Changes to CICSPlex SM

This section summarizes the changes to CICSPlex® SM across supported CICS® releases. If you do not use CICSPlex SM, you can ignore this topic.

If you are upgrading from an end-of-service release, you can find information about the changes that are relevant to those releases in Summary of changes from end-of-service releases.

Area Where changes are covered
CICSPlex SM installation and definition See Table 1.
CICSPlex SM configuration and initialization See Table 2 for EYUPARM parameters.

See Table 3 for WUI server initialization parameters (EYUWUI).

See Table 4 for the CMCI.

See Table 5 for the CMCI GraphQL API.

CICSPlex SM behavior and operation See Table 6 for CMAS, MAS and WUI functional changes.

See Table 7 for CICSPlex SM workload management.

See Table 8 for CICSPlex SM BAS.

CICSPlex SM resources

See Table 9 for CICSPlex SM resource tables.

CICSPlex SM installation and definition

Table 1. Changes to CICSPlex SM installation and definition, by release of CICS TS
Change 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
Record size of CICSPlex SM history data sets EYUHIST* CHANGED to

RECORDSIZE(3620 3624)


RECORDSIZE(3680 3684)


RECORDSIZE(3748 3752)


RECORDSIZE(3756 3760)

Support for using PLTPI to run the CICSPlex SM PLT program directly has been removed.   REMOVED: You must migrate to using the CPSMCONN system initialization parameter.    
Removed support for CICS TS 4.2 or earlier REMOVED: You must upgrade CICSPlex SM or CICS regions in your CICSPlex SM environments to CICS TS Version 5.x or higher.      

CICSPlex SM configuration and initialization

Table 2. Changes to CICSPlex SM EYUPARM parameters by release of CICS TS
EYUPARM parameter 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2

For use under the direction of IBM Support.

Table 3. Changes to CICSPlex SM WUI server initialization parameters (EYUWUI), by release of CICS TS
EYUWUI parameter 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2

DEPRECATED: The hostname of the WUI server is the name of the host where the WUI is executing.


TCPIPHOSTNAME is no longer required.


DEPRECATED: The WUI uses relative URLs, and not embedded host names.



CHANGED with APAR PH60557: New value ATTLSAWARE. Use of ATTLSAWARE is recommended over ATTLSBASIC.

CHANGED with APAR PH60557: New value ATTLSAWARE. Use of ATTLSAWARE is recommended over ATTLSBASIC. CHANGED with APAR PH60558: New value ATTLSAWARE. Use of ATTLSAWARE is recommended over ATTLSBASIC. CHANGED:
  • If the WUI server has CICS security active (SEC=YES in the system initialization parameter), TCPIPSSL is mandatory.
  • New value ATTLSAWARE.
  • ATTLSBASIC has been removed. ATTLSAWARE should be used instead for the purpose of using ATTLS for the WUI SSL configuration.
Table 4. Changes to CMCI, by release of CICS TS
Change 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
The CMCI interface now uses the CMCI JVM server by default.   CHANGED: If you have not upgraded to the CMCI JVM server, follow the upgrade instruction in Upgrading CICSPlex SM.    
Enablement of the CMCI JVM server       CHANGED: Enablement of the CMCI JVM server is now set by the WUI server initialization parameter CMCIPROVIDER(JVMSERVER|CICS) instead of through a feature toggle.
Supported Java™ versions       CHANGED: Java version 8 is no longer supported. The CMCI JVM server must be updated to Java version 11 or later.
Table 5. Changes to the CMCI GraphQL API, by release of CICS TS
Change 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
Support for resources   NEW:
Introduction of the CMCI GraphQL API NEW      

CICSPlex SM behavior and operation

Table 6. Changes to CICSPlex SM CMAS, MAS, and WUI by release of CICS TS
Change 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
PERFORM SHUTDOWN and PERFORM SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE enhanced to support the shutdown of CMAS and MAS regions       NEW
CICSPlex SM can now process type 71 ENF events for a CICSplex.

A CMAS that is started with the system initialization parameter RACFSYNC=YES listens for type 71 ENF events and make them available to its connected MAS regions that are started RACFSYNC=CPSM to consume.

Terms used in the CICSPlex WUI

Some terms used in CICSPlex SM WUI are updated, for example, to reflect changed product names, such as IBM® MQ in place of WebSphere MQ.

Table 7. Changes to CICSPlex SM workload management, by release of CICS TS
Change 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
CICSPlex SM workload management factors unallocated storage SOS conditions into its routing algorithm, in the same way as it does for CICS-managed storage SOS conditions.     CHANGED  
Enhanced use of the regions z/OS® WLM health value in CICSPlex SM workload routing decisions CHANGED      
Changes to CICSPlex SM sysplex optimized workload routing behavior

The default behavior of CICSPlex SM workload management routing algorithms has been updated to increase the likelihood that work is routed to healthy, local target regions. This change applies only to the QUEUE and GOAL algorithms, not to the link neutral variants (LNQUEUE and LNGOAL).

Table 8. Changes to CICSPlex SM BAS, by release of CICS TS
Change 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
The CICSPlex SM BAS component is now able to use all available BAS data space storage by spreading large resource deployment lists for BAS across multiple data spaces instead of being constrained to a single data space. This feature is controlled by the feature toggle NEW with APAR PH19761: It is disabled by default. NEW

Also changed with APAR PH26781: The default is changed from true to false.

  CHANGED: The default is changed from false to true.

CICSPlex SM resources

Table 9. Changes to CICSPlex SM resource tables: Highlights of changes across supported releases of CICS TS. The links take you to the relevant tables that describe changes to specific resource tables.
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2  
NEW: NEW: None NEW: SECREC resource table NEW: SECDISC resource table  

In the following tables, the field name given is the field displayed in CICSPlex SM views.

CICSRGN resource table
Related view: CICS region (CICSRGN) view
Table 10. Changes to CICSRGN resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
  • New field PLTPI user ID with resource table attribute name PLTPIUSR, indicating the user ID applicable to PLTPI processing.
  • New field Last COLD start time with resource table attribute name LASTCOLDTIME
  • New field Last EMERGENCY start time with resource table attribute name LASTEMERTIME
  • New field Last INITIAL start time with resource table attribute name LASTINITTIME
  • New field The time of the last warm start of the region that occurred since the last initial start with resource table attribute name LASTWARMTIME
  • New field Number of AIDs with resource table attribute name AIDCOUNT, indicating the current number of automatic initiator descriptors that are in the AID chain for the local system.
  • New SWITCHALL value for dump data set switch type (resource table attribute name DDSSSTAT)
  • New TABLEONLY value for system dump status (resource table attribute name SYSDUMP)
CHANGED: New field Maximum amount of Shared Data Table above the bar storage with resource table attribute SDTMEMLIMIT CHANGED:
  • New field Current Time of Day with resource table attribute name CURRTIME, indicating the CICS ABSTIME time of day of the region.
  • New field Cold Start Resource Group Lists with resource table attribute name GRPLIST, showing the names of the lists containing resource definition groups that are loaded during system initialization for a CICS cold start.
CONNECT resource table
Related view: ISC/MRO connections (CONNECT) view
Table 11. Changes to CONNECT resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
  • New field AIDHWM, indicating the peak number of automatic initiator descriptors that were present in the AID chain.
  • New field AIDSF, giving a full word version of the AIDS field.
DB2CONN resource table
Related view: DB2® connections (DB2CONN) view
Table 12. Changes to DB2CONN resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
CHANGED: New field Current number of connections with pthreads with resource attribute name TCBPROTCUR      
DB2EDEF resource table
Related view: DB2 entry definition (DB2EDEF) view
Table 13. Changes to DB2EDEF resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
    CHANGED: New field Sharelocks option with resource attribute name SHARELOCKS  
DB2ENTRY resource table
Related view: DB2 entries (DB2ENTRY) view
Table 14. Changes to DB2ENTRY resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
    CHANGED: New field Sharelocks option with resource attribute name SHARELOCKS  
DSNAME resource table
Related view: Physical data sets for files (DSNAME) view
Table 15. Changes to DSNAME resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
    DEPRECATED actions:
EMASSICK resource table
Related view: Not applicable
Table 16. Changes to EMASSICK resource table, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
  • New values SOSMVS24, SOSMVS31 and SOSMVS64 added to SICKTYPE output valid values

    New resource table attributes SOSMVS24_TIM, SOSMVS31_TIM and SOSMVS64_TIM

EMASWELL resource table
Related view: Not applicable
Table 17. Changes to EMASWELL resource table, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
  • New values SOSMVS24, SOSMVS31 and SOSMVS64 added to SICKTYPE output valid values

    New resource table attributes SOSMVS24_TIM, SOSMVS31_TIM and SOSMVS64_TIM

EMSTATUS resource table
Related view: Not applicable
Table 18. Changes to EMSTATUS resource table, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
  • New values SOSMVS24, SOSMVS31 and SOSMVS64 added to SICKTYPE output valid values

    New resource table attributes SOSMVS24_TIM, SOSMVS31_TIM and SOSMVS64_TIM

FEATURE resource table
Related view: Not applicable
Table 19. Changes to FEATURE resource table, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
    CHANGED: New resource table attribute FILEPATH  
HTASK resource table
Related view: Completed tasks (history) (HTASK) view
Table 20. Changes to HTASK resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
CHANGED: New field Node.js Application name with resource table attribute name TMRNJAPN, indicating the Node.js application name from which the task was started. CHANGED: New field MVS SOS wait time with resource table attribute name SMMVSSWT CHANGED: New field TRANCLASS tasks with resource table attribute name TCLSTSKS
LOCTRAN resource table
Related view: Local or dynamic transactions (LOCTRAN) view
Table 21. Changes to LOCTRAN resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
    CHANGED: New field The number of transaction purges at class threshold with resource table attribute name PURGECNT  
MONITOR resource table
Related view: Not applicable
Table 22. Changes to MONITOR resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
CHANGED: New attributes URIMAPLIMIT and WEBSERVLIMIT, indicating the limit set for transaction resource monitoring      
NODEJSAP resource table
Related view: Not applicable
Table 23. Changes to NODEJSAP resource table, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2

Base table for Node.js applications

RULE resource table
Related view: Not applicable
Table 24. Changes to RULE resource table, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
CHANGED with APAR PH45119:
  • Attributes COUNT and TIME are changed to indicate the values since the region started instead of within the current statistics interval.
  • New resource table attributes COUNTSTAT and TIMESTAT
CHANGED with APAR PH45119:
  • Attributes COUNT and TIME are changed to indicate the values since the region started instead of within the current statistics interval.
  • New resource table attributes COUNTSTAT and TIMESTAT
  • Attributes COUNT and TIME are changed to indicate the values since the region started instead of within the current statistics interval.
  • New resource table attributes COUNTSTAT and TIMESTAT
  CHANGED with APAR PH34348: New value transactionDump added to RULETYPE CHANGED: New value transactionDump added to RULETYPE  
  CHANGED with APAR PH29187: New value containerstorage added to RULETYPE field CHANGED: New value containerstorage added to RULETYPE field  
  • New resource table attribute OPENSTATUS
  • New value WLMHEALTH added to ACTION
  • New values dbctlConnection, mqConnection and pipelineEnable added to RULETYPE
SECDISC resource table
Related view: Not applicable
Table 25. Changes to SECDISC resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
      New: Resource table for CICS security discovery status
SECREC resource table
Related view: Not applicable
Table 26. Changes to SECREC resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
    NEW: Resource table for CICS security request recording data  
SYSDUMP resource table
Related view: CICS system dump code (SYSDUMP) view
Table 27. Changes to SYSDUMP resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
  CHANGED: New resource signature values for system dump codes    
TASK resource table
Related view: Active tasks (TASK) view
Table 28. Changes to TASK resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2>
CHANGED: New field Node.js Application name with resource table attribute name TMRNJAPN, indicating the Node.js application name from which the task was started. CHANGED: New field MVS SOS wait time with resource table attribute name SMMVSSWT CHANGED: New field TRANCLASS tasks with resource table attribute name TCLSTSKS
TCPDEF resource table
Related view: TCP/IP service definitions (TCPDEF) view
Table 29. Changes to TCPIPGBL resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
  CHANGED: New field HTTP OPTIONS handler program with resource attribute name OPTIONSPGM    
TCPIPGBL resource table
Related view: TCP/IP global statistics (TCPIPGBL) view
Table 30. Changes to TCPIPGBL resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2  
    DEPRECATED attributes but retained for compatibility:
TDQDEF resource table
Related view: Transient data queue definitions (TDQDEF) view
Table 31. Changes to TDQDEF resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
CHANGED: New field Default job user ID for jobs to JES internal rdr with resource table attribute name JOBUSERID      
TERMNL resource table
Related view: Terminals (TERMNL) view
Table 32. Changes to TERMNL resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
New attributes indicating IP addresses of TN3270 clients:
  • Field Client TN3270 IPv4 or IPv6 address with resource table attribute name TNADDR
  • Field Address format of the TNADDR option with resource table attribute name TNIPFAMILY
  • Field Port number with resource table attribute name TNPORT
    CHANGED: New field Host name with resource table attribute name TNHOST
TRANCLAS resource table
Related view: Transaction class (TRANCLAS) view
Table 33. Changes to TRANCLAS resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
    CHANGED: New field Last time maximum active transactions reached with resource table attribute name LASTATMAX CHANGED: New field Purge action with resource table attribute name PURGEACTION
TRANDUMP resource table
Related view: CICS transaction dump codes (TRANDUMP) view
Table 34. Changes to TRANDUMP resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
  CHANGED: New resource signature values for transaction dump codes    
TRNCLDEF resource table
Related view: Transaction class definition (TRNCLDEF) view
Table 35. Changes to TRNCLDEF resource table and its related view, by release of CICS TS
5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2
      CHANGED: New field Purge action with resource table attribute name PURGEACTION