Upgrading between releases with CICS continuous delivery

CICS® continuous delivery provides new functions, capabilities, and technologies between product releases through the service channel or as separate downloads. To take advantage of such additional functions, apply the service APARs (rather than upgrading the release level).

Maintenance to WebSphere® Application Server Liberty is delivered through fix packs periodically. For your convenience, Table 7 lists service APARs that CICS has released to bring its embedded Liberty JVM server to the latest WebSphere Application Server Liberty fix pack level.

Upgrade actions

You can choose to deploy the function on specific CICS regions or across CICSplexes. You can also implement the function on lower-level CICS systems, if supported. Some features are further controlled by the selective use of feature toggles.

  1. Decide which features to apply.

    Use the following tables to plan for additions of function to your CICS environment. A brief introduction is included for some features.

    Note: Features are listed in chronological order, with the most recent additions at the bottom.
    • For Java™, OSGi, and Liberty, Table 1 shows additions of CICS Liberty features through continuous delivery, and Table 2 lists all other features.
    • Table 3 lists continuous delivery features for CICS web services.
    • Table 4 lists continuous delivery features for CICS policies.
    • Table 5 lists continuous delivery features related to security.
    • Table 6 lists all other CICS continuous delivery features.

    To learn more about any of the continuous delivery features, see the What's new information for your CICS release, or click the link provided with the APAR to view the APAR details in the IBM Support Portal. See Table 1 in Planning to upgrade for links to the What's new information for supported releases of CICS TS.

  2. If any of the features are managed by feature toggles, decide which ones to enable. See Specifying feature toggles.

Features for Java, OSGi, and Liberty

CICS Liberty features

Table 1 shows, by release, additions of CICS Liberty features through continuous delivery. Some Liberty features are made available to in-service CICS releases with CICS APARs that bring CICS-embedded Liberty JVM server to the latest WebSphere Application Server Liberty fix pack level.

Table 1. Continuous delivery for Liberty features, by release of CICS Transaction Server for z/OS
CICS Liberty feature 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2















spring boot-2.0











Not applicable BASE BASE BASE

To view the complete list of CICS Liberty features that are supported by your CICS release, follow these links:

Other features
Table 2. Other continuous delivery features for Java, OSGi, and Liberty, by release of CICS Transaction Server for z/OS
Feature 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
New JVM server profile option com.ibm.cics.jvmserver.trace.specification
Use this option to filter package and class trace from the JVM server.
Support for EXEC CICS LINK to a Spring Boot application running in a Liberty JVM server
You can add the @CICSProgram annotation to a method on a Spring bean. When the application is started in Liberty, a CICS program definition is dynamically created. Then, the Spring Boot application can be invoked by any CICS program through an EXEC CICS LINK call.
Support for Java EE 8 Full Platform in integrated-mode Liberty in CICS
By using the embedded version of IBM® WebSphere® Liberty (Liberty), CICS TS supports applications that are written to the Java Enterprise Edition (EE) 8 Full Platform specification in integrated mode. Java EE 8 includes many new and enhanced APIs, such as JSON processing, RESTful web services, authentication by using custom identity stores, and JavaMail.
Support for Jakarta EE 8 Platform
The Jakarta EE 8 full platform technologies and specifications are an evolution of Java EE 8, allowing developers and applications to easily transition from Java EE to Jakarta EE.
Not applicable BASE BASE BASE
<applicationManager autoExpand="true"/> is applied as a default Liberty configuration setting but is not visible in server.xml.
This setting causes application file archives to be automatically expanded into the ${server.config.dir}/apps directory on first use. This avoids expansion of file archives into the Liberty work area on server startup, reducing zFS file I/O and making more efficient use of the Java shared class cache. If you wish to override this setting and switch it off, then you should place the XML element: <applicationManager autoExpand="false"/> in your server.xml file.
PH28793 PH28793 REMOVED Not applicable

Features for CICS web services

Table 3. Continuous delivery features for CICS web services, by release of CICS Transaction Server for z/OS
Feature 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
Support for HTTP OPTIONS handler program PH16992 BASE BASE BASE
Enabling multiple client URIMAPs that point to the same endpoint PH44683 PH44683 BASE BASE

Features for CICS policies

Table 4. Continuous delivery features for CICS policies, by release of CICS Transaction Server for z/OS
Feature 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
System rules:
  • DBCTL connection status
  • IBM MQ connection status
  • Pipeline enable status

You must use CICS Explorer® for Aqua 3.2 (Fix Pack or later to define these system rules.

Ability to specify Transaction ID and User ID conditions for policy task rules PH26145 PH26145 BASE BASE
New policy task rule type, container storage Not applicable PH29187 BASE BASE
New policy system rule type, transaction dump threshold Not applicable PH34348 BASE BASE
New option to set the WLMHEALTH time interval is supported by the Set z/OS WLM health open status system rule action Not applicable Not applicable PH58295 BASE

Features for CICS security

Table 5. Continuous delivery features for CICS security, by release of CICS Transaction Server for z/OS
Feature 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
Options on CHANGE PASSWORD and CHANGE PHRASE reveal more sign-on information

New options CHANGETIME, DAYSLEFT, EXPIRYTIME, INVALIDCOUNT, and LASTUSETIME are added to CHANGE PASSWORD and CHANGE PHRASE commands. These options reveal more sign-on information.

PH59546 PH59546 PH59547 BASE
Key rings can be shared more easily between regions
You can share a key ring owned by one region user ID with another region by granting that other region authority to use the key ring. As a result, the KEYRING SIT parameter now accepts more formats of key ring names. See KEYRING system initialization parameter.
PH49253 PH49253 PH49261 BASE
Minimum key size can be set during TLS handshakes for increased key strength
A new feature toggle com.ibm.cics.tls.minimumkeystrength allows you to set a minimum key size for ECC, RSA, DSA, and Diffie-Hellman keys during TLS handshakes to increase your key strength.
PH50175 PH50175 PH51719 BASE
Ability to use defaultciphers.xml for outbound web requests
A new feature toggle com.ibm.cics.web.defaultcipherfile is provided to allow outbound web requests to use a default cipher suite specification file.
PH45703 PH38091 BASE BASE
Default cipher suite specification file applies to URIMAP resources
The feature toggle com.ibm.cics.web.defaultcipherfile is extended to apply to URIMAP resources with no ciphers specified.
Not applicable Not applicable PH60212 BASE
HTTP strict transport security (HSTS) is supported
You can now configure a CICS server to use HSTS with a set of com.ibm.cics.web.hsts feature toggles.
PH55369 PH55369 PH55370 BASE
SNI supported in CICS TS communications with an HTTP server over TLS connections

CICS TS now supports the use of the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension as defined in Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 6066. With this enhancement, CICS TS, when acting as an HTTP client, can use a TLS connection to a virtual host where the server supports multiple virtual hosts using a single IP address.

No configuration change is required in CICS TS. CICS TS supports SNI if it is supported by the HTTP server.


All other continuous delivery features

Table 6. All other continuous delivery features, by release of CICS Transaction Server for z/OS
Feature 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
REXX for CICS enhancements
Support for REXX for CICS internal trace, a new online help utility, and REXX for CICS documentation updates in the CICS TS 5.1 and later product documentation.
OA56111, OA56806, and OA56807. BASE BASE BASE
New replication log record
Replication logging in support of GDPS® Continuous Availability is enhanced to log a REDO record when an application issues an UNLOCK command following a read-update command, or a series of write-massinsert commands. It allows replication products to cater more efficiently for non-RLS applications, which, in the absence of browse for update support, issue read-update requests against all records in a file, but update very few and unlock most records.
New feature toggle com.ibm.cics.rls.delete.ridfld to help you with RLS migration
When this feature is enabled, you can issue a DELETE command with the RIDFLD option for a single record without causing AFCG abends.
Support for IBM SDK for Node.js - z/OS, V12.0 PH18618 BASE BASE BASE
CICS capability of exploiting IBM z/OS Workload Interaction Correlator
Hardware and system requirements: IBM z/OS Workload Interaction Correlator requires IBM z14® or z15® hardware and is provided in PTFs for APAR OA57165 for z/OS in V2R3 and V2R4.
CICS-MQ trigger monitor and CICS-MQ bridge improvements

CKTI now handles abends produced when starting user transactions. If an abend occurs when the CKTI transaction attempts to start the user transaction, rather than terminating, CKTI will now send the trigger message to the dead-letter queue, and trigger monitor processing continues.

CKTI and CKBR now handle temporary errors that occur when issuing MQOPEN and MQGET requests. Rather than terminating, CKTI and CKBR will retry every minute for up to an hour. If the error is not resolved after an hour, the monitor transactions will then terminate.

Enhanced capability for monitoring shared pool TS queue usage
This enhancement makes it easier for you to monitor capacity usage change for shared pool TS queues. When the percentage of entries or elements in use in a pool structure reaches a specified threshold, DFHXQ0422 or DFHXQ0423 is issued. When the percentage of entries or elements in use drops below a threshold, DFHXQ0420 or DFHXQ0421 is issued.
Not applicable PH28145 BASE BASE
Capability for monitoring auxiliary temporary storage usage
You are now alerted when auxiliary temporary storage data set usage is approaching a high percentage of its capacity so that you have time to free up storage before the auxiliary temporary storage becomes full.

CICS issues message DFHTS1316 when 75% or more of the maximum auxiliary temporary storage is in use, and message DFHTS1317 when storage usage falls below 70% of the maximum auxiliary temporary storage.

Not applicable PH28145 BASE BASE
Enhanced adapter tracking for CICS Db2® applications
The CICS Db2 attachment facility is enhanced to pass adapter data to Db2. If a CICS task that is accessing Db2 has adapter data in the CICS origin data, the adapter ID is passed as appl-longname and the adapter data is passed as an accounting-string. Db2 writes the data in its SMF accounting records and the data is also available online through the Db2 special registers CURRENT CLIENT_APPLNAME and CURRENT CLIENT_ACCTNG. This capability requires Db2 12 with APAR PH31447 or higher.
PH30252 PH30252 BASE BASE
Overriding resource definitions
You can provide a consistent approach to the creation of certain resources by applying environment-specific overrides through a resource overrides file. You can override the resource definition for any supported resource type that can be defined by using resource definition online (RDO). You specify the required overrides in a resource overrides file that is loaded during CICS startup. The overrides are applied when CICS resources are installed.

This support is intended for infrequent system-wide changes to tailor the resources for a specific CICS environment.

Not applicable PH30590 BASE BASE
Messages reporting changes to APPC and IRC log names
To help you diagnose log name mismatches, the following three new messages that report changes to log names are introduced:
  • DFHRM0240
  • DFHRM0241
  • DFHRM0242
PH03691 PH03691 BASE BASE
Support for passing XID to Db2 PH39766 PH39766 PH47996 BASE
Improved temporary storage expiry processing Not applicable APARs PH40863 and PH40409 BASE BASE

CICS support for WebSphere Application Server Liberty fix packs

Table 7 shows all the CICS APARs that provide support for Liberty fix packs. Only some of these fix packs enable new Liberty features; the others are simply ongoing maintenance. If the fix pack enables new Liberty features in CICS, these features are listed in Table 1.

Complete fixes for WebSphere Application Server Liberty: See IBM Support: Recommended updates for WebSphere Application Server for a complete listing of all the fixes for Liberty with the latest fixes at the top.
Table 7. Fixes for WebSphere Application Server Liberty, by release of CICS Transaction Server for z/OS
IBM WebSphere Liberty fix pack version 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2 PH05401 BASE BASE BASE PH07871 BASE BASE BASE PH09600 BASE BASE BASE PH13560 BASE BASE BASE PH16415 BASE BASE BASE PH19704 BASE BASE BASE PH21613 BASE BASE BASE PH25960 PH25960 BASE BASE PH28793 PH28793 BASE BASE PH31589 PH31589 BASE BASE PH33137 PH33137 BASE BASE PH37946 PH37946 BASE BASE PH39936 PH39936 BASE BASE PH42501 PH42501 BASE BASE PH44531 PH44531 BASE BASE PH46518 PH46518 PH46518 BASE PH49182 PH49182 PH49182 BASE