Changes to security

This section summarizes the changes that relate to security across supported CICS® releases. Use this information to plan the impact of upgrading from one release to another.

If you are upgrading from an end-of-service release, you can find information about the changes that are relevant to those releases in Summary of changes from end-of-service releases.

For information about changes to RACF® classes, see Changes to RACF classes.

Changes to security across supported CICS TS releases are classified into the following security principles as described in What does security mean in CICS? Liberty related security changes are marked by a Liberty tag.


Table 1. Identification changes by release of CICS TS
Changes 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
KERBEROSUSER system initialization parameter NEW      


Table 2. Authentication changes by release of CICS TS
Changes 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2

New options CHANGETIME, DAYSLEFT, EXPIRYTIME, INVALIDCOUNT, and LASTUSETIME reveal more information about the sign-on user ID and password.


New option GROUPID on VERIFY PASSWORD and VERIFY PHRASE supports password or passphrase verification against the supplied group ID.


VERIFY TOKEN is enhanced to support JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) provided by RACF.

CICS Explorer® support for MFA NEW CHANGED:

ON by default

Terminal sign-on security control CHANGED:

New options EXIT and DISCONNECT on GMTRAN system initialization parameter allow you to control what happens if the user fails to complete the sign-on using CESN or CESL.


Option DISCONNECT on GMTRAN system initialization parameter also applies to CESF.


New option GMEXITOPT shows the GMTRAN terminal session behavior option on a PF3 or PF15.

Certificate expiry warning      
  • NEW: The CERTEXPIRYWARN SIT parameter allows CICS to warn about expiring certificates received from the partner system over TLS connections.
  • NEW: Message DFHSO1100I provides diagnostic information about the expiring certificate.
  • NEW: The socket domain trace point (SO 0863) returns diagnostic information about the expiring certificate.
Liberty oauth-2.0 NEW      
Liberty JWT and OpenID Connect NEW      
Liberty Wait for angel at JVM server startup NEW      
Liberty Multiple Liberty servers per CICS region using an angel NEW      
Liberty Java™ EE 8 Security-1.0 API with JSR 375 NEW with APAR: PH15017 NEW    


Table 3. Authorization changes by release of CICS TS
Changes 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
Security for CICS-supplied transactions CHANGED:

CICS checks the region user ID's authority to access Category 1 transactions at startup. Message DFHXS1113 is issued for unauthorized transactions.


Authorization check for Category 1 transactions is removed. There's no need to define Category 1 transactions to RACF anymore.


To conform with a zero trust strategy, all CICS transactions, excluding CJXA and CICSPlex® SM transactions (CO**), are defined with CMDSEC(YES) and RESSEC(YES) to perform command and resource security checking.

For a list of affected CICS transactions, see CICS transactions subject to security checking.

Security for user-defined transactions       CHANGED:

To conform with a zero trust strategy, the default values of CMDSEC and RESSEC attributes are changed to YES for all newly defined TRANSACTION resources.

CICS security discovery       NEW
Security definition capture (SDC) and security definition validation (SDV)       NEW
Security for job submission from SPOOL or TDQ commands NEW: Security for job submission from SPOOL or TDQ commands     CHANGED:

CICS surrogate user checking is made if system initialization parameter XUSER=YES is in effect.

The default job user ID for a JOB card that is submitted, without a USER parameter, by using SPOOL commands to the internal reader, is subject to the INTRDRJOBUSER system initialization parameter instead of a feature toggle that is now made obsolete. By the default of INTRDRJOBUSER, the task user ID is assumed while in 5.5 through 6.1 the CICS region user ID is assumed.

INTRDRJOBUSER system initialization parameter       NEW

Command security checking is not performed if the task or program that issues the command was started or attached to the same terminal that is being inquired or modified by the command, with a few exceptions.

Security request recording     NEW  
Controlling the API and SPI used by developers NEW      
Control of HPO SIT override NEW      


Table 4. Integrity changes by release of CICS TS
Changes 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
Support for HTTP strict transport security (HSTS) NEW with APAR: PH55369 NEW with APAR: PH55369 NEW with APAR: PH55370 NEW
Instruction execution protection     NEW  


Table 5. Confidentiality changes by release of CICS TS
Changes 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2  
Enabling TLS 1.3 in CICS     NEW
  • Requires minimum z/OS® 2.4
MAXTLSLEVEL system initialization parameter     NEW  
MINTLSLEVEL system initialization parameter CHANGED:

The default is changed from TLS10 to TLS12.

  • TLS13
  • TLS10
  • TLS 11
KEYRING system initialization parameter CHANGED with APAR PH49253:

Accepts more formats of key ring names to allow use of key rings that are not owned by the region user ID.

CHANGED with APAR PH49253:

Accepts more formats of key ring names to allow use of key rings that are not owned by the region user ID.

CHANGED with APAR PH49261:

Accepts more formats of key ring names to allow use of key rings that are not owned by the region user ID.


Accepts more formats of key ring names to allow use of key rings that are not owned by the region user ID.

CONFDATA system initialization parameter   CHANGED:

The default is changed from SHOW to HIDE. The HIDE option replaces HIDETC.

SNI support in CICS TS communications with an HTTP server over TLS connections NEW with APAR: PH20063 NEW      
Default cipher suite specification file NEW with APAR PH45703:

Feature toggle is available and applies to outbound HTTP requests using EXEC CICS WEB OPEN or EXEC CICS INVOKE SERVICE commands that do not specify CIPHERS or URIMAP.

NEW with APAR PH38091:

Feature toggle is available and applies to outbound HTTP requests using EXEC CICS WEB OPEN or EXEC CICS INVOKE SERVICE commands that do not specify CIPHERS or URIMAP.


Feature toggle allows you to use ciphers from the default cipher suite specification file (defaultciphers.xml). It applies to outbound HTTP requests using EXEC CICS WEB OPEN or EXEC CICS INVOKE SERVICE commands that do not specify CIPHERS or URIMAP.

CHANGED with APAR PH60212: is extended to apply to URIMAP resources with no ciphers specified.

  • is extended to apply to URIMAP resources with no ciphers specified.

  • Cipher suites that use NULL, Triple DES (3DES) and RC4 encryption are removed from the sample default cipher suite specification file (defaultciphers.xml). See Changes to samples.
TLS diagnostics     CHANGED:  
Key sizes for TLS handshakes NEW with APAR PH50175:

Feature toggle allows you to set a minimum key size for ECC, RSA, DSA, and Diffie-Hellman keys during TLS handshakes.

NEW with APAR PH50175:

Feature toggle allows you to set a minimum key size for ECC, RSA, DSA, and Diffie-Hellman keys during TLS handshakes.

NEW with APAR PH51719:

Feature toggle allows you to set a minimum key size for ECC, RSA, DSA, and Diffie-Hellman keys during TLS handshakes.

  • Feature toggle allows you to set a minimum key size for ECC, RSA, DSA, and Diffie-Hellman keys during TLS handshakes.
  • CICS uses a minimum key size of 256 for ECC keys and 2048 for RSA, DSA and Diffie-Hellman keys during TLS handshakes. SeeIncrease minimum key size for TLS connections
SSL cache       CHANGED:

Sysplex caching for TLS 1.3 is supported. See SSLCACHE system initialization parameter.

Message DFHIS2041 indicates an attempt to acquire the named IPCONN failed because of unsecured TCPIP connections with a partner system that is located outside the sysplex       NEW  
Initialization parameters for WUI or SMSS      
  • CHANGED: For a CICSPlex SM WUI server (CPSMCONN=WUI), TCPIPSSL is mandatory if security is active.
  • CHANGED: For a CICS System Management Single Server (SMSS) defined with CPSMCONN=SMSSJ, CMCISSL is mandatory if security is active.
WS-Security requirements       CHANGED: WS-Security now requires IBM® XML Toolkit for z/OS v1.11.  


Table 6. Auditing changes by release of CICS TS
Changes 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
IBM Health Checker for z/OS support     CHANGED: New health checks that define best practices for CICS security:
Classifying CICS regions with region tagging     NEW: Allows you to suppress IBM Health Checker for z/OS messages by excluding certain CICS health checks.  
Compliance data collection with SMF 1154 subtype 80 records     NEW: CICS regions can generate an SMF 1154 subtype 80 record in response to ENF86 triggered by the z/OSMF Compliance REST API.  
Security domain statistics   NEW: Monitoring capability introduced for the security domain   CHANGED:

When logging is disabled for QUERY SECURITY, CICS security domain statistics are still written to XSG_AUTHOR_FAIL_NL_NA and XSG_AUTHOR_FAIL_NL_NF fields, with DFHSTUP names Failed authorizations NOLOG NOTAUTH and Failed authorizations NOLOG NOTFND respectively.

CICS monitoring       CHANGED:

When logging is disabled for QUERY SECURITY, CICS monitoring data is still written to XSNLNACT and XSNLNFCT fields.


Table 7. Performance enhancements by release of CICS TS
Changes 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
New DPLONLY option on XPPT allows you to secure remote program at a lower cost       NEW
Performance improvement to QUERY SECURITY NEW      
CICSPlex SM capability of processing type 71 ENF events for a CICSplex       NEW

Deprecated and removed

Table 8. Deprecated and removed security-related functions by release of CICS TS
Change 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
ENCRYPTION system initialization parameter     REMOVED  

Surrogate checking is always done. Specifying SURROGCHK=YES in the EXCI options table, DFHXCOPT, is accepted for compatibility.


Surrogate checking is always done. Specifying SURROGCHK=YES in the EXCI options table, DFHXCOPT, is accepted for compatibility.

Removal of XSNEX global user exit     REMOVED