The DUMP system initialization parameter specifies whether the CICS® dump domain is to take SDUMPs.

DUMP={YES|NO|TABLEONLY} (active and alternate)
Valid values are as follows:
SDUMPs are produced, unless suppressed by the options specified in the CICS system dump table or by the z/OS® system defaults.
SDUMPs are suppressed.
Note: This does not prevent the CICS kernel from taking SDUMPs.
SDUMPs are suppressed except those which have an explicit entry in the dump table with options that allow a dump to be taken. This allows for targeted capturing of dumps for a specific error situation. Any dump table entries added implicitly by CICS will not result in a dump being taken.

For information about the SDUMP macro and the associated dump data sets, see z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids.