Upgrading from CICS TS Developer Trial

You can upgrade CICS® regions from Developer Trial to a full version of CICS as the Monthly License Charge (MLC) base edition of CICS TS, subject to your purchased entitlement, without having to reinstall. This information applies to all currently supported CICS TS releases.

If you are upgrading from an end-of-service release, you might need to take additional actions that are relevant to your current, end-of-service release. You can find additional upgrade actions for migrating from end-of-service releases in Upgrading from end-of-service releases.

Upgrade actions

Your current version Action Mandatory or optional?
All versions Install the activation module Mandatory
All versions Replace the SDFHDEV library Mandatory
All versions Start the CICS region Mandatory

Install the activation module

All versions

Install the activation module for either CICS TS or Value Unit Edition. For instructions, see Installing the CICS TS activation module. You don't need to install the base module because you can use the libraries that you installed for Developer Trial.

Replace the SDFHDEV library

All versions

Replace the SDFHDEV library in the STEPLIB of the CICS TS JCL for the CICS region with the SDFHLIC library for CICS TS, or with the SDFHVUE library for Value Unit Edition.
  • The SDFHLIC or SDFHVUE library must be APF-authorized. For instructions, see Authorizing the CICS and CICSPlex SM libraries.
  • If you use coupling facility data table servers, temporary storage servers, region status servers, or named counter servers, also add the SDFHLIC or SDFHVUE library to the STEPLIB of the JCL for each of the servers.

Start the CICS region

All versions

Start the CICS region. To validate your installation, in the console view, read the initial active messages:
  • Message DFHTI0200 and message DFHTI0201, which are issued when you start a Developer Trial region, should not be displayed.
  • For Value Unit Edition, message DFHTI0103 is issued if you are running Value Unit Edition.