copy the CSD that the CMAS currently uses, and upgrade this copy, as shown in the following example job:
    //* UPGRADE THE CSD                                                   
    //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A                                                
    //SYSIN    DD *                                                       
      UPGRADE REPLACE                                                     
  7. If you modified the default resource definitions for your earlier release, upgrade your modified resource definitions manually. CICSPlex SM supplies these definitions in the EYU$CDEF sample, which contains definitions for a CMAS. To upgrade your modified resource definitions manually, use the equivalents in the EYU$CDEF sample for Version 6.2.

    A good way to upgrade modified resource definitions is to copy the upgraded default resource definitions, then reapply your modifications. It is important to upgrade your modified definitions to ensure that they are defined correctly with non-default values for any new attributes. If you do not, CICS assigns default values to any new attributes, and these default values might be inappropriate for your requirements.

  8. Use the EYU9XDUT utility to upgrade the data repository (EYUDREP data set) for the CMAS to Version 6.2. Be aware that you must upgrade the data repository file itself rather than a copy of the data repository. If you do not, CMAS isolation issues can occur when the CMAS is restarted at the new level. For information about how to upgrade the data repository, see Creating and populating the CICSPlex SM data repository. The conversion utility copies the contents of the existing data repository to a newly allocated data repository. The existing data repository is not modified.
    Note: After you upgrade the data repository for the CMAS, the next time the CMAS is started, it must point to the upgraded EYUDREP data set. If it does not, data repository updates can be lost. This loss can lead to incorrect results, which can include other CMASs isolating themselves when they connect to this CMAS. After the upgrade, if you choose to roll back to the version that you upgraded from, use the EYU9XDUT utility with PARM=('TARGETVER=original version number') to roll back the upgraded data repository for the CMAS. If you do not, CMASs might become isolated.
  9. Delete, redefine, and initialize the CICS local catalog and global catalog by using the DFHCCUTL and the DFHRMUTL utility programs. If you used DFHISTAR to install CICS, it creates a library that is called XDFHINST. This library contains member DFHDEFDS, which creates the LCD and GCD files and initializes them. DFHDEFDS also creates other files that CICS requires, such as DFHTEMP, DFHINTRA, and DFHLRQ.
  10. Check the CICSPlex SM system parameters that are referenced by the EYUPARM DD statement. If the CASNAME system parameter is present, delete it. For more information, see CICSPlex SM system parameters in EYUPARM data set.
  11. Check that the CICS system initialization parameter GRPLIST references the CICS supplied default startup group list, DFHLIST, and any CSD groups that contain resource definitions that were modified.
  12. Use an initial start procedure for the upgraded MP CMAS.

Upgrade a WUI and the contents of the WUI server repository (EYUWREP)

All versions

A Web User Interface (WUI) server and the CMAS to which it connects must be at the highest level of CICSPlex SM and CICS in the CICSplex. They must be at the same level as the MP CMAS. WUI servers that are not yet upgraded to the same level as the MP CMAS can be used, but they might return unreliable results until you upgrade them.

A WUI server can connect only to a CMAS at the same release level. Before you upgrade a WUI server, you must upgrade the CMAS to which it connects, by using the instructions in Upgrade a non-maintenance point CMAS. If the CMAS to which the WUI server connects is not the MP CMAS, you must also upgrade the MP CMAS before you start the WUI server and the CMAS to which it connects. Upgrade the WUI server to Version 6.2 before you start any other MASs, so that it is ready to manage the upgraded MASs.

A CICS system that acts as a WUI server is a local MAS. However, when you upgrade a WUI server, you must upgrade both the CICSPlex SM MAS agent and the CICS region to Version 6.2. In other MASs, you can upgrade only the CICSPlex SM MAS agent, and you do not need to upgrade the CICS region.

As of CICS TS 5.6, the CMCI in the WUI region uses the CMCI JVM server by default. So after you upgrade the WUI server, you must upgrade the CMCI to use the CMCI JVM server unless it is already using the CMCI JVM server.

If you use CICS Explorer, after you upgrade the WUI server, upgrade CICS Explorer because it relies on the WUI server to return data. You can upgrade CICS Explorer at any time; see Upgrading CICS Explorer.

Use the following steps to upgrade the WUI server and the WUI server repository.

  1. Create a new set of WUI files, or upgrade a copy of your existing WUI files to the latest release.

    If you used DFHISTAR, the XDFHINST library that it creates contains member EYUWUIDS. When EYUWUIDS is run, it creates a new WUI Server repository (EYUWREP) and some new import (EYUCOVI) and export (EYUCOVE) files to use later if you tailored or used your own WUI view or menus. EYUWUIDS also creates the WUIs, the trace, dump, INTRA TD, LCD, GCD, LRQ, and CSD files.

  2. If you copy your own files, the WUI Server Repository file (EYUWREP) must be created empty. It will be populated in a later step. If you tailored the WUI, for example with your own menus, views, or usergrps, to preserve these changes after the upgrade, export then reimport the artifacts from the current WUI. You can use the COVC transaction for the export and import. If you use only the IBM®-supplied WUI menus and views, you can skip the rest of this step.
    Using the EYUCOVE (export) data set that was previously created by EYUWUIDS, apply the COVE file to the WUI startup JCL for the WUI that you are exporting from. For example:
    //EYUCOVI  DD DSN=hlq.EYUCOVI,DISP=SHR                        

    With the WUI running at the original version, you are ready to export to the EYUCOVE data set. Use the COVC transaction, by selecting the Export option. Specify COVE for the Output TDQ Name. For Type, specify MENU, VIEWSET, USERGRP, USER, or MAP, or specify ALL to extract all of your artifacts together. The following example exports all artifacts that begin with the characters JON* to COVE:

    This screen shot from the CPSM WUI shows the use of COVC Export.

    After the data is exported, you must import it later in the step Upgrade the contents of the Web User Interface server repository (EYUWREP).

  3. Authorize the Version 6.2 CICS and CICSPlex SM libraries. See Authorizing the CICS and CICSPlex SM libraries.
  4. If you use the link pack area (LPA), decide when you plan to replace the previous release modules in the LPA with the Version 6.2 modules. Every CICSPlex SM module that is installed in the LPA can be used only by the release of CICSPlex SM to which it relates.
    1. If you put the Version 6.2 modules in the LPA immediately, change your previous release MASs to use the previous release modules from the STEPLIB and DFHRPL concatenations, instead of the LPA.
    2. If you put the Version 6.2 modules in the LPA at the end of the upgrade process, make sure your upgraded MASs are using the Version 6.2 modules from the STEPLIB and DFHRPL concatenations instead of the LPA, then change them to use the LPA when you replace the modules.

    For more information, see Controlling the use of modules from the LPA.

  5. Upgrade the CSD file that the WUI uses with the Version 6.2 group of resource definitions and CICS startup group list. You do not need an additional upgrade that uses a release-dependent set of definitions for CICSPlex SM. CICS supplies a job that is called DFHCOMDS in the XDFHINST library, which is created when you run DFHISTAR. This job assumes that a completely new CSD is created and initialized. In many situations, you want to copy the CSD that the WUI currently uses, and upgrade this copy, as shown in the following example job.
    //* UPGRADE THE CSD                                            
    //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A                                         
    //SYSIN    DD *                                                
      UPGRADE REPLACE                                              
  6. If you modified the dynamically-created resource definitions for your earlier release that were supplied by CICSPlex SM in the EYU$WDEF sample, manually upgrade your modified resource definitions by using the equivalents in the EYU$WDEF sample for Version 6.2.

    A good way to upgrade modified resource definitions is to copy the Version 6.2 resource definitions and reapply your modifications. It is important to upgrade your modified definitions to ensure that they are defined correctly with non-default values for any new attributes. If you do not, CICS assigns default values to any new attributes, and these default values might be inappropriate for CICS-supplied resource definitions.

  7. Edit the JCL used to start the Web User Interface server, changing library names for the previous release of CICSPlex System Manager to the Version 6.2 names. For information about the MAS startup JCL, see Changing startup JCL before starting a MAS.
  8. Check that the CICS system initialization parameter EDSALIM is specified for the CICS region, and set it to a value of 800 MB. 800 MB is the default EDSALIM value for a CICS region in Version 5.1 and later. You can tune this value in a similar way to tuning CICS storage in a CMAS. You can specify system initialization parameters before startup in the following locations:
    • In the system initialization table that is specified in the DFHSITxx load module whose suffix (xx) is specified as a SIT= system initialization parameter.
    • In the PARM parameter of the EXEC PGM=DFHSIP statement.
    • In the SYSIN data set defined in the startup job stream.
  9. Check that the CICS system initialization parameter CPSMCONN=WUI is specified for the CICS region. This system initialization parameter initializes the CICS region as a Web User Interface server and dynamically creates the required resource definitions for CICSPlex SM.
  10. Check that the CICS system initialization parameter GRPLIST references the following artifacts:
    • CICS-supplied default startup group list, DFHLIST
    • Any CSD groups that contain resource definitions that you modified
    • Lists of definitions for your own applications
  11. Ensure that you deleted, redefined, and initialized the CICS local catalog and global catalog by using the DFHCCUTL and the DFHRMUTL utility programs.
  12. If you use MAS history recording, define new history data sets by using the EYUJHIST sample job. If you prefer to upgrade your existing history data sets, you can also upgrade them by using the EYUJHIST sample job and the comments in this sample that provide upgrading instructions. The EYUJHIST sample is supplied uncustomized in the TDFHINST library, and customized by DFHISTAR in the XDFHINST library. Remember to edit the MAS startup JCL to include the history data sets.
Upgrade the contents of the Web User Interface server repository (EYUWREP)
Complete this task only if you tailored the WUI, for example, menus, views, and usergrps. If you use only the IBM-supplied menus and views, you can skip this task.

With each release of CICS, internal Web User Interface repository record versions might be incremented to enable the new features in view definitions. Therefore, if your existing Web User Interface repository contains customized view sets or menus, you must upgrade your view set and menu definitions.

In the previous steps to upgrade a WUI server, you used the COVC transaction to export your existing view set and menu definitions from the Web User Interface server repository to an export file. When you upgrade the Web User Interface server repository to Version 6.2, you can import a view set and menu definitions from a previous release into your new Web User Interface server repository. You do not need to change existing customized views and menus, but you can consider modifying or creating new view sets to include the new attributes and resources at the next release level.

  1. Ensure that you completed the earlier step to export view set and menu definitions to the COVE file.
  2. Amend the Version 6.2 WUI startup JCL so that the exported data set becomes the DD name that is used for the COVI (import) file. For example:
  3. Start the Version 6.2 WUI.
  4. Use the COVC Import from a TDQ option to import the view set and menu definitions from the COVI data set. Specify COVI for the Input TDQ Name. For Type, you can specify MENU, VIEWSET, USERGRP, USER, or MAP, or ALL to import all your artifacts together. Specify OVERWRITE for the Import option to harden the changes. The following example imports ALL changes from COVI:
    This screen shot shows the use of COVC Import.

Upgrade the CMCI to use the CMCI JVM server

All versions

As of CICS TS 5.6, the CMCI interface uses the CMCI JVM server by default. As of CICS TS 6.2 the CMCI JVM server is controlled by the EYUWUI parameter CMCIPROVIDER. The default means that if you don't specify it in the WUI initialization parameters, the CMCI JVM server is enabled. It is possible to switch off the CMCI JVM server by setting the CMCIPROVIDER WUI initialization parameter to CICS.

To configure the CMCI JVM server for your CICSPlex SM, follow the instructions in Setting up CMCI with CICSPlex SM.

If your CICSPlex SM WUI region uses the CMCI JVM server as a result of the upgrade to a higher release of CICS TS, ensure that you give users access to authenticate with the CMCI JVM server, including the authority to use the CMCI. If you are using RACF®, you must define the RACF EJBROLE profile &PROFILE_PREFIX.CMCI.CMCIUSER and give all CMCI users read access to this profile. For details, see Configuring CMCI in a WUI region.

Update your CMCI JVM server configuration to use Java 11 or later

This action applies if your CICSPlex SM WUI region is already using the CMCI JVM server. This action depends on your current release and your target release.

  • Your current release: 6.1 or earlier
  • Your target release: 6.2

If your CMCI JVM server profile uses Java™ 8, you must update the configuration to use Java 11 or later. For more information on setting the Java version, see Setting the version of the Java runtime.

Set the CICSPlex SM WUI server initialization parameter TCPIPSSL for your CICSPlex SM WUI server

This action depends on your current release and your target release.
  • Your current release: 6.1 or earlier
  • Your target release: 6.2

If the CICSPlex SM WUI server has CICS security active (that is, the SEC=YES system initialization parameter is set), the CICSPlex SM WUI server initialization parameter TCPIPSSL is mandatory. For more information about CICSPlex SM WUI server initialization parameters, see WUI initialization parameters in EYUWUI data set and Specifying CICSPlex SM WUI server initialization parameters.

Upgrade a non-maintenance point CMAS

All versions

You must upgrade your CICSPlex SM CMAS to Version 6.2 at the same time as you upgrade the CICS system on which it runs. A CICSPlex SM CMAS runs only in a CICS system of the same release level. During startup, the CMAS checks the CICS release level and stops with message EYUXL0142 if the release does not match.

You can upgrade a non-MP CMAS at the same time as the MP CMAS, or, if you are planning a phased migration, you can upgrade the non-MP CMAS later. If you run a workload during the upgrade, non-sysplex optimized workloads continue, but information about the region health might be unavailable while the CMAS is down. This unavailability can impact routing decisions during this time. For sysplex optimized workloads, region information should continue to be obtained from the coupling facility while the CMAS is down.

When you upgrade a non-MP CMAS, all the CICSplex records are removed from its data repository. The CMAS cannot connect to its MASs, or join MASs connected to other CMASs, until it reconnects to its MP CMAS, at which point its data repository is resynchronized for the CICSplex. Both the MP CMAS and non-MP CMAS issue EYULOG messages EYUCP0203I and EYUCP0204I. The data repository synchronization is not complete until both CMASs issue both messages. Depending on the number of records in the CICSplex, the MP CMAS usually takes longer than the non-MP CMAS. In this situation, the time period between the two messages on the non-MP CMAS is short, but the time period between the two messages on the MP CMAS is longer.

To upgrade a non-MP CMAS, use the following steps:
  • Check that the MP CMAS for the CICSplex is upgraded, restarted, and available in every CICSplex where the CMAS is a member. Remove the CMAS from any CICSplex where the MP CMAS is still at an earlier level. If the CMAS is started in a CICSplex that has an MP CMAS at an earlier level, message EYUCP0012E is issued. In an environment with multiple interconnecting CICSplexes, this message and message EYUTS0012E can be issued repeatedly.
  • Take down each non-MP CMAS.
  • Use the following steps 2 - 12 for each CMAS.
  1. Stop the non-MP CMAS.
  2. If you have not already done so as part of the MP CMAS upgrade, upgrade the CICS modules to Version 6.2. For more information about dynamically updating DFHIRP, see Upgrading MRO.
  3. In the z/OS image that contains the CMAS, check that the IEASYSxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library that you use for z/OS initialization includes the MAXCAD and NSYSLX parameters, each with an appropriate value. See Specifying each CMAS correctly in IEASYSxx for suitable values. If you are running both a previous release and Version 6.2 of CICSPlex SM, an Environment Services System Services (ESSS) space is started for each release, so you might need to modify the NSYSLX value.
  4. Authorize the Version 6.2 libraries by adding them to the list of APF-authorized libraries in the appropriate PROGxx or IEAAPFxx member in SYS1.PARMLIB. See Authorizing the CICS and CICSPlex SM libraries.
  5. If you have not already done so as part of the MP CMAS upgrade, update the MVS linklist with the Version 6.2 modules that are required for CICS and CICSPlex SM. See Installing CICS-required modules in the MVS linklist.
  6. If the non-MP CMAS uses a different CSD to the MP CMAS, upgrade the CSD file that the CMAS uses with the Version 6.2 group of resource definitions and CICS startup group list. You do not need an additional upgrade that uses a release-dependent set of definitions for CICSPlex SM. CICS supplies a job that is called DFHCOMDS in the XDFHINST library, which is created when you run DFHISTAR. This job assumes that a completely new CSD is created and initialized. In many situations, you want to copy the CSD that the CMAS currently uses, and upgrade this copy, as shown in the following example job:
    //DFHCSDUP JOB MSGCLASS=A,NOTIFY=&SYSUID,CLASS=A                              
    //* UPGRADE THE CSD                                                    
    //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A                                                        
    //DFHCSD   DD DSN=CTSSVT.JCA.BANK1.CICS720.DFHCSD,DISP=SHR                    
    //SYSIN    DD *                                                               
      UPGRADE REPLACE                                                             
  7. If you modified the default resource definitions for your earlier release (these definitions are supplied by CICSPlex SM in the EYU$CDEF sample, which contains definitions for a CMAS), manually upgrade your modified resource definitions by using the equivalents in the EYU$CDEF sample for Version 6.2.

    A good way to upgrade modified resource definitions is to copy the upgraded default resource definitions and reapply your modifications. It is important to upgrade your modified definitions to ensure that they are defined correctly with non-default values for any new attributes. If you do not, CICS assigns default values to any new attributes, and these default values might be inappropriate for your requirements.

  8. Use the EYU9XDUT utility to upgrade the data repository (EYUDREP data set) for the CMAS to Version 6.2. Be aware that you must upgrade the data repository file itself rather than a copy of the data repository. If you do not, CMAS isolation issues can occur when the CMAS is restarted at the new level. For information about how to upgrade the data repository, see Creating and populating the CICSPlex SM data repository. The conversion utility copies the contents of the existing data repository to a newly allocated data repository. The existing data repository is not modified.
    Note: After you upgrade the data repository for the CMAS, the next time the CMAS is started it must point to the upgraded EYUDREP data set. If it does not, data repository updates can be lost. This loss can lead to incorrect results, which can include other CMASs isolating themselves when they connect to this CMAS. After the upgrade, if you choose to roll back to the version that you upgraded from, use the EYU9XDUT utility with PARM=('TARGETVER=original version number') to downgrade the upgraded data repository for the CMAS. If you do not, CMASs might become isolated.
  9. Delete, redefine, and initialize the CICS local catalog and global catalog by using the DFHCCUTL and the DFHRMUTL utility programs. If you used DFHISTAR to install CICS, it creates a library that is called XDFHINST. This library contains member DFHDEFDS, which creates the LCD and GCD files and initializes them. DFHDEFDS also creates the other files that CICS requires, such as DFHTEMP, DFHINTRA, and DFHLRQ.
  10. Check the CICSPlex SM system parameters that are referenced by the EYUPARM DD statement. If the CASNAME system parameter is present, delete it. For more information, see CICSPlex SM system parameters in EYUPARM data set.
  11. Check that the CICS system initialization parameter GRPLIST references the CICS supplied default startup group list, DFHLIST, and any CSD groups that contain resource definitions that were modified.
  12. Check that the MP CMAS for the CICSplex is running in every CICSplex where the CMAS is a member. Use an initial start procedure for the upgraded CMAS.
  13. Allow the upgraded CMAS to synchronize repository with the other CMASs in the network. EYULOG messages EYUCP0203I and EYUCP0204I are issued when the repository synchronization begins and completes. Furthermore message EYUXD0004I is issued when the CICSplex import has been successful and CMAS processing continues to register the CICSplex with its subcomponents.

Upgrade a CICSPlex SM managed CICS system (MAS)

All versions

When you upgrade a CICSPlex SM MAS to CICSPlex SM Version 6.2, you might choose to upgrade only the CICSPlex SM MAS agent. You do not need to upgrade the CICS region to Version 6.2 at the same time.

Before you upgrade a CICSPlex SM MAS to CICSPlex SM Version 6.2, you must upgrade the CICSPlex SM CMAS to which it connects. You must also upgrade the Web User Interface server for the CICSplex.

  1. If you use the link pack area (LPA), decide when you plan to replace the previous release modules in the LPA with the Version 6.2 modules. Every CICSPlex SMmodule that is installed in the LPA can be used only by the release of CICSPlex SM to which it relates.
    1. If you put the Version 6.2 modules in the LPA immediately, change your previous release MASs to use the previous release modules from the STEPLIB and DFHRPL concatenations, instead of the LPA.
    2. If you put the Version 6.2 modules in the LPA at the end of the upgrade process, make sure your upgraded MASs are using the Version 6.2 modules from the STEPLIB and DFHRPL concatenations instead of the LPA, then change them to use the LPA when you replace the modules.

    For more information, see Controlling the use of modules from the LPA.

  2. In the JCL that is used to start the MAS, replace the previous release SEYUAUTH library name in the STEPLIB concatenation, and the previous release SEYULOAD library name in the DFHRPL concatenation, with the Version 6.2 SEYUAUTH and SEYULOAD library names. The Version 6.2 SEYUAUTH library must be authorized for APF, which you did when you upgraded the CMAS, but the SEYULOAD library must not be authorized. For information about the MAS startup JCL, see Changing startup JCL before starting a MAS.
  3. Check that the CICS system initialization parameter EDSALIM is specified for the CICS region, and set it to a value of 800 MB. 800 MB is the default EDSALIM value for a CICS region in Version 6.2. You can specify system initialization parameters before startup in the following locations:
    • In the system initialization table that is specified in the DFHSITxx load module whose suffix (xx) is specified as a SIT= system initialization parameter.
    • In the PARM parameter of the EXEC PGM=DFHSIP statement.
    • In the SYSIN data set defined in the startup job stream.
  4. If you use MAS history recording, define new history data sets by using the EYUJHIST sample job. If you prefer to upgrade your existing history data sets, you can also do this using the EYUJHIST sample job and the comments in the sample that provide upgrading instructions. The EYUJHIST sample is supplied uncustomized in the TDFHINST library, and customized by DFHISTAR in the XDFHINST library. Remember to edit the MAS startup JCL to include the history data sets.
  5. If you also want to upgrade the CICS region to Version 6.2 now, you must upgrade the CSD for CICS as instructed. However, you do not need any additional upgrade to your CSD to obtain the resource definitions for CICSPlex SM because all CICSPlex SM resources are defined and installed dynamically.
  6. Before you can start the MAS at the latest level, you must still consider some more steps. See Upgrading CICS regions for instructions to activate the license file, and to delete, define, and initialize global and local catalogs at the latest level. When you are ready to start the MAS, if you upgraded the CPSM code and the CICS code in the MAS, use an initial start procedure. If you upgraded the CPSM code but not the CICS code, you can use a cold or automatic start procedure. However, if a cold or initial start is not performed, then message EYUNX0013E may be issued.

Migrate PLTPI to using CPSMCONN

This action depends on your current release and your target release.

  • Your current release: 5.5 or earlier
  • Your target release: 5.6 or later

Support for using PLTPI to run the CICSPlex SM PLT program directly has been removed as of CICS TS 5.6. You must migrate to using the CPSMCONN system initialization parameter.

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Upgrade CICSPlex SM API programs

All versions

CICSPlex SM API programs that were written to run in a MAS at a previous release can be run in a Version 6.2 MAS. You can either continue to access the data that is provided by the previous release or access the new data available from Version 6.2. For information about using API programs with different releases of CICSPlex SM, see Compatibility between releases of CICSPlex SM.

If you modified your application programs to call EYU9XLOP using the EYUAWTRA COMMAREA, recompile and link-edit them using the latest version.

When you upgrade from a release earlier than CICS TS 5.2, the following EYUDA general values are added for the CICSPlex SM API:
  • AVAILABLE (778)
  • SOMEAVAIL (780)

The number of records that are returned by CICSPlex SM API programs querying the WLMAWTOR (Active routing regions) resource increased because WLMAWTOR now includes extra statistical information about units of work as a result of the new key attribute RPTINGCMAS (Reporting CMAS name).

For each TOR in a workload, a WLMAWTOR record is returned from every CMAS that takes part in the workload; that is, every CMAS that manages a TOR in the workload. Therefore, API programs that query WLMAWTOR have more records to process. The number to process depends on the end of unit-of-work count. Existing API applications are unaffected if the first record in the result set is treated as the only record.

Back out of a CICS upgrade

All versions

If you experience issues with your upgrade, you might need to back out and reinstate the previous version. If you use CICSPlex SM, in addition to reverting to the previous version, you must consider the following actions:
  • Your data repository will need to be returned to the way it was before the upgrade. If you use a backup of your data repository rather than reconfiguring it, you risk isolating your CMAS. Therefore, you must first downgrade the current EYUDREP files by using the EYU9XDUT utility. The EYU9XDUT utility with parameter targetver will reconfigure the data repository to the previous release for you. For more information, see Creating and populating the CICSPlex SM data repository.
  • If you reinstate to the previous release all the CMASs on your LPAR for the new release, you might want to terminate your ESSS address base. Terminating is not necessary if you are planning to IPL. For instructions, see Stopping the ESSS (TERMINATE option of EYU9XEUT).
In the unlikely event that you do need to back out, you will need to start with the non-MP CMAS before moving onto the MP CMAS.

To back out of an upgrade, use the following steps:

The examples used in these steps assume the previous version you are reverting back to is CICS TS 6.1.
  1. Shut down the non-MP CMAS and any CICS/WUI/API regions that may be connected to it.
  2. Run EYU9XDUT utility using:
    • CPSM 6.2 SEYUAUTH library, using the new version of CICS TS that you were upgrading to.
    • PARM=('TARGETVER=0610'), using the previous version as a four digit number. For example, specify CICS TS 6.1 as 0610.
    • //EYUDREP pointing to your current 6.2 non-MP CMAS EYUDREP file.
    • //NEWREP pointing to an empty VSAM file for the EYUDREP you will be using for the non-MP CMAS when you restart it again at the original version.
      Note: You cannot run this ahead of time. It must be based on the last time the CMAS ran and shut down cleanly with COSD so that all changes to the file get committed by the CMAS.
  3. Bring the 6.1 non-MP CMAS job up using the data set pointed to by //NEWREP as the EYUDREP file. It should initialize successfully and connect to the MP CMAS and do repository sync again. It will re-import the CICSPlexes again. Once that's been done, you are good to start bringing up the CICS regions that need to connect to it. They'll need to point to the 6.1 SEYUAUTH and SEYULOAD once again. The 6.1 ESSS started task EYUX610 is probably still running unless you've done an IPL or terminated it. If it is not running, it will get started using 6.1 CPSM modules from the LINKLIST.
  4. When you have completed backing out for the non-MP CMAS, repeat steps 1-3 for the MP CMAS.

Upgrade the region status server (for sysplex optimized workload users only)

All versions

The region status server (RS server) is a standard CICS Coupling Facility Data Table (CFDT) server that is reserved for CICS region status recording and reporting. Any upgrade to the CFDT Server function also applies to the RS Server. To upgrade the RS Server, follow the advice in Upgrade the CICS data sharing servers.

Update consumers of Tivoli NetView SNA Generic Alerts (for Tivoli NetView users only)

All versions

When you upgrade to a new version of CICS TS, the GDS MSU segment for the CICS TS product identifier changes within SNA Generic Alerts generated by CICSPlex SM.

Product Set ID (X'10') MS common subvector is a Product ID (X'11') common subvector that identifies the product as IBM Software (X'04'). It contains a Product Number (X'08') Product ID subfield that identifies the product number. See Changes to CICSPlex SM for the product numbers that are used in different versions of CICS Transaction Server for z/OS.

If you use Tivoli NetView automation processing routines based on SNA Generic Alert headers that identify the product identifier, you must update your automation table processing to check for the new version of CICS TS to continue to process the SNA Generic Alerts.

For information about routing alerts by using a Message Automation Table, see Writing Automation Table Statements to Automate MSUs in Tivoli NetView for z/OS Automation Guide.

Recompile your programs to match the current release of CICSPlex SM

All versions

This information applies only to programs that connect to a previous release of CICSPlex SM.

API programs that specify a CRITERIA string to limit the size of a result set on a GET or PERFORM OBJECT request, or use the SPECIFY FILTER verb, can experience the increase in CMAS CPU and ESSS storage. Batch job run times might also increase.

You are not required to recompile your CICSPlex SM API programs when you upgrade to the new release. However, if you do not recompile affected programs, the CMAS must convert the records from the current release format to the level specified on the VERSION keyword on the CONNECT verb. This transformation process is highly intensive for CPU and storage when the result set is very large, for example, 300,000 - 500,000 records. Increases are observed in most cases when a criteria string is used to filter the result set; for example, specifying a criteria for the PROGRAM object by using the NAME key for a specific or generic program. In this case, CICSPlex SM must retrieve all program objects and return them to the CMAS where the API is connected, transform the records to the version of the API, and then apply the filtering.

If you recompile your programs to specify the VERSION keyword to match the current release of CICSPlex SM, this conversion does not take place, and storage and CPU consumption do not increase significantly.

Rerun EYUJHIST to upgrade your CICSPlex SM history data sets

All versions

The record size of EYUHIST* data sets often increases at higher release levels. You must rerun the EYUJHIST sample job to upgrade your CICSPlex SM history data sets. See CICSPlex SM installation and definition for the record size of EYUHIST* data sets by release.