Conventions used in the documentation

This section tells you about the terminology and syntax notation used through the documentation for CICS®. When an IBM® product changes its name, to keep things short, this documentation shows only the most current name.

Tags for highlighting applicability

Tags are used in this documentation to highlight the applicability of information to a particular version of software or role.

For example, the Gradle tag identifies information for Gradle users.

In Version 6 documentation, 6.1 identifies information that applies only to users of CICS TS 6.1.

6.2 identifies information that applies only to users of CICS TS 6.2.

If there is no release-specific tag, the information applies equally to all releases in CICS TS Version 6. Highlighting tags are not shown in syntax diagrams but they are shown on the description of any affected option.

The release tags indicate functional difference between Version 6 releases. They do not imply applicability for Version 5 releases. Refer to Upgrading or the CICS TS Version 5 documentation for clarification.


Terms used in this documentation are listed in the CICS glossary.

This documentation uses “RACF” to mean “RACF or any alternative External Security Manager”. Other ESMs are available.
For more information about the terminology used by other ESM tools, see the following:
“Security best practice (validated by IBM Health Checker for z/OS®)” or “Recommended”
In documentation about security, some configuration settings are highlighted as best practice. These settings are reinforced by IBM Health Checker for z/OS, which checks for them. Other configuration settings are shown as “Recommended” but they do not have associated checks in IBM Health Checker for z/OS.
IBM Developer for z/OS, Rational® Developer for Z
From Version 14.0, Rational Developer for Z changed its name to IBM Developer for z/OS. Unless explicitly stated, all references in this documentation to IBM Developer for z/OS include any earlier versions of this product that are supported for use with CICS, and are still called Rational Developer for Z.
IBM DB2®, IBM Db2®
From Version 12.0, IBM DB2 changed its name to IBM Db2. In CICS documentation, references to Db2 include earlier versions that are supported for use with CICS and are still called IBM DB2.

Messages, command names, panel text, the WUI interface, and samples are not affected by the introduction of IBM Db2.

GDPS® Continuous Availability, GDPS/Active-Active
From Version 1.7, GDPS/Active-Active changed its name to GDPS Continuous Availability. All references in this documentation to GDPS Continuous Availability include any earlier versions of this product that are supported for use with CICS and are still called GDPS/Active-Active.
REXX for CICS Transaction Server, REXX for CICS/ESA
REXX for CICS Transaction Server (REXX for CICS) is the new name for REXX for CICS/ESA:
  • REXX Development System for CICS, Version 1 Release 1 is the new name for REXX Development System for CICS/ESA, Version 1 Release 1.
  • REXX Runtime Facility for CICS, Version 1 Release 1 is the new name for REXX Runtime Facility for CICS/ESA, Version 1 Release 1.
The version, release, and product numbers are unchanged. All references in this documentation to REXX for CICS include any earlier versions of this product that are supported for use with CICS and are still called REXX for CICS/ESA.

Syntax notation

Notation Explanation
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramA
A required item. Required items are shown on the main path.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramA
An optional item. Optional items are shown below the main path.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramABC
Alternative values for a single required item. You must specify one (and only one) of the values shown.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramABC
Alternative values, where you can specify more than one value. You must specify at least one of the values shown. You can specify additional values, in any sequence.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramABC
Alternative values for an optional item. You can specify none, or one, of the values shown.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramABC
Alternative values for an optional item. You can specify none, one, or more than one of the values shown, in any sequence.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramABC
Alternative values for an optional item, where there is a default value. A default value is shown above the main path. The remaining alternatives are shown below the main path. You can specify none, or one, of the values shown. A is the default value that is used if you do not specify anything.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramName
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramAB
A reference to a named fragment of syntax notation. This fragment is expanded below the main diagram.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramA= value
A= denote characters that should be entered exactly as shown.

value denotes a variable, for which you should specify an appropriate value.

PARM Keywords appear in uppercase. They must be spelled as shown but can be specified in either uppercase or lowercase.
variable Variables appear in lowercase. They represent user-supplied names or values.
Punctuation marks, parentheses, arithmetic operators, or such symbols You must enter these as part of the syntax.

Symbols in programming examples

In the programming examples in this documentation, symbols in the following table are used and assumed to be assigned the EBCDIC code points shown in the table. In other countries that use different code pages, alternative symbols are assigned the same EBCDIC code point. In a country that uses a different code page, use the appropriate symbol.

For example, in this documentation, the dollar symbol ($) is used as a national currency symbol and is assumed to be assigned the EBCDIC code point X'5B'. In other countries, the pound symbol (£), or the yen symbol (¥), is assigned the same EBCDIC code point.

Table 1. Symbols and EBCDIC code points
Symbol EBCDIC code point
¢ 4A
$ 5B
# 7B
@ 7C

Names of files and data sets

Notation Explanation





Denotes the high-level qualifier of the CICS TS data sets. This reflects the CICS release. As an example, for CICS TS 6.2, this is CICSTS62.CICS for CICS data sets and CICSTS62.CPSM for CICSPlex® SM data sets.

The CICSTSnn part of the high-level qualifier is defined by the LINDEX parameter in the DFHISTAR installation job.


Some CICS messages have a suffix letter: for example, DFHAM4971E. CICS messages might referenced with no space before the suffix letter but have a space in output. For the definitive spacing, check CICS messages.

Inclusive language

IBM aims to promote the use of inclusive language in IT. While IBM values the use of inclusive language, terms that are outside of IBM’s direct influence are sometimes required for the sake of maintaining user understanding. As other industry leaders join IBM in embracing the use of inclusive language, IBM will continue to update the documentation to reflect those changes.


Information about the accessibility of CICS can be requested at Accessibility reports. Information about the accessibility features of IBM Documentation can be found in the IBM Documentation help.

In addition to the accessibility of IBM Documentation, the content of the CICS information itself is adapted to be accessible. For example:
  • All images that convey additional information have alternative text
  • Syntax diagrams in IBM Documentation are displayed as railroad diagrams. These diagrams can also be read by screen readers as dotted decimal format.